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"Derek, we heard you're flying out to DC." Mark said as they arrived at the house

"Yes I am.. tonight." Derek nodded sadly

"We think it'd be a good idea if we stayed over? Just for the night to keep Mer and Charlie some company and make sure all is okay." Addison quickly took over

"I'd feel much more at peace. I don't think it's a great idea for Mer and Charlie to be all alone." He muttered

"Thanks Derek!" Addison nodded. "Will you go pack our stuff at home, please? Addison asked Mark

"I will, I'll be back in a while." Mark nodded. "Maybe you should call mom and dad to tell them."

"I will." Derek nodded

Meanwhile Meredith woke up from what felt like her 10.000th nap of the day but still she was just as exhausted, making it unable for her to do anything

She opened her eyes and immediately felt cold. She weakly got out of bed, making a stop at the bathroom to see if she had to throw up

Eventually she made it downstairs, she heard several voices and walked towards them

"Hey." She smiled softly as she saw Addison and Mark

"Hey." They both hugged her

"I'm quickly.. you know.. going home." Mark said, he had a feeling Meredith would be stubborn

"What's going on?" Meredith asked, immediately suspicious

"Well with Derek away we thought it'd be fun if Mark and I stayed over?" Addison started

"I can look after Charlotte." Meredith said, feeling a bit offended

"No one is doubting that, Mer. We're just worried about you." Addison's eyes soften, almost revealing the tears that were welling in her eyes

"But still I need a babysit.." Meredith muttered

"We just wanna be sure you're doing okay. I promise Mark and I won't overstep, we can even sleep at at the guest house." Addison offered

"It's okay, you can choose. We got the guest room or the guest house." She nodded, leaning into Derek's arms. She was too tired to argue and if she was honest she was glad someone was close, she has never felt this weak before

"I guess we'll go with the guest room." Addison smiled softly

"I'll go tidy up." Derek said

"No, don't you worry. I'll go put on some sheets, Mark will be here in a while but we'll give you two some time. Maybe Charlie and I can make a cake or we can watch some movies or do some online shopping." She chuckled and took off

"Our bank account will be empty after a few days with Addie." Meredith joked as Derek led her to the couch, feeling how shaky she was

"No worries, I'm okay with treating my girls." He assured Meredith

"I wish I never had gotten sick." Meredith muttered

"I know.. You don't deserve this." Derek held her tight against his chest

"No one does." Meredith whispered and closed her eyes

"Do you wanna nap?" Derek asked her

"No, I wanna stay up.." Meredith muttered

"Mer, it's okay to give in." He muttered. "I'll go pack while you nap."

"I wanna come." She sighed

"Let's go." Derek carried her upstairs to their bedroom and laid her down on the bed


Charlotte was walking outside on the cliff, she needed a moment of rest but ag the same time she was terrified of not being around her mom, scared she'd miss out on something

But here the girl was, her coat wrapped around her torso as she escaped to the trailer. Her dad had changed it into a place for her, somewhere she would go with friends or on her own

She sat herself down, a blanket thrown around herself

"Monkey?" Meredith walked inside

"Mom?" Charlotte looked up, quickly drying her tears

"What's wrong?" Meredith walked up to her daughter and took a seat on the cozy bed

Charlotte shrugged

"Come here." Meredith laid down, pulling Charlotte closer into her arms

"Mommy.. I'm so scared." Charlotte whimpered

"Everything is going to be okay." Meredith kissed her daughter's head

"But you're really not feeling well." Charlotte turned around to face her mom

"That's the chemo, sweetie. The chemo will make me better." Meredith stroke her fingers through Charlotte's curls

But the girl started sobbing, her mom immediately tried to reassure her, to cuddle her and hold her tight

"Look at me now, I'm here and I'm feeling okay." Meredith told her

"But you're not you.." Charlotte whimpered

"I'm just tired but that's all." Meredith assured her daughter

"Can I help you more?" Charlotte offered

"You don't need to help at all, I'll just need an extra nap to get through the day and maybe cuddle in front of a movie but you can't be worried all day, princess."

"But how can I not worry?" Charlotte muttered

"There's no reason to worry, princess. Bailey said it's stage two and after chemo a surgery would be enough to remove it completely." Meredith told her

"I don't wanna think of losing you." Charlotte whispered, barely unhearable

"There's no reason to think like that." Meredith assured her daughter and felt her falling asleep, the girl was clearly exhausted. Meredith saw this as a sign to join for a nap

A while later Derek was getting worried and walked up to the trailer, seeing both his wife and daughter asleep but he was worried, it hadn't been very warm today so he was scared they'd be cold and possibly get sick

He quickly went to grab them some more blankets and tucked them in, staying with them

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