Begin Again

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"Take a deep breath," I say to myself in the mirror

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"Take a deep breath," I say to myself in the mirror. "He's just a stupid boy."

Silence fills the room as I sit and contemplate what my next move is. If I even want to make a next move. Am I really about to do this? After I swore off dating after I told myself this was the summer for independent girlies... I'm getting ahead of myself, though.

I'm in the middle of the first United States leg of my world tour right now. It's been an insane year by anyone's standards, but especially mine. I never saw anything that happened this year coming from a mile away, except for one thing, my breakup.

I knew it was a matter of time before it happened. Joe and I were losing interest in each other, we had grown apart. Ultimately, we realized we wanted two different lives, and that we just didn't fit together. It got to the point that we were just putting up with each other. Neither of us wanted to be the one to call it until it finally happened. I broke things off. We were able to keep it private for a while before people started questioning things... I think the biggest red flag was when he wasn't at any of the first Eras shows. It became an unavoidable topic, that just needed to finally be discussed.

Six years of my life were suddenly down the drain. It feels like it was a total waste, all that time for nothing. I'm choosing to move on, to stop looking at the past, and look towards the future. It's a lot easier said than done, though. Sometimes it's hard to get out of bed, let alone go on a stage in front of 80,000 people, and perform a bunch of love songs for three and a half hours straight, but I can do it with a broken heart.

The future is exciting, though. My version of Speak Now was just released, it feels so good to have such a big part of my life be officially mine again. I just finished two nights in Kansas City, and I'm sitting in my dressing room taking it all in. I like to do that after the last show in every city. Just sit alone in my dressing room, away from everyone, look over pictures, lurk on everyone's tweets... just take ten minutes to myself to really let it sink in.

"Hey kiddo, great show!" An all too familiar voice snapped me out of being in my only little world. I looked up from my phone, before sliding it in the small pocket of my black leggings.

"Hey Dad, thanks! I think that one might be one of my favorite ones yet," I replied walking over to give him a hug. "Are the cars outside ready for us?"

"Ready whenever you are, just wanted to check in. I know you like to have some time to yourself after shows," He said before turning around to walk out of the room.

"Wait, what's wrong?" I could tell something was up with him. Usually after a stretch of shows he wants to sit down, show me the pictures and videos he took, talk about some of the fan interactions he had, and just do a big recap together.

"Oh nothing, Tay..." There was a decently long pause, that led to me raising my eyebrow and asking the question again. "It's just that there was a lot of buzz before the show about a football player coming to the show tonight. We didn't want to distract you with that, so we let it go," this piqued my interest almost immediately. "He plays for the Chiefs, he ended up making his way down to the tent at one point, and asked me if there was any way he could meet you after the show."

"And you told him that I only meet people before the show, and not after?" I asked mimicking him because I already knew the answer.

"Tay, I didn't think you would even be interested in a conversation with him, honestly." He was right, normally I would not be interested in having one, and he wouldn't be the first person we've had to turn down so far this tour. "He did tell me that he made a friendship bracelet for you, I offered to give it to you, but he said that he wanted to give it to you himself."

A smile came across my face at the thought of a big football player making me a tiny friendship bracelet. "Did you at least get his name?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Of course," he laughed. "I wouldn't have let some nameless person ask to meet you. It's Travis Kelce."

That name rang a bell. I had heard about him a few times through Keleigh and Miles I think, so there is a mutual connection there.

We ended up leaving the stadium and headed back to our hotel. Typically, I fly out the same night the tour ends in whatever city we are in, but we opted to spend an extra day in Kansas City since we had some extended family in town for the show. Once we made it back to the hotel, my dad and I went our separate ways, heading to our own rooms.

All I could think about at this point was the football player who tried to give me a friendship bracelet tonight. I haven't really been interested in dating lately, I've been in my "having fun era," I guess you could say. I decided that a little stalking on the internet couldn't hurt.

I went straight to Instagram, I always believe you can get a feel for the kind of vibe a person has right away based on what they post. 'KillaTrav' popped up in the search bar results when I typed in 'Travis Kelce' and I couldn't help but laugh. "That's so unserious, I love it," I whispered to myself.

After doing a little digging, I found out he has a podcast with his older brother, does a lot of charity work, and seems to be well-versed in the Swiftie lore. I feel like I should reach out, no... I want to reach out. How do I do that, though? "Hey, sorry my dad decided to deny you access to me," that's so lame.

I got up to head to the bathroom to take a shower and finish getting un-ready from the concert. The entire time I kept thinking about how to reach out to this man. Ultimately, I decided to repay the favor.

I finished up my shower and got in a comfy pair of grey sweatpants, and an old ratty Eagles t-shirt, before calling Tree.

"Hey it's me, were you still up?" I asked after she answered the phone, knowing that she definitely was not still up, but I would make up for it later. "Amazing, so I have a weird request..."

AN:// Hi!!! New story, I'm so excited about. I have no idea where it'll go, but I'm so excited to get back into writing. If you have any requests/suggestions let me know!! This is obviously all in good fun, I don't know TnT or their full story (none of us do!) but I love reading everyone put a creative spin on their stories, so here's mine! Hope you guys stick around for the ride!! - MK

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