Chapter 04

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New year's eve 2022
POV: Reneé

Alissa and I worked tirelessly, weaving strands of fairy lights and streamers into a tapestry of celebration, our laughter mingling with the soft strains of music that filled the room. As the clock struck eight, the first guests began to arrive, among them, my bandmates and closest friends. Their laughter filling the air with an infectious energy.

Y/n's absence on my mind, a nagging sense of uncertainty gnawing at the edges of my consciousness. I knew that the invitation had come late, a last-minute addition to the party, and yet, the hope remained.

As the night wore on, the party burst into full swing, the sounds of laughter and music mingling in a cacophony of celebration. The dance floor alive with the rhythmic pulse of movement and laughter.

And then, amidst the revelry, she appeared—y/n, accompanied by Jessie, her presence a welcome surprise amidst the sea of faces. A smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I made my way towards them, my heart alight with excitement and anticipation.

"Hey, y/n and Jessie! So glad you could make it, Welcome to the party!" I exclaimed, my voice filled with genuine warmth and enthusiasm.

Y/n returned my smile, her eyes alight with warmth and familiarity. "Hey, Renée! Thanks for inviting us. This party looks amazing," she replied, a genuine appreciation evident in her words. We kept talking for a while and I offered them some drinks.

''So the first drinks are on me and the rest of the night you can just grab them from the table over there'' I explained, while pointing to the table in the corner. ''What can I get the both of you?''

''Just two beers please'' Y/n asked.

''Coming right up'' I replied and walking off to get them their drinks. After I came back with two beers we kept talking for a while.

The atmosphere was lively, and I hoped the party would unfold smoothly. Little did I know that a storm was brewing, and its name was jealousy.

As the night wore on, Alissa found themself increasingly inebriated, and their demeanor took a sour turn. Consumed by jealousy, they approached y/n, Jessie, and me, creating a scene that disrupted the harmony of the celebration. In a bid to keep things calm, I stayed composed.

''What is going on here'' Alissa asked.

''Uh, nothing. We are just talking'' I replied. ''I turned to y/n and Jessie. This is Alissa my partner. And Alissa this is y/n, my new drummer and this is Jessie, her girlfriend''.

''You have been talking for a hour'' Alissa pointed out.

''Okay? And that is a bad thing'' I responded, clearly confused.

"Yes, because you should be talking and dancing with me'' Alissa said, getting more annoyed.

''Babe, this is a party. Everybody here is a friend of mine and I will talk to them'' I said, now also getting a bit annoyed. ''It's clear that you had enough to drink already. Maybe you should get a bit of water and get some fresh air''

''I will decide that for myself'' Alissa said and walked off towards the front door.

''I am so sorry guys, I did not expect them to react like that'' I said turning to y/n and Jessie.

"Are you okay, Renée?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine concern.

I nodded, a mixture of emotions swirling within me. With a weary smile, I assured her that I would be fine.

As the night wore on, the echoes of laughter and music filled the air again. With a newfound sense of determination, I took center stage, my voice ringing out above the din as I called out to the crowd. "Alright, everybody, it's karaoke time!"

The room erupted into cheers and applause as friends old and new gathered around, their voices rising in harmony as they sang along to the familiar tunes. Alyah took the stage first, her performance filled with laughter and joy, setting the tone for the night ahead.

And then, it was y/n's turn—her voice filled with uncertainty as she took her place at the microphone. The song choice hung in the air for a moment, and with a thoughtful expression, y/n decided on "More Than That" by Lauren Jauregui.

''If my man know, there's gon' be some issues
But take my number down, I just might hit you
No, I'm just playing, I'm so deep in love
But the way you talkin' might just have me actin' up
The way you looking at me, boy, I know what's up
I can feel how you feel without even a touch''

As she sang, her gaze locked with mine for a brief moment, and I couldn't help but feel a flush of warmth spreading across my cheeks.

''Wanna take me home, better be more convincing
It'll take more than that to get to me
More than that to get your way
I'm stronger than this liquor''

The song ended and y/n went back towards here chair she was sitting in. The karaoke session continued, and the party took on a new rhythm. Alyah, always the mischief-maker, suggested that I take the stage. Grinning, I agreed and walked toward the makeshift booth, carrying a chair.

"Alright, who's brave enough to be my volunteer?" I teased, scanning the room. I noticed Y/n downing her beer and raising a hand. ''What are you up too?'' She asked.

''If you take a seat, you will find out'' I teased. Y/n stood up and walked up to me and sat down.

The music started and y/n let out a laugh. Recognizing the song immediately. I started to serenade y/n with "One Less Lonely Girl" by Justin Bieber, the room fell silent.

''Saw so many pretty faces (before I saw you you)
Now all I see is you
I'm coming for you (I'm coming for you)
No no
Don't need these other pretty faces like I need you
And when you're mine in the world
There's gonna be one less lonely girl(I'm coming for you)''

The lyrics filled the air, and for a moment, it was as if we were the only two people in the room. However, amidst the serenade, Jessie, who had grown increasingly frustrated and walked away.

Y/n and I walked off the little stage and kept talking not noticing that Jessie left.

''This is only the beginning of the party, are you ready for the rest of the night'' I said, giving y/n another drink.

''If the rest of the night is as exciting as the first half, than I am all for it'' y/n replied with a wink. 


A/N: Ahh love a good party. Also next chapter will be the rest of the night in the pov of y/n.
This story had already 750 reads and 100 votes. You guys are incredible!! Love you!!

Also imagine Reneé serenading you... HOT

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