Chapter 4

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4 days later
• India's Living room

                             4 days later                      • India's Living room                                  (4:35pm)                     ❦❧❦❧❦❧❦❧❦❧❦❦❧❦

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"eww! he said what??" India laughed loudly leaning back and covering her mouth. Her friend was informing her about how her night went with a guy she had been talking to. And India was damn near in tears.

"broo he said ' mmm I like the way u sucking it kitten'"In an attempt to make fun of him, she bit her lip sensually. "I swear my pussy damn near shriveled up immediately after. When I say he made me dry chii." India kept laughing loudly while her friend gave out the most disgusted look.

"did yall fuck?" When she asked, Kamiya gazed at her. Though Kamiya was quite sexually active, India never condemned her for it. Kamiya was an adult and unattached. India saw nothing wrong with it as long as she was clean and utilized protection. India on the other hand was a virgin. India was waiting for the right guy and didn't want to offer her body up to just anyone, despite Kamiya's constant advice to "go out and get fucked girl you only live once."

She did feel a certain way since Kamiya would never stop telling her about her sex stories, good or bad, and she had none at all to share. She felt boring.

"hell nah I ain't fuck him that shit threw me off and I'm mad because I actually wanted to fuck him but I know he was gone turn me off just like he did when I was sucking it , I made him cum and made an excuse to leave. Shi if he was the type to kick me out after he got his nut I damn sure made it easier for him" Kamiya sighed as she spoke, and India shook her head.  "I liked him tho "

"girl" India started to chuckle "that's gone make you cut him off?" she questioned giving her a "really bitch?" look even tho she would probably do the same. She was easily turned off. All you had to do was have your ass crack showing once and she was ready to ghost and block your number.

"yes! I can't look at him the same anymore what the hell don't call me no damn 'kitten bitch ima human bean" India then started laughing uncontrollably again when she heard her friend pronounce the word "human being." One of the reasons she loved her was that she was undoubtedly a character.

"you making my stomach hurt foreal dawg you silly as hell" She waved her off and picked up her phone to discover that Benji had sent her a message asking if "him and the guys could come over" she replied saying that she didnt mind and sat her phone in her lap. She didn't have anything else to do.

"Miyjay and dem ready come over" India told this to her friend, who gave her an amused look and rolled her eyes. She was aware that she was half way joking. The boys and Kamiya rarely got along , but it was all jokes and giggles whenever all of them were around. Kamiya knew Benji, Reggie, and Sav since they all attended the same school; she wasn't as close to them as India was, but she was always around when they came to India's home.

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