The Training

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[The following morning, back at the Valley of Peace, the sun was appearing over the horizon.  The morning gong banged, and on that signal, the Furious Five burst out of their rooms and stood outside in the hallway, where Master Shifu was waiting.]

The Furious Five: Good morning, master!

[One door remains closed.]

Shifu: Panda! Hedgehog! [No answer] You two! Wake up!

[Shifu opened Po and Sonic's door, but Po and Sonic weren't there. Upon seeing the room empty, Shifu chuckled, thinking they had quit.]

Shifu: [Satisfied] They've quit.

[Shifu walks with a bit more energy as he and the Five approach the training hall courtyard. Shifu spent most of the walk smiling, along with Tigress who was equally pleased.  But while the rest of the Five were unsure, Viper was sad and disappointed that Sonic was gone. She thought she was going to see him again in the morning. But unfortunately, he and Po left, breaking her heart. She misses him already.]

Viper: What do we do now, Master? With the panda and the hedgehog gone, who will be the Dragon Warrior?

Shifu: All we can do is resume our training and trust that in time, the true Dragon Warrior will be revealed.

[Shifu opened the courtyard doors, but to his shock, he saw and find himself face-to-face with Po's butt as his legs split apart between two training horses.  Shifu and the Five were taken back. Not only that, but Sonic was encouraging him. When Viper saw Sonic, she smiled in overjoyed, glad that he hadn't left and been in the courtyard with Po.]

Sonic: Come on Po, just like how I did it.

Shifu: What are you two doing here?!

[Po and Sonic were startled by his presence. Sonic looks and Po looks back over his shoulder to see Shifu and the Five staring at them.]

Sonic: Ahhh!

Po: Hey! Huh... Good morning, Master! I just thought we'd warm up a little. [He tries to lift one leg, but fails.]

Shifu: [Deadpanned] You're stuck.

Po: Stuck?! Whaa? Pfft... stuck... does this look stuck to you... Yeah, I'm stuck.

Sonic: [Rolled his eyes and sighed in annoyance] Hold on, Po. I got you.

[Sonic grabbed Po's arms with both of his hands and pulled him up from his position.]

Po: Thank you, buddy.

Sonic: Don't mention it.

Shifu: You actually thought you could learn to do a full split in one night? [Flings two boards into the air, and Tigress steps forward] It takes years to develop one's flexibility... [Po and Sonic watch the boards go up and look back to Shifu] and years longer... [Snaps his fingers and  Instantly, Tigress leaps up]... to apply it in combat. [Spinning in the air, Tigress delivered a perfect split kick, breaking the two boards apart. Po and Sonic are awestruck. Tigress lands, glares at Po and Sonic, and returns to Shifu's side.]

Sonic: [Scoffs and mutters under his breath sarcastically] I swear this cat is so unbearable.

[The broken chunks of the board all rained down on Po and Sonic while Po mouthed "Wow." A larger piece bounces on Po's head and falls beside him. Without looking, Po sneakily bends his knees, picks up the splintered board, and hides it behind his back. But, Shifu notices him doing that.]

Shifu: Put that down! The only souvenirs we collect here are bloody knuckles and broken bones.

Po: [He chucks away the chunk] Yeah! [Chuckles and bows before Shifu] Excellent!

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