Once upon a time...

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Once upon a time, a long, long time ago:

Well, it's really more like 20 years ago.

What happened is this: Alden married his Beast in front of six thousand of their closest personal friends. Lots of mallowmelt, yeah. Instead of a honeymoon, though, the Beast united all of their surrounding Kingdoms, and elected herself the King of the Lost Cities. She rounded up the Black Swan, the Neverseen, and their affiliates -- basically, all the interesting people -- and Exiled them to what the Cities call the 'Neutral Territories', and what we call the Isle of the Lost, with a magical barrier to keep us here.

This island, you see, is my home. Sophie no-last-name, at your service.

No magic. No wi-fi. No police, no rules, and no decent plumbing.

No way out.

Or at least, not yet. We've been working on it for a long time, and the best we've done was five minutes. It let a little magic back into the Isle, but not a lot. Not enough to do anything to get us the hell out of here, but enough to give both the Black Swan and Neverseen an annoying advantage.

The thing is -- We had a plan. We had been working on it for most of our lives, this great escape. We had tried and tried and tried, until we were yanked right out.

Hang on, you're going to meet us soon. But first, this happened.

Okay, wow, we're starting. 

Im coming back to edit this to add a kind of glossary; as i wrote, i started using terms that made sense to me but prolly wont make much sense without one. Sooooo..

First generation/first gen: these are the original criminals exiled. All of the big neverseen players, all of the black swan members. Its basically the Isle way of describing them as first generation immigrants. 

Second generation/second gen: these are the kids of the first gen, plus some extras. Because sophie and the rest of the kids her age weren't born yet, they don't actually know that characters such as ruy and soren were exiled alongside the first gen. 

Third gen: this is a bit more ambiguous. These could be the kids of the first gens, but are also sometimes just kids of young parents in the second gen. These arent touched on yet, but they are a thing i will eventually address.

Also, the distinction around this au's version of Auradon & isle gets confusing really quick, so here's a quick breakdown. 

The lost cities include all the other species's territories; ogres, goblins, elves, etc. king della is the ruler of this land, but the council is her, well, council, or advisors ig. eternalia is the kingdom where she and the council reside, but the rest of the lost cities and other territories don't fall under this catagory.

the isle of the lost is called the neutral territories in legal terms; this is where the villains/rebels were exiled, and contains exilium, but the location of the actual exile is very blurry on purpose. the 'villains and vks' here call it the isle of the lost, but that's not what the 'auradonians' would call it.

I hope you guys enjoy this as much as i do!! Im really excited to see where this au takes me.

Bye qwerts!!


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