6 | .°~Prepare~°.

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Y/n had doze off on the couch while thinking about the system of heaven. It was a well needed nap but it didn't last long as she was woken up. Husk shook her shoulder softly. "Hey we are going to start preparing ourselves. Charlie and Vaggie should be back soon and we want to surprise them." Y/n stood up and wiped her eyes. "Alright," she groaned while stretching.

   Y/n, Husk, Niffty, Sir Pentious, Cherri, and Angel who was back from the studio started boarding up and securing the hotel for the upcoming extermination. Sir Pentious had his Egg boys working for him but they seemed quite happy about it.

   Soon Charlie and Vaggie came through the door smiling, having just made up. "Huh, look who decided to show up, we though we were fighting by ourselves" Angel joked while wrapping his arms around Sir pentious and Husk. Charlie's eyes went wide and she grinned even larger then before, this one more exited. "You...you're still here.." Vaggie said quietly, a small smile forming. "What, do you think we're a bunch of pussssssiessss?" Sir pentious asked. "We aren't leaving." Y/n crossed her arms. "I just got used to you guys," Husk sighed, "I ain't finding no new training buddies." Niffty cut in as she showed up on Angels head. "I named all the stains on the carpet! Hehe..that one's Fred," she giggled. Charlie squinted her eyes at Niffty. She shrugged it off as she turned to the others. "Well, looks like we've got a lot of work to do."


   Charlie looked at the cannibals with an uncomfortable smile. "I wish my mom were here to see this.." she said to Vaggie. "The cannibals seem ready to fight...are we?" Vaggie asked. Sir pentious came out in his blue general suit. "Fear not damsels! I shall have the staff ready for victorious combat!" He said while raising his fist. "What in the hell are you supposed to be?" Vaggie asked, unamused. "General Pentious, reporting for duty. I'll turn those rapscallions into soldiers in no time at all!" Sir pentious saluted them. Charlie just smiled, "Thank you pen"

   Niffty ran up to Sir pentious and looked up at him with an eager expression, "What can I do to help?" Sir pentious bent down to her level and put a finger up. "I'm glad, you asked, soldier. The base needs fortifications. Reinforce the southern wall. Create a moat around the perimeter to stop a ground assault." He told her. Niffty looks up at him in confusion. Y/n laughed then handed Niffty a knife. "Here, you see an angel, stab it." Niffty took the knife without hesitation and ran towards Angel dust causing him to climb up the pole of the hotel. "NOT HIM." Y/n yelled. Niffty paused then ran away cackling. Angel came down the pole doing a little stripper move because...he's experienced.

   "Listen up, sinners! We've got 24 hours before the Extermination begins. Let's get to work." Vaggie says loudly. The cannibals all start training along with the hotel staff. Y/n walked over to Charlie and put an arm around her shoulder. "Good job. I..I don't really know what else to say. I'm not good with words." Y/n smiled weakly. Charlie smiled back and patted her hand. "Don't worry about it. But thank you Y/n, for being a part of this."

   Charlie takes Alastors microphone, "Hello?" She tapped the microphone, "I want to thank everyone for coming. Even people who aren't staying here yet...Cherri." She squinted her eyes at Cherri bomb. "Look, I can't resist a fight, okay? Especially when I get to tag team with this fuckhead." Cherri laughed while putting her arm around Angel dust.

'Tomorrow, the exorcist angels will face a Hell ready to defend itself and win!" Charlie said with a determined smile. "Yeah, yeah, we will Tell 'em, baby!" Vaggie cheered Charlie on. Charlie went on, "Yes, and we are..we are going to win! But in case we don't, I want you all to know that getting to know you has been the biggest honor of my life. Whatever redemption really means, I know you all tried. I have seen the good in all of you. And it's..I..I'm just..I love you all, so much, and-and live tonight however you want because-" "WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE" Niffty yelled, cutting Charlie off and laughing maniacally. Vaggie started clapping to change the subject, "Alright! Let's give it up for not dying! Love not dying." She stopped for a moment as no one did anything. "Drinks?"


   Angel dust came up to Y/n and tapped her shoulder with a smirk. She turned around quickly. "Hm?" Angel bent down to reach her level. "Sir snake boy is totally in love with Cherri," he whispered. Y/n covered her mouth. "Really?!" She asked in disbelief. Angel put his hand over her hand covering her mouth and chuckled, "Be quiet!" She nodded. "Look help me set them up hot stuff" he said, taking his hand away. Y/n clicked her tongue then went off to find Sir Pentious.

   Once finding him she leaned on the table. "Hey pentious." He turned to her and smiled. "Hello missss Y/n," he said, dragging out the 's' like usual. "You should go talk to Cherri. The extermination is soon..." Y/n said, faking a worried expression. Sir pentious' smile faded. "Do you ttthink?" He put a finger on his chin. "Yup." Y/n said with a intent filled smirk. Sir pentious stood up straight and cleared his throat. "Then I shall do so!" He slithered away and Y/n jumped. "Perfect" she said quietly enough he wouldn't hear.

"Hey, Charlie said live tonight however we wanted so pour me a fresh one, and let's get to living!" Angel said. Husk pours Angel another drink and slides it to him. Sir pentious get up to Cherri Bomb and says, "Miss Bomb? Cherri?" Cherri turns to him. "Yeah?" She said. "I want to tell you that I...I love..I'd love to wish you good luck in the battle ahead." He reached his hand out and shakes hers. Cherris eyes narrowed. "Okay.." Sir pentious smiles. "You are...have always been, a worthy opponent. With the most brilliant explosive contraptions I've ever seen." Cherri, confused, reaspond with a, "Uh...thanks?" Sir pentious goes to confess but chicken out. "Anyway, I guess...please don't die tomorrow okay, bye!" He says quickly then runs off. Angel dust smirks seeing that his and Y/n's plan almost worked. "You know, you could totally tap that." He says, pointing at Pentious. Cherri sucked through her teeth and looked away "Don't be gross." Angel kept his eyes on Sir pentious. "Cuz you know, I hear he's got 2 dicks," he says, trying to convince Cherri. Cherri looks at Angel then up. "Hm" She started considering it. Y/n who was watching walked over and fist bumped Angel dust. "Perfect."

-1197 words

Hey guys! Sorry it took so long I've been busy and it was a bit longer. Hope yall like it.

.°~Love ya~°.

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