CHAPTER 44: Rock meet bottom, part 2

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I wake up naked.

Sure, I have a t-shirt over me and I still have underwear on but I am naked underneath. I turn and a man is next to me over a pillow wall in navy boxers.

I asses his body and his collarbone and neck is filled with hickeys. He turns to expose violent red nail marks slightly scratched across his back.

When I turn away, I realize I'm in something similar to a frat house bedroom but cleaner.

"Shit." I say the same word I said the morning I woke up next to my best friend's boyfriend only his figure is replaced by a stranger.

"Come on Jessica, remember!" I splash water on my face and horrible flashbacks of me dancing and shooting back tequila assaults.

I open the door to his bathroom to peak into the room and my dress is on a chair, confirming my worst nightmare.

"Not again," I turn to the toilet where I begin hurling till I am dry heaving.

I try to splash my face with water to calm down but the tears are already streaming down my face as I crouch over the toilet and beg for my demise.

I can't believe it happened again.

(1year and 8months ago)


"Miss Beer, can I speak with you for a moment." Dr Gerald calls after I finish packing my bag.

I hope he doesn't ask me anything about his pending lecture because I heard nothing he said about forming isotopes. I am hangover and suffering from hot flashes.

"Of course sir," I walk down the stairs and meet him down by his desk.

"Are you okay? I can't help but notice that you have been down lately." He walks to the door and closes it.

Honestly? I have been down because being in a long distance relationship sucks. 

Felix is getting busier and I am starved for sex and spending time with him but that is not something I want to share with my Chem Labs Professor.

"School work is just piling up sir." I move hair off my face because I recently just got a blowout and dye touch up.

"Is there anything I can do to..." he smiles in a disgusting way that shows he is not aware is disgusting. "You know, to make things better?"

"Sir," I actually recoil because he runs his sausage fingers down my exposed arm. "What are you doing?"

He smiles again this time to show the missing tooth on the back of his mouth, no doubt the wisdom.

"I think what you need to be asking is what I can do for you?"

I scoff and realize this disgusting man is actually making a pass at me. Is he really unaware of how appalling this is?

"When hell freezes over." I push his hand away from my shoulder but he grabs my biceps when I face the door. "Try me, you sick little fuck." I pull out my mace and he finally let's go.

Odessa is not home.

I am freaking out about my sleazy professor who also happens to be my hardest class and the smartest person I know is not home.

"Shit," I take the Uber to where I hope I can find America.

She might be Miss Sunshine but she really doesn't play with sexual harassment. One of the reasons she wants to become an HR manager is to stop such things in workplaces and schools—that's if she doesn't end up joining the Peace Corps.

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