4 | .°~Courtroom~°.

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   Y/n mumbled to herself as Charlie and Vaggie brought her to their room. She was still going on about how Adam annoyed her. Once at the room she sat down on the bed. "So when do you have to go to this meeting or whatever?" She asked. Vaggie crossed her arms. "Soon enough. Get ready," Vaggie said looking down at Y/n. "I am ready," Y/n leaned back on the bed.

   Charlie started to get stuff together for the court. "I'm going to get set up and practice. Bye guys!" She waved with a bunch of papers in her hands. Y/n waved back and Vaggie smiled, "Be careful honey."

   Y/n got up from the bed and stretched. "I think I'm going to-" she was cut off by Adam and Lute busting through the door. "Got damn it." She rolled her eyes. Adam looked over at
Y/n. "ohhh you again," he smirked, "and you, Vaggie." He said pronouncing it wrong. "It's Vaggie." She corrected. He shook his head, "Nope. I named you." Y/n raised an eyebrow. "Wait what?" She asked in confusion. How did Adam name a sinner. Adam turned to Y/n keeping his grin. He put his arm around her shoulders and pointed at Vaggie. "She was my top girl." Lute had a disgusted look on her face. "Until she betrayed us." Y/n looked up at Adam then back at Vaggie. "Wait what? Does Charlie know?" Vaggie looked away, "No, she can't. She wouldn't trust me. But I had to leave them! They are flawed." She said looking at Adam and Lute with betrayal. Adams grin became a glare. "Nuh uh" Lute crossed her arms "it's not flawed if you are the one not following our morals," Lute said. Vaggie kept her eyes off them. "Just leave." She said in a stern tone. "Sure, but we're telling Charlie today." Vaggies face became one of panic. "Adam-" she said but got cut off by Lute leaving the room. Adam gave
Y/n a smirk and nod, "See ya soon sinner" Y/n put her hand on his cheek and pushed him away. "Alright bye Adam," she said wanting him to leave. Adam left the room after sticking the middle finger up at Vaggie.

   Vaggie sat down on the bed and put her face in her hands. Y/n sat beside her and put a hand on Vaggies back. Her and Vaggie hadn't had the best relationship but she still felt bad. "I know it must be hard but if they do tell Charlie I'm sure she will forgive you. Charlie loves you deeply and I'm sure that over time she can and will stay with you," Y/n said smiling. Vaggie shrugged "let's just hope it goes smooth.."


Y/n walked with Vaggie into the courtroom. Charlie was already there and set up. She smiled seeing the two walk in. Sera and Emily sat at the very top. Adam and Lute came in last. As they sat Lute set her mask down and locked eyes with Vaggie. Adam looked at Y/n with his same stupid grin. Y/n rolled her eyes and looked away. "Dumbass.." she mumbled to herself.

When the meeting started Y/n didn't pay much attention. Once hearing Adam struggle to say something she looked up with a smirk. "Just give me a fucking second," he grumbled while pulling out a pen and paper. He wrote something down then sent it down to Charlie, Vaggie, and Y/n. Y/n took the paper and read it. "Act selfless, don't steal, stick it to the man? What the actual fuck," she slammed the paper down as she looked up at Adam in annoyance and incertitude. "Well yeah, sure got me here" he said pointing to himself with a smirk. "Ri- haha right Sera?" He asked laughing unsurely. Sera smiled weakly at Adam. He turned back to Vaggie, Charlie, and Y/n with a irritated expression. Y/n put her elbows on the table and leaned on it. She had her hands interlocked beneath her chin as she smirked at Adam. He growled at her before turning to Lute. "This bitch is making me mad," he said quietly to her. She kept a serious expression and tone as she responded, "stay calm sir."

Charlie started to go on with the plan as she used Angel dust's actions to show he did everything on the list. Y/n kept her eyes on Adam who seemed to be getting more aggravated by the second. Seeing him mad made her smile grow. He broke his eyes away from Angel dust for a second to look over at
Y/n. Seeing that his anger made her happy just made him more angry. He stuck the middle finger up at her. "Fuck you," he said in a tone so that only she could hear since everyone else was distracted. "You wish you could," she said, joking but also to annoy him. Adam scoffed. "If I wanted to fuck you I would," he chuckled but still without smiling. Y/n leaned on the table further as she looked at him. The two glared at eachother with a slight smirk before getting cut off by Emily.

"But she was right Sera" Emily sung while showing her the checklist. Y/n groaned to herself as she put her head in her hands. As everyone continued singing her head peeked up hearing Adam. "There's no question to be posed. He's unholy cases closed! Did you forget that hell is forever?" Him and Lute sung together. Y/n watched Adam in slight admiration. While singing he gentle held her chin and made her face him. Without realizing her face became red. She swatted his hand away and looked away. "Fuckin..fucker...fuck!" She said to herself.

She continued to beat herself up for turning red until she heard something that made her expression become on of horror. "Did you ever think your little girlfriend might be a liar?" Adam sang with a cocky grin. "Don't- Adam please," Vaggie begged. "What's the fuss? Why hide the fact that your an angel just like us" he dragged on the 'us' for a long time. "Dick move," Y/n said as she put a hand on Vaggies shoulder and used her other finger to flip Adam off. Even with her middle finger stuck at him Adam seemed unfazed.

-1100 words

Hey guys! I know I said I would post it yesterday but this was a longer one. Hope you enjoyed it.

.°~Love ya~°.

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