Ch.2 Pt.3: Breach Matt out!

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They've been discussing the best possible ideas for a while now and they've settled across one; The plan is to go at night in the evening, for now they're going to rest and prepare. But waiting for night to fall is quite boring. Why not see what the Red Army is up to, specifically the soldiers.

Patryck sits backwards on a chair in the breakroom, quite bored. He taps his foot as he ponders for a while.Why did he join the army in the first place?Why is he even here?What is he even achieving, what has he even achieved?But he knew all the answers to those questions. He's friends with Paul, good friends with Paul. Paul is a friend of their glorious Leader. Paul convinced him to come along with him and join the army. And that's how they all knew each other despite Patryck being significantly younger, yet he kept asking himself... because he knew something's just missing... He brushes it off, he shouldn't be worrying for such a thing but then he remembers about what he's thinking in the first place. A thought crosses his mind. A mildly intrusive one. Why can't he just quit? Why can't he just leave? Again, he knew the answer. He values this too much, he's spent most of his life here... besides, what other job would he be able to find? None! Leader will probably decapitate him if he chose to leave. But he wants to leave... it's like that unhealthy addiction you don't like at all but can't force yourself to stop. Patryck himself is holding himself against his own will!But what he hates the most is that... he has this thought in the first place... The thought of leaving the Red Army and betraying Tord... The thought of serving justice upon all.Then again, he wishes he's never thought of it, wouldn't it be much easier? But it's already too late... he's thinking about it. It's been haunting him for too long, he's go to do something about it!—Hey!—Ah!— Patryck gets startled as his pondering is abruptly interrupted. He almost falls of his chair but he catches himself... He looks up to see who called out... It's Simon.—Oh, sorry if i startled you.— Simon chuckles a bit.—No, it's fine.— Patryck reassures, scratching the back of his head a bit sheepishly. —Watcha' need?— He asks, raising an eyebrow. Simons face softens and he seems to get more serious.—Patryck.—Y-...Yeah?—Can I trust you?— Simon looks at Pat dad in the eyes. Patryck is a bit taken aback by the sudden intense question.—Depends... sure...— He says quietly and a bit unsure. He darts his eyes around, anything to avoid the awkward eye contact.—I myself can't hold back my own secret... it's been lurking for me for so long.— Simon starts. —I've had for ever since I've joined the army.— Simon sighs and thinks for a moment, Patryck seems curious. —I- i am unsure of how to put this but... I am a spy.— He finally breaks the news. Pat's eyes widen a bit, he definitely wasn't expecting that but.. he's not angry. He just nods slightly, completely understanding.—I... understand...— He mummers.—Wh.. What?— Simon seems stunned. But his expression shortly after softens and he gives a light smile. —Thank you but... why? Aren't you-—I also don't like Leader as much.— Patryck cut's off Simon. He seems confused and shocked but apart of him is relieved.
—So... You'll-
—Yes, I'll keep you secret.— Patryck again cuts off Simon, he lightly smiles. Simon smiles back.

Edd, Tom, Mandy and Dariel sneak into the base through the rooftop since it's the least guarded area. Mandy points out a glass window that's on the roof, indicating that can be their entrance.
It's quite loud but wasn't a bother, they all rushed as they climb in and landed in one of the rooms. It's dark. Edd jumps down first and after them come the others.
—It's quite dark in here...— Dariel speaks.
—Yeah, no bloody hell.— Tom snickers. Edd searches the walls for a light switch and after a moment he finds one, flicking it on. The room lights up, revealing the environment around them. Mandy's eyes seem to sparkle as Dariel furrows his expression, Edd seems to analyse the room as Tom becomes more uneasy. The room didn't have much content in it, as most things have been presumably moved out. The center seemed to have some sort of upright bed, like the ones a crazy scientist would use to strap down their "Frankensteine". Only at one of the walls has a bookshelf filled with medical equipment and sorts of medical machines, such as a heart monitor, IV, inhalers and a few more. The walls seem a bit warn out and there's some sort of brown grease in one of the corners... Presumably old blood. Tom seems to remember something...


Everything was dark... Tom couldn't see anything... He could only hear and feel that he was forcefully being moved around. He felt straps being put around his neck, wrists, waist and legs or at least he assumed they were straps. He wanted to speak but figured he couldn't, something was blocking his vocabulary. Suddenly, everything lights up and he can see again! He tries to move his head around but it's immobile, he can't move it at all. Tom's vision was blurry as his visors were still adjusting to the abrupt brightness. He heard a sudden giggle that sent a shiver down his spine. He didn't like it, he didn't like it at all... Not because it disturbed him but because he recognised it. Tom couldn't help but feel a wave of hatred mixed with fear. He feels a sudden sharp pain in his neck which makes him shudder. Thomas wishes he can see but his visors refuse to focus, all is blurry. Tom heard the footsteps fading away and a shut of a door. He was unsure but he had a deep sinking feeling... Like something bad was going to happen... A flick of a switch and ZAAAP!

—Ah!— Tom reacts, startled.
—Dude, you good? You spaced out...— Edd seems a bit concerned.
—Oh... No, no I'm perfectly fine. I just... Remembered something...— Tom measures, a bit sheepish. He shook his  head. Edd seems a bit confused but his expression soon softens. They look around the room to see if they could find anything to their advantage but all the tools have been moved, completely gone. A sudden click of a door can be heard. The four all flinch as they get into different defensive positions. They'd hide if there is even a place... The door creaks open and it appears to be one of the soldiers of the army. The soldier didn't have enough time to react as Mandy charges at him with a yell and stabs the poor man in the lung with a pocket knife she'd acquired. She kicks the soldier down and pulls out the knife, leaving the guy to drown in his own blood. Dariel and Edd seem to be a bit shook, Tom just stares blankly.
—What?— Mandy asks, turning around. —C'mon, let's go!— She says as she motions everyone to follow her out of the room, Tom follows immediately. Edd and Dariel both take a moment but they move forward.
—Could've at least put him out of his misery...— Dariel whispers to himself.
Time passes as they adventure through the base, seeking for their friend, Matt. However, they do have to be careful, I mean c'mon they're in an enemy base? They mustn't get caught or everything will go back to square one.
—Halt!— A soldier exclaims behind the four as he has an assault rifle pointed at them. Edd and the rest turn around flabbergasted that they've literally been caught when they're not supposed to.
—Stay right where you are, or I'll-!— BANG! The soldier is abruptly cut off as a bullet flung through his head. The sudden death caught Dariel off guard, Edd flinched and Mandy shuddered... No reaction from Tom whatsoever. The body flops to the ground and from behind steps forward... Wait he's alright? What a belief! It's Matt! Edd's face shifts to one of shock but then relief.
—Matt!— He exclaims. — You're alright!— He rushes over to him, a smile on his face.
—Dummy's forgot to secure the chains.— Matt speaks. — Let's get outta' here.— He says as he spins the laser gun around and puts it in a holster he'd gotten as well.

All five successfully leave the base as they make sure to stay undetected... Alya glares at them through her mask from one tree nearby. Her eyes follow the direction they leave until they're out of view... She jumps down and heads back into the building.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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