Chapter 3

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Kim Taehyung

I stood staring in the full-length mirror while the tailor worked in my tux. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Doyun, Junseo's bestfriend growing up, grinning at me.


He just shook his head, that stupid grin still on his face.

"What?" I asked, a little louder this time.

"I just can't believe you took her home"

I sighed. "I didn't 'take her home.' Not like that."

"Why didn't you just drop her off at her house?"

I sighed again, knowing I needed to tell the entire story or he wouldn't leave it alone. "When I saw Jennie and Aeri waiting for a ride, I offered to drive them home. It was freezing. They were drunk, and their ride seemed to be late. We dropped Aeri off first. On the way to Jennie's house, she started fumbling through her purse."

If you could even call that monstrosity of a bad a purse.

"When she couldn't find her keys, she started to panic. That's when I brought her home with me. She was two seconds away from throwing up, anyway. I was not going to let that happen in my car."

He nodded, as if my story was believable. Which was absurd, since it was the truth.

"Hey! You guys look pretty sharp." My brother walked in, all smiles.

I honestly haven't seen him like this happy in a long time. I did like Bonghee. They were good for each other.

"So..." Doyun began, and i knew he was going to rat me out. He was such a punk. "Did you hear Jennie went home with Taehyung last night?"

My brother shot me a look. I just shook my head. "Thanks, Doyun." He just shrugged, then gave me a cocky smile. I ignored him and looked at my brother. "It's not like that. She was drunk, couldn't get into her house, and didn't have much of a choice."

Junseo let out a small laugh. "She was a bit tipsy when I ran into her."

As far as I knew, I never really cared much for Jennie. As if proving my point, he changed the subject without giving it another thought. He began asking about the bachelor party that Doyun and I were planning it together. Mostly because Doyun was a big dope. Neither of us trusted him to do anything.

Junseo wanted a combined bachelor-bachelorette party with the girls. At first, I wasn't too exited about that idea. Now that I knew Jennie would be invited, since she was my date, i couldn't wait. If anything, it'll give me an excuse to text her.


When I went home after the tux fitting, I knew she wouldn't be there. I hoped she would, but would have been shocked if she actually was. This was the first time seeing her in years. She had no idea how I felt. I spend a great deal of time and effort making sure she never did.

Kim Jennie has made my head spin my entire life. Ever since the night Junseo brought her home to meet the family. The moment she walked through that front door, my heart stopped. I don't think it's ever beat right since. It took me everything I had in me not to flip her over my shoulder like a cavemen and carry her to my room.

Of course, she was at all the family events throughout the 3 years they were together. It was harder than I thought to keep my distance. So, i did what any mature young man would do. I turned into an ass. I made her feel like she annoyed me. And while i approved of her dating my brother, i wanted nothing to do with her.

I've dated a few women over the years. It was fun, and they were enjoyable. I never wanted to be with them long term. I told myself I just wasn't meeting the right person. Deep down, I knew it was because I always had Jennie in the back of my mind.

Seeing her again broke down all the wall I'd built up. I wanted her and couldn't pretend anymore. It was pure luck that she was at the bar. The wedding invite was the perfect opportunity to spend time with her. Show her who I really was. This was the one time I was thankful for my mom sticking her nose where it didn't belong.

I pulled my phone to text Jennie. 

'Hey there party animal. How are you feeling?'

I stared at my phone like a teenager, willing her to text back. After waiting for a couple of minutes, i flipped it over and started to walk away. The ding stopped me in my tracks. Picking it back up, i checked the message. I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face.

(Bold - Taehyung)
(Italic - Jennie)

'Who is this? '

'Wow! You must be a wild woman if you don't know who this is. Drunk like that often, do you?'


My smile just widened I could just hear the tone in her voice.

'Yes, it's Taehyung. I wanted to let you know about the bachelor-bachelorette party.'

'The what? '

'Junseo and Bonghee want a dual party. And since you are my date, you get to come with me.'

There was a long pause. I was worried she wouldn't respond. Maybe i had gone too far all those years ago. Maybe she hated me too much.

'When is it? '

Yes! With a huge smile on my face, I sent her the date and time. This was going to be fun.


It's weird how you can actually feel it in your chest and stomach when something really hurts your feelings.

His brother {Taennie}Where stories live. Discover now