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"Derek, please talk to her. She's hurting because you never asked her if she agrees." Meredith was chasing her husband as he kept walking through the room

"Mer, we decided and she will be just fine once she gets used." Derek sighed

"You decided.." Meredith muttered and walked off but stumbled a bit as she felt pain ripping through her stomach

"Mer?" Derek frowned and turned around

"Leave me alone." She spat out and walked off, straight to their bedroom

"Mom?" Charlotte walked inside, hearing Meredith wincing. "You're not okay, right?"

"Just my stomach hurts-" Meredith tried to deny

"You should go see Bailey.." Charlotte took a seat next to her mom, rubbing her back softly

"I will." Meredith nodded

"I can drive you.." Derek quietly said, the two girls hadn't even noticed he was listening

"And now you care?" Charlotte muttered but stopped when her mom squeezed her hand

"I'm not dying, I can drive myself." Meredith sighed, she hated being so hostile

"Please let me drive you." Derek asked her

"Can I come?" Charlotte asked her mom

"I don't know if that's a good idea, you will be bored out of your mind." Meredith winked

"I got my phone!" Charlotte winked

"Fine then." Meredith smiled but it was interrupted by pain searing through her body once again

"Come on, afterwards we can ride the ferry." Charlotte reached for her mom's hand and they made their way out to the car

The three talked on their way to the hospital and Meredith even tried to convince her husband to turn around and go home but Derek insisted she'd see someone so he had called Bailey to make sure Meredith could see her right away

"So tell me, what's bothering you?" Bailey asked as Meredith was sitting down in front of her

"Just been throwing up the past few days, I can't really eat much." Meredith explains

"And you lost weight." Bailey commented, Charlotte nodding in agreement

"Which is normal when you're sick.." Meredith commented

"Let's take some blood but I really think it's a stomach bug or maybe the flu. It's been going around, Schmitt and Helm are also not working because they both catched it." Bailey said and got everything ready to draw some blood

Derek held his wife's hand in his own, he knew how badly she hates to be poked with needles

"Can we just go home?" Meredith muttered

"Climb in bed, just sleep and I'll call your husband as soon as I know more." Bailey promised them

"Urgh.. Thanks, I really just wanna sleep." Meredith muttered

"Can we go now?" Derek asked Bailey once she finished

"Yes, go home and rest! It's gonna be fine in a few days." Bailey gave them a soft smile

"Thank you." Charlotte muttered

"Thanks Bailey, I owe you." Meredith nodded and got up, they walked out of the office, feeling a little lightheaded from taking blood

"Come on, you should drink some water in the car." Derek said and rubbed her back softly

"Scared to drink.." She admitted

"When was the last time you drank?" He asked her

"Dunno." She shrugged and held onto her husband's arm as she started to sway

"Mer?" He frowned and helped her to sit down on the floor

"Don't-" She muttered and lost consciousness

"Bailey! Fuck! Someone!" Derek yelled, Charlotte gasping as she saw her mom fainting

"What happened?" Mark fell on his knees

"She has the flu, she must be dehydrated." Derek lifted her legs in the air

"Mommy.." Charlotte whimpered

"We need a stretcher, and IV's with fluid!" Bailey ordered as she hurried towards them

"Sweetie, are you okay?" Derek reached out for Charlotte's hand but she pulled away

"Are you coming? Your mom will be just fine." Bailey assured the girl as they lifted Meredith onto a stretcher and attached an IV

"Will she be?" Charlotte asked

"We'll do our best, honey." Bailey nodded

A little while later Meredith woke up, she felt dizzy but felt her daughter laying against her side

"Hi." She whispered softly

"Mommy!" Charlotte hugged her right away

"What happened?" Meredith looked around

"You were dehydrated, probably from throwing up. Bailey gave you some fluids

Meredith nodded and suddenly felt her stomach hurting again. For the first minutes it was bearable until pain started radiating through her whole body

"Mom?" Charlotte frowned as she saw her mom getting pale

"It hurts-" Meredith whimpered

"Mer? What's hurting?" Derek frowned, not understanding what was going on

"My stomach-" She started to sob

"Do something!" Charlotte yelled at her dad

"I-" He didn't really know what to do

"Mommy-" Charlotte held her mom tight as Meredith was curled up in a ball, Derek yelled for a doctor, Bailey ran inside

"What's happening?" She looked really confused

"I'm pretty sure this isn't just the flue." Derek stated harshly

"So smart.." Charlotte muttered

"Doctor Bailey? We got the results!" An intern ran up to them, scared as they saw head of general like this

"Don't just stand there, give them here!" Bailey snapped and opened the letter. "Give her some morphine, we'll need to take some scans."

"What's wrong with her?" Derek demanded, he was quite pushy

"Derek, she has pain in her stomach and anemia.." Bailey said, both Meredith and Derek had a feeling this wasn't gonna be good news

"What does that mean?" Charlotte whimpered

"It's gonna be all fine. I love you, dad will take you out." Meredith said, squeezing her daughter's hand softly

"Come here, princess." Derek wanted to pull her in for a hug but she refused and instead watched how they wheeled her mom out. "What do they mean with anemia?!"

"Let's wait for the official diagnosis."

"Mom can't die, right? It's not cancer or anything like that, right?" Charlotte whimpered

"Of course not, she will be okay." He nodded sternly

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