Moonlight Madness

54 2 11

Trigger warning: this chapter contains themes of attempted and admitted assault. You have been warned.

She felt so warm. Wherever she was it felt like being wrapped in comfort and warmth, and she wanted to stay there forever. These were the first thoughts that went through Amity's mind as she started to wake up the next morning. Then more details started coming into focus. Warm slightly silky sheets beneath her, feathers under her head and around her, but most comforting was the strong arm holding her close and the rhythmic drumming in her ear, heavy and strong. Then she realized it was a heartbeat, and not one she knew, but she felt like she could listen to it forever, and never get bored of it. Then there was a slight shifting around her and she felt warm breath on her forehead as whomever was holding her pulled her closer tenderly.

Finally Amity managed to summon the energy to open her eyes, and when she did she nearly passed out again. Luz was the one holding her. She was in Luz's room, and... oh Titan, she looked so beautiful and peaceful. Sure her hair was a mess, and there was a faint dribble of drool, but Amity didn't care. Luz was beautiful, she had no other word for it. Amity wanted to kiss her. It wouldn't be their first, despite the fact that they had decided to wait to start dating, but she couldn't. Luz looked too peaceful, and Amity didn't want to ruin that. Not to mention she felt like it would be wrong, like she was somehow taking advantage of her, and that could never be allowed.

Deciding to try to get up, Amity found it impossible. The more she tried to escape or pull away the stronger Luz held her. She had a choice to make. She could free herself, but that would undoubtedly wake Luz up, or she could surrender and just let the sweet Titaness beside her keep sleeping and holding her lovingly. Making her decision she stopped fighting, and just let the warmth wash over her again as she returned to her new favorite place; Luz's embrace, and slowly she felt herself drifting away again to the steady drumming of her loves heart.


The next time Amity awoke the warmth was gone, and she felt a pair of eyes watching her. Sitting up, Amity saw Vee's smirking face, but no Luz. With a groan Amity managed to force out, "Morning Victoria. Where's Luz?"

This made the basilisk chuckle, "Still haven't had enough of my sister? A part of me was worried you might after spooning all night, but I'm happy to see that I was wrong." Amity blushed, but Vee ignored it. "Luz is in the kitchen making a late breakfast. She asked if I'd keep an eye on you for her, and bring you down when you woke up, but before that I need to know. Does this mean you're finally together? Please say yes. Oh, and please tell me you confessed first. No offense, but I need the snails."

Amity looked confused before the pieces fell into place, and she looked annoyed, "You made bets on who would confess first?"

Vee shrugged, "It was never a question of if, only when. Now give me the details, please. If you confessed first, King owes me ten, and if you're together Willow owes me fifty." Vee paled, "Oh my Titan, please tell me Luz didn't confess first... I don't think I have the hundred snails I'd owe the twins."

Amity sighed, "Sadly Willow keeps her snails."

Vee looked shocked and disappointed, "What!? Are you serious? Did you really turn her down? Lumity can't sink. Come on Mity, what happened?"

Amity hugged her knees, "Lumity? No, Ugh." Amity couldn't look at Vee as she explained, "I managed to confess, but then I started having a meltdown thinking I messed up." Amity blushed, "She kissed me, and we talked. We agreed to wait until all this stuff with Ms. Noceda is over, and Luz has a better grasp on what she is, but... why does it hurt? I love her, and she says she loves me, but we can't be together? She makes me feel things I've never felt before, but that scares me. Last night was terrifying, but also the best night of my life. All I want is to find her, and hold her close, but does that make me selfish?" Amity continued to spiral until she felt Vee wrap herself around Amity, and gave her a hug.

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