Chapter 8

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2 days later
                    Outside of India's home

-Turning up the car's radio volume, the opening notes of "Secret" by YTB Fat filled the air, setting the scene as India glanced at Jah, who was already looking back at her, a lit blunt in hand

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Turning up the car's radio volume, the opening notes of "Secret" by YTB Fat filled the air, setting the scene as India glanced at Jah, who was already looking back at her, a lit blunt in hand. Parked outside her house, they lingered in the car, fresh from a food run, yet neither felt inclined to exit. Instead, they sat in each other's presence. Over the past couple of weeks , India and Jah was growing closer and closer. For India, her connection with Jah wasn't about romance; it was the pure joy of his company that she valued. In the comfort of the car, with music as their backdrop, they shared a peaceful, almost enchanting silence, punctuated only by the soft bass and the occasional sound of Jah's lighter. India found herself subtly swaying to the rhythm, her glances shifting between Jah and the softly lit street outside.

"You tired?" Jah inquired gently. In response, she let out a yawn but shook her head, reaching for her drink in the cup holder to take a sip.

"no , not really" she lied , she was a bit tired but didn't want them to have to part ways just yet. She had a great day with him. Jah's personality was everything to her. He was smart , knew how to make her laugh and his aggressive yet caring demeanor had her on her heels. "I had a good time today"

"me too" he agreed with a smirk "I fuck wit you foreal , we ain't even been around each other for a month and it's like.. you bring me peace or some Iono wassup wit dat" Jah chuckled confusedly as India smiled at his face.

"you're just talking," India retorted, rolling her eyes feeling her cheeks heat up and turning her head to look out the window, entirely skeptical of his words. She was well aware that men often had a talent for saying exactly what women wanted to hear.

"watchu mean?" Jah smacked his teeth and reached over gently grabbing India's face making her look at him. " I mean it when I say im fuckin wit you , it's like ion wanna be out yo presence girl " Struggling to keep her smile in check, India's gaze darted everywhere but towards his eyes - she simply couldn't bring herself to meet his gaze.

"I like you too but , I don't really wanna take things serious with you , atleast not yet it's way too early I mean wayyy" she expressed. Although timing played a factor, fear did as well. She was scared to be in a relationship for plenty of reasons. She had seen her mother awful relationships and told herself in order to never be in that position she was to always be single.

"fasho. Im not saying we gotta rush into shi, im just saying let me in yo life , let me show you how a real nigga supposed to treat you. You keep it real with me and ima do the same"He continued, his gaze fixed on her. Extending his hand, he gently caressed her face, looking into her eyes with a deep intensity. The warmth spread through India's body, her thoughts drifting back to their kiss. She cherished that memory dearly and found herself yearning to feel his lips against hers once more.

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