Chapter 19

832 51 6

Febuary 2023
POV: Reneé

I woke up next to y/n and soft smile on her face while she was still very much asleep. I slowly stood up and walked towards the living room. It was already 11am, so I grabbed my phone and dialed Adam's number, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness about telling him that things are official with y/n. I paced back and forth in the living room as the phone rang, my heart racing with anticipation.

"Hey, Reneé, what's up?" Adam answered on the fourth ring.

"Hey, Adam," I said, trying to keep my voice steady despite the butterflies in my stomach. "I need to talk to you about something important."

"Sure, what's on your mind?" Adam replied, sounding curious.

I took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts before speaking. "It's about y/n and me. Yesterday we made things official between us. I can finally call her girlfriend."

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line before Adam responded. "Wow, that's great news, Reneé! I'm really happy for you," he said, his voice filled with genuine excitement. "So whenever you two are ready you can tell the world. You don't need to hide anymore"

"Thanks, Adam," I said, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. "I appreciate it. I'll talk to y/n and see what we want to do. It's also nice to have this moment between us, without everybody knowing"

"I totally get that Reneé, take all the time you need. There is no rush." Adam said. "Also don't forget, because I know you don't check your schedule, you have the call you daddy podcast in two days. I will text you the details"

"That's exciting" I replied. "I will see you soon, bye"

After ending the call with Adam, I felt a surge of happiness knowing that her team was totally okay with her new relationship. And that they won't put any restrictions on it.


Later that week, I had the podcast. I brought Adam, Alexander and Y/n. Adam needs to be there as my manager. Alexander will help out with the guitar as I will be singing some songs at the end of the podcast. And y/n is here, because I want her to be around me all the time.

I found myself seated in a cozy recording studio, a pair of headphones resting on my ears as she prepared to be interviewed for the podcast. I adjusted the microphone in front of me, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves as she awaited the start of the interview.

The host of the podcast, Alex Cooper, greeted us all warmly as she exchanged pleasantries before diving into the interview.

''Reneé Rapp welcome to call her daddy'' Alex started off.

''Thanks man'' I say, a huge smile on my face as I sit cross legged in one of the chairs

''I am so happy to have you here. Every fucking other DM on instagram is like please have Renee on, Please have Reneé on" She said.

That comment made me laugh. "Well, I am here now.

We launched into a lively discussion about my upcoming project, my recent acting job in the sex lives of college girls, the connection I have with my parents. Everything was talked about. I found myself opening up more and more as the interview progressed, feeling a sense of connection with Alex.

All of a sudden Alex asked a question I was not expecting at this moment. ''Are you single now?''

Totally flustered by this question I tried to answer it as best as possible without giving too much away "uuhh-  i am very happy. And i am seeing somebody that makes me like really happy. And i feel very appreciated and i dont feel like i have been made to feel small or like i need to make myself smaller to make them comfortable''

"Dude that's great.I am happy for you." Alex responded. Her comment felt genuine. "Do you have a type?"

''yeah, so i have dated so many people in the same fucking font. like if you went through the raster for 2021 like let me fucking tell you the people, the boys, the girls, like they all absolutly were from the same mother and father. Like it is crazy they are siblings. And they all like.. i will show you like were is my phone. Can i get my phone?'' I asked.

Y/n walks towards me staying out of the cameras and handing me my phone.

I walk towards Alex sitting on the table scrolling through my pictures.

"like this is one person'' I explained.

''Wait what?'' Alex looks shocked. ''And his new girl looks like you''

''hello'' I made a little face that made her laugh.

''And then this one, Looks like him'' showing her another photo of a guy that I had dated.

''They are brothers basically'' Alex noted.

''Then currently'' I look towards y/n and points in her direction. She quickly waves at me.

''I fucking knew something was happening. The minute you two walked in the fucking door. I was like are you fucking friends or are you fucking'' She pointed out looking at the both of us.

That comment really made me laugh. I walked back towards my chair and put my phone into my pocket.

''And i didn't wanna say something'' Alex said.

''no no no, i appreciate that'' I replied.

After that shared moment we got back into the interview. At the end of the podcast I was allowed to play two of my songs.

We welcome Alexander with his guitar as I started to sing 'too well'

The next songs was bruises. "Okay I am going to expose myself here. I don't even know if I told you why I wrote this song" I say looking at Alexander. Before explaining why I wrote the song I looked at y/n 'Babe, I am so sorry" I continued to explain as we all laughed at the stupid, but amazing reason for this song

Alexander started playing the cords of the song and I began to sing bruises.

We ended the podcast and we all had some conversation afterwards. Y/n walked up to us and puts her arm around my waist. "You did amazing babe" was what she said to me.


A/n: for everyone who hasn't listened to this episode of the podcast. I really recommend doing so, because it was such a fun and interesting interview.

I also want to thank you all for all the votes this story has been receiving!

What do you all things so far? Do you have any special requests that I can interporate into the story?

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