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Meredith was currently asleep on the couch. She was hooked up to her tube feeding and waiting for Charlotte to arrive home after school

"Mom?" Charlotte walked inside the house, knowing Meredith would wait for her but she hadn't responded to previous texts either

"Monkey." Meredith muttered, waking up as she heard her daughter

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Charlotte asked her mom

"I'm okay, how was school?" Meredith sat up and started to unhook herself

"Boring as always, but I was good at biology." She chuckled

"Oh really?" Meredith smirked

"We learned about skin grafts." Charlotte chuckled, taking a seat next to her mom

"And you were texting uncle Mark at the same time?" Meredith guessed

"Maybe." Charlotte smiled mischievously

"I was thinking we could go for a small walk?" Meredith suggested

"Are you sure?" Charlotte started doubting a bit

"Of course, princess. We can go sit outside for a little bit." Meredith smiled softly, rubbing her daughter's back softly

"What if you can't get back inside?" Charlotte asked terrified

"I promise I'm doing better sweetie." Meredith hated to see her daughter so scared

"Can't we lay down a bit longer together until daddy can join us?"

"Of course." Meredith sighed and opened her arms, letting her daughter sink into her chest

"When can you start rehabilitation?" Charlotte asked

"As soon as the chemo is out of my body, probably in two months."

"That's still so long.." Charlotte sighed sadly, all she wanted was her mom to feel better and look better again

"I know.." Meredith sighed. "I'm excited for your dance show tomorrow."

"You're coming?" Charlotte's eyes widened as she turned to face her mom

"Of course I'm coming, I wouldn't wanna miss that." She squeezed her daughter closer, placing a soft kiss on the top of Charlie's head

"Thank you so much." Charlotte whispered


A few hours later Meredith was still asleep on the couch, snuggled up next to Charlotte who was on her phone

"Hey, I'm home." Derek announced

"Shh! Mom's sleeping!" Charlotte quickly said, not moving from her spot

"Sorry. How have you two been?" Derek asked, walking over to his wife and daughter

"Mom has been sleeping a lot." Charlotte muttered, unable to hide her own worries

"I'm sure she just needed some extra rest, sweetie." Derek pulled her in for a hug and tucked in his wife a little more

"Hmm.." She suddenly started to stirr

"Mom, are you okay?" Charlotte asked right away

"Hi monkey." She smiled, ignoring the question. "Der, you're home already?"

"Yes." Derek walked over to kiss her

"I'm sorry I slept so long." Meredith turned to face Charlotte

"Don't apologize, mom." She sighed

"Did you do a lot today?" Derek frowned

"I just did some research." Meredith sat up, keeping her blanket tight around her

"Don't overdo it, please." Derek sighed

"Mom, are you feeling okay?" Charlotte asked as she sees Meredith shivering a bit

"Of course, monkey. This is just the chemo's doing." Meredith explained and wrapped her arms around her daughter. "Do you wanna watch a movie?"

"That sounds like a good idea and meanwhile I'll start on dinner." Derek said, leaving the room and starting to make something Meredith could try as well but regardless he put the tube feeding ready for her

After half an hour he heard it had gotten quiet so he decided to go check on them

He saw Meredith covered with several blankets and laying down on Charlotte's shoulder, she was asleep but barely snoring

"Mommy suddenly was so tired." She muttered

"She's recovering, sweetheart." Derek came to kiss Charlotte's forehead. "Let her nap a bit longer, I'll come when the food is ready."

He said and did so. After Derek finished in the kitchen he checked on his wife and daughter

"Still asleep.." Charlotte muttered, clearly dissapointed

"Mer, wake up. Dinner is ready, you gotta try." He woke up his wife

Eventually she woke up and was helped up by Derek, Charlotte staying behind them. She knew her mom was doing better but that wasn't visible and it worried her a lot

"Let's eat a bit." Derek placed the food down for all of them and watched as Meredith tried some soup but after a few spoons she felt like her stomach was gonna explode so she quit, even begging Derek to wait a bit with the tube feeding until the feeling would dissapear

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