Ch.1 Pt.6: How will your legs hurt if they got cut off?

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Tick, tock... Tick, tock...Edd thinks he's starting to lose his mind. How long has it been? He does have a clock in the cell but he's too distracted with his own thoughts to even think about the time. He just lays on the bed, staring forward into the ceiling. He finally stands up, hid head hurting a bit since he's been laying down in one direction for so long. He groans, why can't this war end? Why did Tord have to do this? He asks himself over and over again, although he believes not even Tord himself could answer. Suddenly, a guard approaches his cell. It's Simon! But Edd doesn't know that. Simon looks around, presumably making sure no one is watching or eavesdropping, Edd raises an eyebrow and cocks his head sideways. Simon approaches the laser-bars of the cell and motions with his hand for Edd to come towards him. Edd hesitantly stands up and walks over, hid eyebrow raised. Simon then whispers.-Hey... I'm kind of sick from Red's actions, you know? I'll try and get you out of here.-What?- Edd questions but Simon shushes him to speak more quietly.-Just trust me... I'll be right back.- Like that, Simon scoots off, Edd is left half confused, half intrigued. He stays in one place, waiting for Simon. At least a minute later, Simon comes back holding a folded uniform. He shoves it trough the specialized area for the trays of food.
-Put this on!- He declares. Edd still not saying anything, just takes the uniform. He goes behind the stall for the toilet and puts it on. Edd goes back and he's still visibly confused.
-Right, but your face is recognized so you'll still need to be hidden.- Simon finishes as he unlocks the cell and the lasers flash off.
-Ignoring the complete fact I'm insanely confused right now... What about Matt and Tom?- Edd finally speaks.
-Well, i know that they're going to implant some weird devices into them...
-Wait, wait, wait... How do i even know if i should trust you!- Edd exclaims, backing up a bit. Simon sighs.
-One, i just freed you. Two, I'm a spy.- He says quietly. -Just please, you'll regret if you don't come with me.- Simom seemed desperate. Edd thought for a moment. Maybe he should trust him, it's like he has another choice right now.
-Fine.- Edd sighs. Simon smiles.
You've probably been wondering what the hell happened to Bill... Well, they've found a place for him to sit for now. His new room had just started construction. But what exact place is he in right now? Red Leader's office! Shocking or not, let's just embrace the fact Leader is kind enough to offer such a blessing. You should feel honoured if this happens to you! Means Leader has some mercy for you!
But just to quickly summarize Red's office, he improvised it into his own living space, since he's had nowhere else to stay ever since he blew up half of Edd's neighbourhood... We all know what happened after.

(Author's note: I made a 'sketch' of how it kinda looks like, so you can get the idea-, it doesn't have to be this specific, apologies that it's rotated.)

ill sits in the yanky mattress of the bed, swinging his legs back and fourth, still analyzing the room

