Chapter 03

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December 2022
POV: Reneé

When I got home I was immediately dialing Alissa's number, I held my breath, a flicker of apprehension dancing at the edges of my consciousness. Would she be upset that I hadn't texted her sooner?

"Hey, babe," Alissa's voice greeted me, their warmth seeping through the phone like a soothing balm.

"Hey, Alissa. I hope you're not mad at me for not texting earlier," I blurted out, the weight of my words hanging heavy in the air.

Alissa's laughter filled the silence, a symphony of reassurance amidst the uncertainty that lingered between us. "Of course not, Reneé. I know how busy you've been. Besides, I trust you," they replied, their words washing over me like a wave of relief.

"Can I take you on a date to make it up to you?" I asked.

"There are a lot of things you can do to make it up to me" Alissa responded.

For some reason that comment made me a bit uncomfortable. I don't know why, because I clearly do like her. "Great, I will take you to the movies then" I responded, not really replying to her previous comment.

"Uhh sure, that also sounds good" Alissa replied with a hint of uncertainty in their voice.

"Great I will pick you up tomorrow, bye" I quickly said and hung up the phone.


That same evening is was sitting on my couch watching some random reality show and scrolling on my phone. I found myself scrolling through y/n's Instagram profile. "That is not weird, because I need to know a bit more about her for when we start working together." I said to myself, trying to justify it in my head.

But it was the image of a blond woman standing beside her that caught my eye. a blonde woman, her features mirroring my own. I looked at the tags and of course it was- Jessie.

Jessie really did look like me. Does that mean that I am y/n her type? Because personally I think she is extremely hot and I wouldn't mind being her type as well.

Shaking off the intrusive thoughts, I reminded myself of the commitment I shared with Alissa.

"I am fucked" I said to myself.


The next day I took Alissa to the movies as I had promised.

As the flickering lights of the movie theater danced around us, I found myself lost in a whirlwind of emotions. Alissa's hand rested gently in mine, a silent reassurance of the bond that had blossomed between us.

And then, amidst the hushed whispers of the audience and the soft glow of the screen, Alissa turned to me, their eyes alight with a vulnerability that mirrored my own. With a voice tinged with uncertainty, they asked me the question that hung heavy in the air.

"Reneé, will you be my girlfriend?"

In that moment, the world seemed to stand still, the weight of her words hanging between us like a delicate thread. And yet, amidst the rush of emotions that flooded my mind, I found myself torn—torn between what was right.

For as much as I cared for Alissa, there was something that was not feeling a 100% right. I know they like me for me, but sometimes it feels like they just want my body. I made sure to wait with having sex, because of my previous relationships. But they keep making comments about it. My other thoughts are that i do really like them and I can see myself being in a relationship with them. And then, there was y/n. I know her for a few days and only saw her for just a few hours, yet she had stirred something deep within me, igniting a spark of possibility that I couldn't ignore.

But amidst the silence of the theater and the weight of Alissa's gaze, I knew that I couldn't keep them waiting any longer. With a heavy heart and a sense of resignation, I whispered the words they so desperately wanted to hear, words that echoed with the weight of my own uncertainty.

"Yes, Alissa. I'll be your girlfriend."

And yet, even as the words left my lips, I couldn't shake the sense of hesitation that gnawed at the corners of my mind. For as much as I wanted to believe in the promise of our relationship, there was a part of me that remained haunted by the shadow of doubt.

As we sat in the darkness of the theater, the glow of the screen casting shadows across our faces, I couldn't help but wonder what the future might hold. Would our love endure the trials that lay ahead?


It was Christmas and I had spent it with my family and one day with Alissa. I tried to enjoy every moment, but in reality Christmas flew by and the only thing I was thinking about was New years. New Year's Eve loomed around the corner. And as the host of my annual party, I found myself caught in a whirlwind of preparations. sending out invites, thinking about the decoration, making a playlist with music. Everything needed to be perfect, because I am really excited about 2023.


A/n: I am so excited to write about the new year's party. Nothing can go wrong when people are drunk right ....?

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