Chapter 1,PT.2: How convenient...

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Edd wasn't doing well. In fact, he was doing terrible. Footsteps, footsteps can now be heard. Heavy footsteps, as if someone had heavy boots on. He wasn't sure, but he felt like they were approaching. He didn't think much of it though, so he just looked down at his legs, the floor. A shadow was cast over him, he looked up...
He couldn't believe his own eyes. The individual, the person he was looking at. They too were looking right back at him. He has a black uniform, Edd recognised it as the Red Army's... They also had a very long cloak covering their back and right arm, but Edd can swear that under that cloak was a red mechanical arm... Half of this mysterious man's face looked like it had been burnt, and his eye beamed a red glow. This man also has ginger hair that.... Right let's cut the chase, it is Red Leader. Also known as Tord. Shock filled Edd's face but then quickly with confusion, then anger and finally shock again. Tord extended a hand towards Edd. Edd didn't know how to react, so he just took his hand and stood up. Edd immediately looked at Tord angrily. He hates him after what he has done.
—We meet again, Edd.— Tord says, smugly smiling at Edd.
—What do you want?— Edd says boldly, clearly angry with Leader, he glares at him.
—I want you to join me.—Red Leader says as he extended an arm again, smiling wider. —That way we can both rule the world like the friends we once were!— Tord proclaimed as Edd's eyes widened. He got angrier.
—What makes you think I'll join you? You literally tried to KILL us! —Edd lashed out, stepping backwards a bit. Tord's smile fades to a frown as he too becomes angry.
—You don't understand, Edd, I'm only trying to make up for what I did.
—Yeah, it won't work like that. — Edd glared at Tord. — You know damn well I won't forgive you, and that's a fact.— Edd says ruthlessly.
—If you won't join me... —Tord started as he pulls out a long extendable rod, like a spear, from his back and pointed it at Edd with its sharp end. —I will make you join me! — He hissed, still standing in place, giving Edd a chance, however, he also stays there, quite nervous and angry.
—I'D RATHER DIE THAN JOIN YOU! — Edd yells out.
—And so it shall be! —Tord yelps and charges at Edd. Edd quickly reacted by dodging, he then turns around to face Tord.
—So it's going to be like this?.. You're going to try to kill me as well. —Edd didn't seem angry anymore, rather quite disappointed and saddened. Red Leader furrows his expression and turns to face Edd. He was silent for a moment before lowering his weapon.
—Fine then. —Tord spoke —I'll fight you. —Edd groans quietly as he gets annoyed.
—Listen Tord, I don't want to fight you! I just want you to leave out of my life! —Edd claimed, again stepping back.
—Don't try running away from me... I did exactly that and you know what happened.
—There's nothing bad that can happen to you, Tord! If so, then you deserve it!... you've hurt all of us... — Edd took another few steps back. Tord then started to speak up.
—I'm only trying to fix things, I-
—FIX THINGS?! —Edd cut Tord off. — YOU'RE ONLY MAKING THEM WORSE! You're killing people for the sake of dictating the world, and not only, BUT COMMUNIST DICTATION! — Edd yelled out in agony which made Leader stay silent.
—I know what I did was... terrible.. absolutely unforgivable...
—What YOU ARE DOING RIGHT NOW is terrible! — Edd again cut off Tord.
—I-I know... But since... Tom... Destroyed my creation, I've had nothing... Not even a friend, so that's why I'm trying to fix it... If you join me, we can literally rule the world together!
—I told you, I won't join you! Don't try to prusway me with your "tragic" story! — Edd proclaims but he wasn't angry. Tord didn't know how to respond, expetually because he knows he won't be forgiven. They stand in silence for quite a while. Tord looked up at Edd from the ground and walked towards him. Once Tord was in front of Edd, with at least a few inches distance give or take, Edd looked up Tord, confused and anxious at first. Leader then unexpectedly hugs Edd without hesitation. Edd's eyes widened a bit as he didn't expect that, he doesn't move any muscle. Tord only hugs him tighter and in a cracky whisper he says:
—I'm sorry... So sorry... — Is he... Crying? Edd only still stood in place. He actually feels bad now but... je didn't want to. He couldn't even believe himself. He pushed away and looked at Tord as if he just mutalated a body. Tord however, looked quite sad and ashamed. He just looked down sheepishly.
