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Derek was watching as his wife was asleep. His brother had come over an hour ago and brought him coffee but Meredith was sound asleep and he was glad. It meant she wouldn't be aware of what was happening to her, that was at least a good thing.

"D-Der-" Meredith started to sob

"What's wrong?" Derek jumped up but he didn't know what to do or what was wrong so he quickly pressed the button and Bailey ran inside

"What's going on?" She asked worriedly

"Hurts- My stomach-" She whimpered

"I'll get you something." Bailey hurried off

"Do you feel like you have to throw up?" Derek rubbed his fingers through Meredith's blonde hair

"Y-Yeah." She weakly nodded, not in control about herself

"Here you go, this will help a lot." Bailey injected some strong meds to keep Meredith comfortable

"Can I do anything to help her?" Derek asked Bailey

"Just be with her." Bailey nodded, watching how Meredith gagged in the bowl but didn't throw up yet. "Just take it easy, try to lay down a bit."

And then finally the meds kicked in, making it possible for her to sleep a little more and not be in intense pain anymore

Derek sat at Meredith's side until Addison arrived

"Hey, how is she?" The redhead entered

"She was in so much pain, Bailey gave her something. She was gagging but she hasn't thrown up yet." Derek explained

"Oh Mer.." She sighed sadly, walking up to the blonde and holding her tight as she crawled in next to her

"Charlotte wasn't pleased earlier when we told her she couldn't come and had to go to school." Derek muttered

"She's scared and confused. She's always been a mommy's girl." Addison explained

"I know. And then she asked if we're still moving.. And then I saw Mer looking at me.." Derek muttered

"Honestly I'd be really angry and upset if you would force them to DC now, Derek." Addison said sternly

"Addie.." Derek didn't expect her to respond like this

"No Derek. Meredith only agreed because this is your dream. Things changed, she's sick.." Addison started. "She needs her family around, Charlotte and you need your family."

"I know, but-" Derek wanted to interrupt

"If you're doing this then you're extremely selfish. And I'm not sure they'd join you." The redhead crossed her arms

Derek nodded and sighed, a phone call interrupting their moment

"Dad? I wanna leave!" It was Charlotte

"What? No, you have school." Derek replied while stepping out of the room

"But daddy! I can't focus, I need to be with mom, I am losing my mind!" She whimpered

"Sweetie.." Derek muttered

"Please! Just.. please!" Charlotte kept going

"Fine, I'll ask uncle Mark if he can pick you up." Derek gave in

"Are you okay?" Addison asked as he walked back inside

"Charlie kept begging to come here and I gave in.." He sighed

"I'll go pick her up." Addison said and quickly left in her scrubs

Meanwhile Meredith had woken up, she was feeling absolutely horrible, her stomach was hurting and she was nauseous but she was already grateful she didn't have to throw up yet, maybe she would react okay on the chemo

"Mommy?" They suddenly heard Charlotte's voice

"Monkey? Why are you here?" Meredith frowned and opened her eyes

"Mommy!" Charlotte ran towards Meredith

"Hey, what's up? Did something happen?" Meredith rubbed her daughter's back as she was sobbing in her arms

Charlotte shook her head, unable to talk much and just wanting to hug her mom

"It's okay, everything will be okay." Meredith promised her daughter


A few hours later Bailey had unhooked Meredith from her IV so she could go home

"Mom, here's your coat." Charlotte said and helped her put it on

"Thank you." Meredith weakly muttered

"Let's get you home, I wanna cuddle with my two princesses." Derek tried to cheer up the mood

"Dad." Charlotte chuckled but Meredith's face was pale so they both helped her up

"Hey guys, do you need some help?" Mark and Addison appeared in the doorway

"Could you help a little?" Derek asked Mark as Meredith insisted she wanted to walk

"Of course, there we go." Mark helped her get up while Addison wrapped her arm around Charlotte

"Nana and Poppa said they'd come over.." Charlotte told Addison

"I know, Nana would make you dinner." Addison rubbed her niece's back

"Yeah.." Charlotte muttered and looked at her mom

"She'll be able to rest at home." Addison eased her

Derek had suggested that Addison and Mark would come over for dinner later today and then he drove home

Meredith slowly walked inside, she was still pale and in quite some discomfort

"Mom and dad will be here soon I think." Derek announced

"Would you mind if I go to our room for a bit?" Meredith asked, really not ready to see her family in the state she was in

"Of course I don't mind, go to bed and rest." Derek kissed her cheek softly. "Will you take your rest, please?"

"Hmm.." She nodded

"Do you wanna be alone?" Charlotte carefully asked, scared to get rejected

"You can come." Meredith reached out her hand. Charlotte took it and followed her mom to her bedroom

"Do I grab your pajamas or joggers?" Charlotte offered

"Just fine." Meredith muttered, only enough energy to shrug off her coat, not even attempting to remove her shoes

"Mom, can I?" Charlotte asked and started to remove her mom's shoes

"Just come lay down, please." Meredith thought she was gonna die, she was so tired out of a sudden, her head felt like it was gonna explode and her stomach hurted badly

"Okay." Charlotte nodded and climbed in next to her mom, tucking her in as she started shivering

"Sleep.." Meredith whispered, barely even awake

"Okay. Night night." Charlotte whispered and closed her eyes but she couldn't sleep, she opened her eyes again and just watched her mom sleep

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