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Kya was slowly but surely mastering Waterbending. Katara watched her in awe as she handled water so flawlessly.
"How are you getting so good?!"
"Eh. Practice makes perfect!" Kya shrugged, "Here, let me teach you something. This is the water whip. Once you have your water, shift your weight onto your back foot, could be your left or your right, doesn't matter, use the most dominant one. From there.."
She was interrupted, "Wait! I'm confused go back. Which foot?"
Kya groaned, flipping her arms to her sides. "Okay well, it's not just something you can master by learning the technique. Of course that helps, but, just tap into your feelings for a second, bending is about gathering the energy you hold in that current moment. Just take a moment."
Katara exhaled and closed her eyes before trying again. Once she did, the water simply splashed in front of her. She sighed, "I'm never gonna get this stuff!"
"It's okay, you will pick it up. We should get going!"
Katara shook her head smiling as Kya ran off in front of her.
"She's opening up, I think. Being more like her old self, I mean. Maybe time away from the village was what she needed all along."


Sokka gazed longingly at Suki's fan. Kya watched him intently, her heart hurting, the reason unbeknownst to her.
"Maybe if you say her name three times she'll appear right here in this saddle!" Kya mocked.
"Shut up Kya." Sokka said, his gaze not leaving the possession.
"I liked her too." Katara said. Sokka looked up to smile at her.
"Yeah she was... Alright I guess." Kya trailed off.
"I have no idea what she saw in you though Sokka." Katara giggled.
"Hey! What's not to like?"
"Lots." Katara and Kya blurted out at the same time, causing a laughing fit between them.
Sokka couldn't help but smile, it was nice for him to see Kya happy and talking again. He had forgotten how contagious her laugh was.
"Look!" Aang exclaimed.
"What is it? Fire Nation?" Sokka moved to see the view.
"No. I think... I think it's another airbender!" Aang was ecstatic.
"Head headed for that mountain." Sokka pointed to something in the distance.
"That's no mountain... It's Omashu!" Aang enthused, "Appa, Yip Yip!"


While Aang described Omashu to his friends, Kya was too busy looking around to listen. This. This is where Kya wanted to be. The air was fresh, the sun was shining. She wasn't sure how she could feel so at home in a place she had never been before. It was the opposite to her cold home. A smile shot across her face, a rare sight for the moody girl. Without realising, she had strayed from the group.
"Kya!" Sokka ran towards her and grabbed her arm, "Come on!"
"How are we gonna get through the walls if the guards are questioning everyone?" Aang spoke.
Katara sighed.
"They don't take kindly to outsiders in Omashu." A voice from behind them rang out. When Kya turned to see, her gaze was met with a boy her age, possibly a year younger. He had shoulder length fluffy hair and he looked to be local.
Kya's cheeks heated, her face turning red, Sokka noticed and furrowed his brows.
"What makes you think we're outsiders?" Aang questioned.
The boy looked them up and down and it became apparent he was referring to their clothing, "No reason!" he said with a smile.
Kya melted. She suddenly became very aware of how the boy perceived her. She smoothed her hair and brushed herself off.
"What are you doing?" Sokka whispered to her.
"Look at him!" She whispered back.
The boy nodded to say farewell, carrying on his journey.
"Wait!" Kya stopped him, running to his carriage. "I'm Kya, we're new here, but we have a friend we need to see. We need some help getting inside." She said softly, batting her eyelashes.
Sokka scoffed.
The boy pondered before nodding, "Here, put this on." He gave a dress to Kya, "You three can stay in the back."
"What?" Sokka spat, "I'm not sitting in-"
"Sokka." Katara warned, he obeyed.
Kya put on the dress. It wasn't the most flattering fit on her, but it was their only shot at getting in to Omashu.
"Sorry." The boy said to her. Sokka's ears cocked up from the back of the carriage, listening intently.
"It's either that dress or the turnip sack." The boy shrugged, "Although I'm sure you can make that look good too."
Kya blushed again, by now she was sure she was a red hot mess. Sokka rolled his eyes and crossed his arms in discontent.
