Season 1, Episode 7 - A Battle Between Switchy and Kiera

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T.Boi: Hello everyone, welcome back to...

Co-Hosts: Pokemon Truth or Dare!

Switchy: Bro, what took you so long?

T.Boi: I was focusing on other books and now we're here! First up, Kiera's dares!

Kiera: My first dare is that you have to turn Ash into a Pikachu and have the remaining time as Serena the Fennekin.

Ash: I'm already a Pikachu and sure!

Kiera: My next dare is that the Pokemon talk forever.

T.Boi: *snaps fingers*

Ash: Buddy, are you alright?

Pikachu: I think so...

Ash: WOAH! *steps back*

Eevee: We can all talk now!

Chloe: This is so weird...

Goh: Agreed...

Kiera: My next dare is that you have to tell me the genders of Amour's 3 Eevee kids.

Switchy: *is still upset at Kiera*

Serena: Gisele is a girl, Drake is a boy and the 3rd one is a girl!

T.Boi: (Kiera, please put down names for the 3rd Eevee in the comments!)

Kiera: My next dare is that Ashachu and Serennekin give their Eevee kids some siblings.

Amour: Again?!

T.Boi: *builds a fence* We'll check on them at the end of the episode.

Kiera: My next dare is that you have to rebuild Kalos and Paldea.

T.Boi: Roger!

Roger: Let me guess, the 4th wall is broken again.

T.Boi: Nope, this time you have to rebuild Kalos and Paldea.

Roger: Ok then!

And so Roger gets his tools and rebuilds the regions.

Kiera: Let's nuke Team Rocket!

Switchy: Wait, didn't we already nuke Team Rocket in episode 4?

Fourth Wall: *breaks*

T.Boi: Roger, please fix it.

Roger: On it! *fixes the fourth wall with flex tape*

Kiera: Oh yeah... Gary has to say strawberry shortcake sucks.

Gary: Strawberry Shortcake sucks!

Amy: *comes through a portal* Can you say that again please? *holds her hammer*

Gary: And I'm leaving! *runs away*

T.Boi: *teleports them to Johto* Now let's check on them! *turns on the TV*

News Reporter: Breaking News, a Pink Shaymin with a hammer is chasing a boy, Futher News to come.

T.Boi: *teleports Gary back into the ToD world and teleports Amy back to Green Hill*

Kiera: Everyone, there are cl- *gets hit by a metal pipe*

T.Boi: You ok?

Kiera: Yeah, my last dare is that we look at Clef the Shiny Glaceon's search history!

Clef: *gulps*

T.Boi: It can't be that ba- *looks at Clef's search history* I stand corrected... Now for Switchy's dares!

Switchy: *whacks Kiera with a no spoilers mallet*

Kiera: *bonks Switchy with a coconut* If you don't stop hurting me, Flora will tear your insides apart and eat your insides while your still alive.

Switchy: *slams her* Somebody put tape on her!

Troy: *tapes Kiera*

Kiera: *breaks free, goes into her berserk form and attacks Switchy* THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR TOTURING ME! DON'T DO THAT AGAIN SWITCHY, DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!

Switchy: *turns into his phase 3 form* Nope.

Kiera: I warned you...

T.Boi: Guys, we should talk it out...

Kiera and Switchy: NO! *beats each other up*

T.Boi: Welp, that warps up episode 7, put down some truths and dares in the comments and we'll see you I'm episode 8!

The Pokemon Cast: BYEEE!

T.Boi: Now I gotta stop them from fighting!

Clone Ash: Whew, that pesky Slyspeon almost alarmed them!

Clone May: Should I distract them with my cool tricks?

Clone Ash: Go ahead!

Clone Dawn: You got this girl!

To be continued...

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