sixteen. all fake?

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❝ thank for leading me on walker ❞

(    ⋆·˚ ༘ *  IN BETWEEN , WALKER SCOBELL     )❝ thank for leading me on walker ❞

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I FELT MY HEART DROP TO THE BOTTOM OF MY STOMACH. no matter how hard i tried, i just couldn't look away from them. walker was laughing at something phoebe had said and she had a grin on her face, red cheeks and looked down shyly.

it was everything i did when i was with walker.

matt was still beside me, a regretful look on his face. "rowan.." he trails off but then cuts himself off when he saw the heartbroken look on my face.

eventually, walker's eyes met mine, his face dropping. holding eye contact with him was the hardest thing to do right now but i just couldn't peel my gaze away from him. i hope he could see how much i was hurting right now.

"rowan—" he took a step forward and that's all it took for me to turn around quickly, running away and forgetting about the food. i just wanted to get away.

away from everyone.

it was clear i wasn't quick enough as walker caught up to me and grabbed my wrist. "rowan please hear me out." he desperately asked, a hopeful look on his face.

"walker, i don't want to." i mumbled, staring at him with tears in my eyes. "please let me go."

"not until you let me explain— this is all a misunderstanding!"

i scoffed, shaking my head. "misunderstanding?! you lied to me!" i exclaimed, ripping my hand away from his grasp and walker tried to reach again but i flinched away.

"no rowan it's not what you think!" he tried to reason with me, stepping forward but i pulled away.

"i'm so stupid! of course you didn't like me, it was all a joke and you like phoebe! thanks for leading me on walker." i turned around and walker whispered out my name.

i couldn't turn back now. "you know, out of all people, i would have never guessed it would be you that would break my heart.

walker didn't say anything, instead he let me go. even though it was what i wanted — for him to leave me alone— i couldn't help but cry.

i opened the door to my hotel room, sobbing while tears trailed down my face. rebecca looked up from the couch. "hey rowan, where the— what happened?!"

rebecca quickly stood up, rushing over to me. "oh rowan, sweetie." she wrapped me in a hug and that's when i broke down.

it felt like i cried everywhere in the room. after rebecca left last night, i just couldn't stop crying. it didn't feel real, i mean, walker breaking my heart? he was the sweetest boy i knew.

𝐈𝐍 𝐁𝐄𝐓𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐍  ⸻ walker scobellWhere stories live. Discover now