—I-I know you won't forgive me for what I did, who I am but... It's, it's worth a shot... —He says trying to not make it obvious he was tearing up. Edd remained oblivious to that however, he speaks.
—Tord... I know you want to get accepted but it's just not the way... I can't trust you anymore, I'm sorry. — Like that, Edd turns around and walks quickly away before sprinting. Tord just stood there, looking down, thinking and rethinking weather if he should've done that, regretting every choice he's ever done before to bring him to this very moment. He didn't want to move, he didn't want to do anything. Just. Do. Nothing. More.
As Edd walked away he could only feel guilt for what he'd said and done and that very moment, he didn't know why. It's like he wanted to go back, to go back and savour his.... 'friend'? But he didn't, he knew he couldn't. He continues walking down the road, staying hidden from any patrolls, feeling terrible since the beginning and now even worse since he talked with Tord.
Did that actually happen?
Edd tries everything to brush off his thought but it kept haunting him. Maybe after a few hours it will go away... He was wrong. Hours pass and it's still on his mind, he feels like he wants to talk with Tord... No! He NEEDS to talk to him!
Now in one exchange trade center, kept secret from the Red Army, made by survivors and people who want to start a revolution against this madness, Edd wonders if he can find anything better he can use for exchange of the keys he found. Someone taps his shoulder. Edd turns around to see... It's Tom! Although he looks different, he has a visor?vFor his eyes. Geez what happened?
—Tom? —Edd spoke up.
— Edd, I- — He was cut off as Edd hugs him.
—Tom! Where have you been?! What happend to your eyes? —Edd questioned, a little bit joyed that he'd finally found Tom. Tom pulls away from the hug, a little uncomfortable.
—Edd, I need your help.
—My help? With what —Tom then pulled out a poster, a 'wanted' poster. It was of Red Leader, with a bounty of £2,000,000.00! Edd got suprised as he recognised him immidietly, and was looking for him, he was about to speak up untill Tom did first.
—Red Leader, right? He's been a pain in our asses ever since he got in control, and we need to stop him! I've already freed Matt.
—Well- 'freed'?! What do you mean by 'freed'? — Edd looks at Tom curiously.
—Well, as you see, Red kind of... "captured" us and made us work for him. For me, he just reprogrammed my visor... Matt... Was more against his will-ish type of torture. So... Are you with us? —Tom finished as puts his hands in his pockets. Edd looks at Tom, a bit concerned but without even thinking twice he speaks.
—Well... Yes! I'm with you... But also because I need to find Tord. —They both started to leave the area, Edd following Tom.
—Red Leader. That name is dead.
—Eh, nothing. Still have some of my old coding when I was under control. —Tom stated as they exited the hidden place.
—How did you overcome it anyway? —Edd asks Tom, curiosly again.
—Unironically started going rouge. —Tom still seemed calm and unbothered, a little unusual but probably the fact that he doesn't care. Typical.
—Alright, so when do we start?
—We just meet Matt and we're pretty much ready to hunt Red Leader. —Tom motions Edd to follow him, which he does.
They've been walking for quite a while now since Edd noticed so. Suddenly Tom comes to a stop, which Edd almost bumps into his back.
—Why the sudden stop? —Edd steadys himself.
—We wait here. —Tom replies turning around to face Edd.
A few minutes pass before a man emerges from the alley way. Both Tom and Edd turn, expecting Matt, but it isn't him at all. It is a tall, dark tonned man, his face barely visible due to the night sky. He's wearing a uniform... The Red Army's uniform. Is he a soldier? If he is then that's no good. He approaches Edd and Tom and now his face was more visible. Edd isn't sure if he recognises him or not, but he didn't have enough time to ponder about that because the man suddenly pulls out an extendable electric rod and zaps Tom. ZAP! Tom groans in pain as he clenches the electrified area as Edd gasps in shock. The mysterious man sounds the staff before speaking.
—You both will be coming with me. —He spoke sternly, completely serious. Tom was still groaning on the ground as Edd stood there in silence for a bit too long. The man was clearly not happy.
—Do you also want to be electrified? —He points the staff at his chest.
—No! No!... we'll come along... —Edd didn't have a choice, he is quite hesitant.

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