"Omashu is one of the last Earth Kingdom strongholds. Try as they might, the Firebenders haven't been able to take it yet. That's why they're so careful here."
Kya tilted her head and moved closer to the boy, "So... How do you know we're not a threat?"
"Just a feeling."
"Oh wow." Sokka said from the back, Kya couldn't even hear him, her gaze stuck on the boy.
They started to approach a guard. "Hold there." The man asked, "State your business."
"Headed to the market, as usual." He smiled.
Kya's heart was racing as the guard did not look impressed, averting his attention to the back of the carriage.
"Oh, wasn't a great crop this month." He chuckled and put his hand on Kya's knee, "She told me I wasn't watering the turnips enough. Knew there was a reason I married her."
Kya bit harshly on her bottom lip before smiling at the guard.
Sokka muttered something to himself angrily and brought himself into visibility.
"My uh- best man here would agree if he could speak." Sokka turned his gaze to the boy, "Struck mute at birth."
Embarrassment creeped over Sokka as he sat himself back down.
"You'd be amazed at how much he can say without words." The Earth Kingdom boy chuckled, "Just the other day he made us laugh SO hard we-"
"Alright." The guard spoke. "That's enough. Move along."
The walls opened for them and they entered Omashu. It was beautiful. The market was packed with hundreds of people, and strangely Kya, who usually hates people, felt herself fitting right in.
The carriage came to a halt and everyone jumped out.
Kya looked to the boy.
"Good luck finding your friend. And be careful. Omashu can be a dangerous place."
She nodded and off he went.
Suddenly she shook her head, realising. "Wait! I never got his name!" Kya announced to the group.
Sokka scoffed, "Suprising when you were pretty much on his lap the whole time."
Everyone looked at him, confused.
"What? I just don't like the guy, he's like look! I'm from the Earth Kingdom! I'm so cool! Like, no you're not even cool dude."
Kya tilted her head in confusion, but ultimately walked away.
Katara smiled at him, "You're so jealous! You could try to make it less obvious. I really thought you were over her." She quietly spoke, making sure that Kya wouldn't overhear.
Sokka's cheeks heated.
Before the Fire Nation's ambush, Sokka was sure that Kya would be his future wife. She was the girl he loved and adored. The girl he lost.
"Shh!! Keep your voice down. What are you talking about even? I- Kya and I. No. I've never even- why would you think- just- I. That's not even- No. And- and besides, I kissed Suki, would I even do that if- if you know. What you said was true?"
"Okay! Okay! I'm dropping it." Katara laughed.
"There he is! Look!" Aang shouted, pointing to a figure in the distance, he ran through the market.
"Aang! Wait up!" Sokka called for him, chasing after.
Kya had wondered far from the group by now, too intrigued by the market around her. She turned around, expecting Sokka, Aang and Katara behind her. Her face dropped when she realised she was lost, in Omashu.
She sighed.
How am I ever gonna get back to them now? I suppose I could just live out my future here. Wait for the war to quiet down. Own a tea shop or a library. Buy myself a humble house. Live until I'm 73. Die peacefully in my sleep. I could do that.
She wondered around Omashu aimlessly. If it were anyone else, they would get bored of window shopping and walking towards no destination. But Kya enjoyed it. Not having to speak to anyone, not having anything to do. No expectations.
Her stomach rumbled, she looked down.
Ok well that may be an issue.
She turned a corner suddenly, and ran into the handsome boy she had met before.
"Ah! My wife has come to visit me!" He exclaimed, "Where's your crew?"
Kya blushed.
"I got lost. I'm here alone." She said sheepishly.
"Hm. I leave you alone for ten minutes and you get lost? I told you to be careful here."
Kya rolled her eyes, "Okay I'm not stupid or anything I just. Got distracted!"
He smiled, "Well, I suppose I better show you around. And help you find your friends of course."
"I never asked, what's your name?"
"They call me Jet." He smirked.
Little pretentious, but alright. She thought.
"Come on, follow me." He said, slinging an arm over her shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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