part 25(i will kill you all)

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After seeing all the thing in pavel house pooh decided to go new zealand...
He just went up and go straight to his house..and call benz ...


Benz: yeah pooh i know what you want to say

Pooh: benz i have to go new zealand

Benz: pooh are you crazy its 2 am..

Pooh: i know i just already book my tickets my flight is tomorrow morning...

Benz: hey pooh have to calm down first

Pooh: areee you crazyyyyy benz my babe is suffering from something very dangerous and you told me to stay calm here..

Benz: see i can understand but..

Pooh: please benz understand i promised him in past life that i will always protect him ..

Benz: but pooh...

Pooh: what if he die just because of me?

And after saying that thing benz is just looking at pooh and pooh's eyes is filled with tears...

Pooh: please benz you dont know what happen to him in that life...he is scared now i know...because on that time i am not able to save my love
But please not now i will protect him in any cost because....
"I reincarnate for him"

Benz: maybe u are right...can i come with you too?

Pooh: do u want to come too?

Benz: yeah..

Pooh: okay just booked the tickets...

Benz: but u said that you already book it

Pooh: no actually ahh leave just book now..

Benz: by the way you know where he lives in new zealand?

Pooh: i dont know the exact location but i know the city name..

Benz: ahhhh its okay we can find him..

Pooh: yeah..

And benz just booked the ticket to new zealand...

Benz: i already booked it now come here and sleep..

And benz just lie down in the bed as well as pooh also..
But pooh is just like he is just lie he even dont close his eye for a single second


Benz : i know what are you thinking but..please pooh sleep for will meet him tomorrow...

Pooh: i know i just thinking about that pavel is safe or not right now..

Benz: ofcourse he is strong enough i know he is safe..

Pooh: but benz you know i still dont believe that we both reincarnate....its like a miracle for us..

Benz: yeah i also thought the same thing...but okayy..let me tell you one thing..

Pooh: hmm...

Benz: maybe i dont know anything about true love but i know one thing that you both love each other....and you even cant live without each other...

Pooh: yeah i dont know about pavel but you know i know about babe..he never wanted to live any single day without me..he loves me...

And suddenly benz notice that pooh eyes is glittering because of tears..

Benz: heyy dont cry naa...

Pooh: i am not benz i just miss him...i miss him in every second...its just i am worried about him that how can he live without his pooh?

Benz: seriously pooh no one can love pavel like you do...

Pooh: you know no one can love like pavel...

Benz: ohh but he is just left..

And after saying that lines benz just turn his face for looking pooh but he saw that he already turn his back opposite and its seems like he is asleep so benz also decided to sleep..

"Okay good night "

And aftrr 10 mins pooh just went up and go straight to window and looking at moon..
And tears slowly coming out from his eyes....

"I hope you are safe i know you also miss me but just wait for some hours i promise pavel i will protect you this time...i am sorry that i cant protect babe but i promise that i will protect pavel...i still remember your screams that how much helpless i am on that time you begged to that man for sparing your life..i also remember that they take our baby away from us and i also remember about way i remember everything pavel ...

And suddenly his sad tears changed into frustration tears...

I never forget anything and i promised to myself that i will protect you and find that all bastard and in this time they begged you for sparing their life .....

NOW pooh is not sad anymore but he is in danger mood like if he saw his any of enemy he will definitely kill him......he just continously looking at moon and talk to himself about pavel but in his other side his mind is just like it will be going to be blast..because his eyes is just turn red because of frustration he just want babe's killers in front of him...

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