Yandere Fennekin Serena (Neutral Ending)

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It was another day in the ToD world, but Serena was still in her cage (along with May and Dawn)

Serena: *sigh* I wish I can get out of this- wait... *uses ember* how did I not think of this?

And so our story beings... but meanwhile in Ash's room...

Ash: *sleeps* It's 10:00 am, should I get up?



Ash: *sleeps* Eh, maybe later...

2 hours later...

Ash: *yawns* What a nice sleep, time to make breakfast, but first.... BUDDY, WAKE UP!

Pikachu: *yawns* Pika pika chu? (What is it Ash?)

Ash: Time to get breakfast!

Pikachu: Pika! (Now we're talking!)

And so they went downstairs and ate some french toast and apples! 

Ash: Yum! How was it buddy?

Pikachu: Pikachu! (Delicious!)

Ash: I thought so! What should we do now?

>Go back to sleep


Wake the others up

Ash: *yawns* For some reason, I'm feeling tired even though I just woke up, maybe 10 minutes is good.

Pikachu: *yawns* Pikachu! (Sounds good to me!)

And so they went back to bed for 10 more minutes...

Ash: *yawns* Ah, Full energy, this is ni- why does my face feel hot? *goes to a mirror* WHY'S MY FACE COVERED WITH LIPSTICK?

Gary: *yawns* What's with the- *sees Ash and gets jealous* Lucky... 

Ash: Well I hope I can get this off *gets a paper towel*

Meanwhile in Serena's room...

Serena: Hehehe, My second kiss with Ashy is so delightful... 

In her mind...

Serena's Mind: Yes, be with Ash, it's your destiny...

Ending 1/8

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