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ill sits in the yanky mattress of the bed, swinging his legs back and fourth, still analyzing the room. He frantically finds it quite interesting. The door suddenly creaks open, as if someone had entered. It's Red Leader. He slams the door shut, which stratles Bill, he stumbles towards his desk. He slumps himself down on the chair and exhales heavily. Bill jumps off the bed and scoots over to Leader, which he mumbles.
-Not right now, Bill...- He exhales. Bill seems a bit worried and curious now.
-You look sad.- Bill softly said. Leader doesn't look at Bill, nor even react, he just continues to breathe slowly and heavily. Bill also stays silent for quite a while before speaking up.
-Are you sad?- He tilts his head. Leader seems a little confused but also anxious because he doesn't want to admit he is, he stutters, he stutters to try and find an excuse for Bill to back down but is cut off.
-I can cheer you up! Tord looks up at Bill now, completely silent but intrigued on what the kid will do.
-And what do you plan to do to "cheer me up"?- Tord tried his best not to smile.
-My mom always says, when I'm sad, I should go outside and breathe some fresh air! I should also try and think of my favourite things!- Bill exclaims. -Why don't you try it, sir?- The child offered. Red Leader thought for a moment.
-Well...- Tord is again cut off.
-Come on! Let's go!- The kid enthusiastically declares before grabbing Leader by his arm and pulling him, causing him to stand up.
-Woah! Okay! Okay! Slow down!- Tord speaks, that was unexpected for him. He chuckles slightly.
They walk through the base, until they finally reach the exit towards the outside sector. Leader sighs. They exited the building, Tord sits down at the stairway infront of the doorway. Bill swings around and looks at the leader, a small smile can be seen on the child's face.
-I'm fine, I'll sit here... I'm very tired...
-Well okay!- Bill exclaims.
-Go... Go and... Well I suppose, go and play...- Red Leader sounded very awkward while saying that, it was obvious he wasn't sure with what he was saying. Bill scoots off as Tord is once again left alone to his own thoughts. But what is this feeling... This feeling of empathy... This feeling to protect a child as if it were your own... Leader is very weirded out at himself, it's very unusual for him...
But he is shortly cut off from thinking because someone jumps on him! Tord yelps in frustration as he tries to push whoever or whatever had landed on him. He grunts as he finally pushes it or them off, it was very unexpected, he's in an intence shock. Leader spins around ans sees again that it's Tom!
-Mother fu-...- Tord was about to curse but he got cut off by Tom yelling and charging at him. Tord dodges the punch and his face shifts from one of shock to anger.
-For the love of God, Tom!
-SHUT UP!- Thomas yells again in return, running towards Leader again. He pushes him, almost making him fall because he tripped on the stairs behind them but Tord regains his composure. He steps backwards onto the stairway.
-How the hell did you get out THIS TIME?!
-Your servant was NOT GOOD ENOUGH!
-What do you- ARG!- Tom again tries to assault Tore, but he grabs his arm. Tom growls in fury as he starts to push Leader inside the building. Red pushes Tom off before he tries to kick him, but Tom is too far off. Leader then turns a one-eighty and sprints off, Tom turns after him getting more enraged. Tord turns a corner into a room, Thomas had lost him. He passes by the room, it's very dark in there, wence the door is opened. Tom looks into the room, analyzing it with his artificial eyes, he basically has night vision. He has every right to suspect Tord hid in there. He slowly approaches, and as soon as he enters in the doorway, Tord jumps on him. Tom yelps as Tord growls and yells, throwing punches while Tom tries to block them. Tord hits him with his robotic hand, that causes it too hurt a lot, the metal clashing into Tom's hands as he desperately tries to block off all the attacks. But his hands hurt a lot. He has to forfeit or he feels like he'll lose his hands. Tom quickly tries to kick Tord, which stuns him enough for Tom to manage to run off. He runs inwards the room, as Leader glares. Leader hits a switch at the wall which turns on all the lights in the room, lighting it up brightly. Which kind of helps Tom because it's easy to trip somewhere here, expetually in the dark. Why? Well because this is the room that's being constructed for Bill.
Let me describe it a bit:
It's quite large, although most of it is cluttered with metal beams, crates, scrap and robots that are specialized to help build the room. The ceiling is very high up, so much so that they're constricting a floor to make it possibly into two separate new floors and rooms.
Tord follows quickly after, almost tripping at his own fast pace. Tom abruptly stops and turns around, and Tord almost crashes into him. Thomas then kicks Tore back very hard, so hard in fact that he got kicked into one of the scaffolding very hard, a loud bang is heard from the collision. Tom is about to pounce on Tord again, but a scratching sound is heard.
Both Thomas and Red Leader eyes dart above, where there is a robot auto-crane supposedly transferring at least a one ton metallic crate. The crane seems to be losing its grip because the box is too heavy for it. "It's going to fall!" They both thought to themselves at the same time. Tom glances at Tord for a moment, with a face of worry for himself, before backing away and shortly after, sprints away from beneath the crates targeted area. Tord is about to exclaim something but he didn't have enough time to even react or think of saving himself because as soon as he is about to do something....
A sharp pain fills his lower body. A very sharp pain. So sharp and painful in fact, that it's like he can't feel his legs. He can't feel his legs.
Tord opens his eyes slowly, hurting very badly, he whimpers a bit, he can feel tears start to stream down his face but it isn't intentional, it's just his body's reaction to the obscure pain. He doesn't want to look down. He doesn't want to know what happened but he needs to.
Shock, fear, dreadfulness, hopelessness, rage, fury, sadness, anxiety, all fill his body at once... He finds himself... In a way he always feared...

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