4 Giant Girls Part 1 (Season 1, Episode 4 Prequel)

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T.Boi: Almost done... there!

Clemont: What are making, T.Boi?

T.Boi: Bring Sophocles, Ash and Max here, then I'll tell ya.

And so Clemont did

Ash: What's going on?

T.Boi: Gentlemen, May I present you... The Grow/Shrink Ray

Ash: Wow, Science is so cool!

Clemont, Sophocles and Max: Tell us about it.

Ash: What, how does it work?

T.Boi: Let me show you *press some buttons and aims for the apple*


Serena: So girls, I was thinking of a girls night out, any thoughts?

Iris: As long nothing ruins my hair, I'm in.

Dawn: How about a Pokemon Showcase?

May: Yeah, Maybe we can practice our Pokemon's move. 

Iris: Eh, I'm more of a battler.

Serena: Well we have to decide on something, I know let's ask T.Boi.

May, Dawn and Iris: Not a bad idea.

And so they walked into T.Boi's room and got infront of the apple

Serena: Hey T.Boi, What should we- ARGHH!!

Ash: SERENA!!!

T.Boi: Oh shoot.

Serena, May, Dawn and Iris got hit by the Grow/Shrink Ray's beam and they grew 40 feet tall (the mode was set to grow)


T.Boi: Um, Well you see, you got hit by my Grow/Shrink Ray's beam...

May: Hey I'm feeling something...

Dawn: Yeah, me too...

Serena: So am I..

Iris: Eh, I don't feel anything.

Serena, May and Dawn: ARGHHH! *gets headaches*

Clemont: Oh no, what now?

2 minutes later, the girls' (expect Iris) headaches gone away

Serena: Huh? *looks at ash and picks him up*

Ash: Um, Is something wrong, Serena?

Serena: Oh, Ash you're mine now.

Ash: Wait what?

May: Back off, he's mine.

Dawn: Nuh-uh, I call dibs.

Iris: *visible confusion*

May and Dawn: Get him!

Serena: *runs away with Ash*

May and Dawn: *runs after Serena*

Max: T.Boi, What did happened to them?

T.Boi: Let's see, *looks up the Grow/Shrink Ray for side effects* Oh...

Sophocles: What is it?

T.Boi: Well, the side effect is that they fall in love with him.

Clemont, Sophocles and Max: Wait what?

Iris: Well I'm still acting like myself.

T.Boi: That's because, you call Ash a "little kid"

Iris: Yeah, a brave, kind little kid

Ash (from the distance): Will someone please help me?

T.Boi: Alright here's the plan, Clemont and Sophocles, you help get rid of the side effect on the ray gun, Max, you stay here and Iris, I ride on you and you talk to the girls.

Clemont, Sophocles, Max and Iris: Got it!

T.Boi: *gets on Iris' hand* Let's do this, Oh and Switchy!

Switchy: Yeah?

T.Boi: You host the ToD while I'm gone.

Switchy: Sweet, where's Serena?

T.Boi: She's giant and has Ash in her paw.

Switchy: Oh.

T.Boi: Let's go Iris, before they squish Ash.

Iris: On it! *runs to the other 3 giant girls*

(Author's Note: I completely forgot that Serena's a fennekin) 

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