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Bella and the Cullen's and having a meeting and vote on weather Bella is going to be turned when suddenly they were sucked in a ball of light without any warning and transported them in a theater.

The Quileute pack are eating and fighting when suddenly they also transported by a ball of light in a theater.

The Volturi's are minding their own business when suddenly they also transported by a ball of light in a theater.

The Denali's are trying to calm down Irina from going to Forks after she received a news that her mate died in the hands of  a wolf shifter when they suddenly transported by a ball of light in a theater.

The two Tribrid are in their thrones still trying their best to find their lost sister in the last three years she is missing when they were suddenly transported by a ball of light in a theater.


"Bella are okay"

"what the heck"

"my ribs"

"Get off me"

"Where are we" 

Edward immediately help Bella in her feet making Bella saying thanks to him.

"Charlisle" Tanya said respectfully making Charlisle look at her with a smile and respect.

"Irina NO!" Kate shouted to Irina who saw the shifter and immediately sped through the wolves shifter who is still in shock when suddenly Tanya sped through her stop her.

"Why are you stopping me Tanya, They killed him remember" Irina snarl making Tanya almost loosing her grip on her when kate suddenly came and shock her sister who suddenly kneel in pain.

Sulpicia look at Athenodora with a nod signaling her making Athenodora smirk before stepping forward.

"ENOUGH!" Athenodora shouted with a command making every vampire expect the other Vampire queens stood up straight and silence.

The Cullens and Denalis are each others side along with Bella who is in Edwards arm while The Volturi are in the back of their queen but is ready whenever someone tried to do funny.

"Now that we are all calm, shall we talk about why we are suddenly transported in the theater" Sulpicia said calmly but with a hint of command.

"Who are you to order us, blood sucker leach" Paul sneer making Sulpicia look at him like a dirt making him angry and was about to say something when all of a sudden he is on the ground quivering pain.

"Idiot" Rosalie mutter while look at the idiot in amusement.

Paul is shaking in anger and almost ready to transform to a wolf but was forced to stop by Sam.

"Enough Paul, you have to calm down" Sam said with tense shoulder along with the other wolfs because they are surrounded with so many vampire.

 "Great a mutt" Didyme sneer looking at the shifter.

When everyone were about to start talking another ball of light came in with two beautiful women descending to the floor with the help of their magic like a goddess making the six vampire gasp while looking at their perspective mate.

When everyone were about to start talking another ball of light came in with two beautiful women descending to the floor with the help of their magic like a goddess making the six vampire gasp while looking at their perspective mate

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Bellatrix outfit

Elizabeth outfit

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Elizabeth outfit

"You know being kidnap like this was something else, Don't you think so sis" The woman with an extraordinarily beautiful and seductive young woman, she had a heart-shaped face with fine bone structure, a wealth of brown curly hair, and almond-shaped, deep brown eyes with thick dark lashes, said with a mischievous smirk plastered in her face and playful tone voice making kate and Irina who calm down after seeing the new arrival swoon at her voice.

The other woman with an extraordinarily beautiful and seductive young woman, she had s diamond-shaped face with an Extremely sharp jawline and prominent cheekbones, good ogee curve, a wealth of black wavy hair, Feline blue eyes with long eyelashes, looking at her sister blank stare telling her to shut up making the said sister raised her arms in mock surrender.

"Where are we" The woman with black hair said in a cold voice making the Volturi queens and The Denali coven leader shiver at her voice.

"That's also we would like to know, genius" Jacob said disrespectfully making the the Volturi queens and The Denali coven leader glare and hissed at him while the black hair woman just look at him with cold eyes.

Jacob was about to say something when suddenly he was pinned against the ground with the black haired woman sitting in his back with her twisting his arm making Jacob grunted in pain and also struggle to get out of the woman's hold as they get tighter and stronger.

The other shifter also began to transform to a wolf and wanting to attack the black woman making the Volturi queens and The Denali coven leader  ready to defend when the wolf are thrown across the theater with the brown haired woman.

"my, my, that was extremely rude for you all mutt" The brown haired woman said mockingly while shaking her head in disapproval making her mates Irina and Kate shiver at her performance.

The Volturi guards along with Rosalie are enjoying the shifter being handled.

The black haired woman is tightening her hold to Jacobs arms making Jacob scream in pain when the black haired woman about to snap Jacob's arm when suddenly Bella yelled.

"STOP, PLEASE STOP" Bella begged making the black and brown haired woman snapped their heads towards Bella while Edward stood in front of Bella in protectively and snarling at the two woman.

"izzy" The brown haired woman whisper while looking at Bella with longing and love along with the black haired woman with barely concealed  longing and love making the seven vampire growl in possessiveness.

The two woman suddenly sped up towards Bella throwing Edward in a process making Rosalie, Emmet, Jane and Alec laugh at his face palm in the floor.

"Izzy, is that you" The brown haired woman whisper with the black haired woman also looking at close.

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