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[An ordinary neighborhood was present, nothing was out of the ordinary, people came and went outside their houses, these being mainly children who played around enjoying a quiet and fun childhood.]

[But not for those who were inside.]

Elizabeth and Bellatrix tenses up realizing what is showing before looking at each other with grimace expression in their faces knowing that Isabella is gonna found out everything. 

What the two didn't know is that their mates is paying close attention to them all the time so when they suddenly tense they immediately become alert and saw their faces knowing that this is gonna be bad making them feel dread. 

[Tucked away in northwest London, a 20-minute walk from King's Cross Station, is #12 Grimmauld Place. Both undetectable and hidden behind a Fidelius Charm, the house is invisible to all but a few. Although the neighboring Muggles do not even know that the building exists, it was for many years the home of the Black Family, one of the oldest pureblood families in the wizarding world and many of its members were extremely proud to be part of the powerful and wealthy. Home.]

[And it is currently where Elizabeth, Bellatrix and Isabella Black-Potter lived with their relative who had custody of them, Walburga Black.]

"She's always been like that, she hasn't changed at all," said Isabella, gaining the attention of the people around him. "She's still a bitch."

"Hey, she's your Grandmother, have some respect," Jared scolded, surprised by the Bella's statement.

"You won't say the same thing when you see how she treat us, it's unbearable to put up with her, I feel sorry for her and I worry about our safety before because we didn't know whether were gonna come out alive or not" the bored Isabella replied while staring intently at the shifter who scolded him making squirm in his seat.

[In one of the windows on the ground floor, there was a child, she was short with an aristocratic features with a short brown hair, she had smooth white skin with her emerald eye. it was a color that had never been seen before on any Black but knowing that the child is also a Potter explain everything.]

"Beautiful" Jane and Leah whisper, marveling at their mate's appearance as a child.

Isabella who heard it look at them grinning and replied "Thanks Loves"

The moment she said that Jane's undead heart skip a beat and if she is still a human she would have blush but luckily she is not and composed herself immediately, while Leah is unfortunate seeing she is blushing a mess making Isabella giggle at their reaction.

Elizabeth and Bellatrix are watching the exchange in a serious and protective expression in their faces.

"I don't trust them" Elizabeth comment making Bellatrix roll her eyes at her twin.

"You don't trust anyone besides us" Bellatrix said shooting her twin a look.

"It's just what if they hurt her, you and I both know that despite Izzy's tough exterior, Izzy is an easy target, I don't want to witness that kind Izzy ever again" Elizabeth explain making Bellatrix sigh before nodding in agreement.

The Six vampires are hearing their conversation making them interrupt at their discussion.

"I Don't know anything about Imprint, But I know that you can't hurt your mate, accident or not" Sulpicia inform.

"That's right It's practically Impossible to do so" Didyme added making the four nodded in agreement.

Elizabeth and Bellatrix are looking at them intently before they sigh seeing them so sincere and seeing their youngest sister looking genuinely happy in Jane and Leah's presences and also seeing that Jane and Leah is looking their sister in so much love with no greed in them making them smile at the scene.

"if what you are saying is true, because if we found out that they hurt her, there will be war going to happen" Elizabeth spoke in seriousness along with Bellatrix who nodded in agreement making their mates look at them uneasy seeing their serious look before looking at Jane and Leah intently.

Jane and Leah heard the threat making them shiver especially the Six vampires are looking at them in obvious warning 'Don't screw it up' making them nod hastily.

[She is as Isabella Black-Potter the youngest of the Black-Potter siblings was playing happily outside with the rest of the children while the screen pan to one of the room, the library.]

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[The screen pan towards two child who radiate such power at such a young age, one of them had an aristocratic features with a wealth brown curly hair, smooth white skin with deep brown eye

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[The screen pan towards two child who radiate such power at such a young age, one of them had an aristocratic features with a wealth brown curly hair, smooth white skin with deep brown eye.]

Kate and Irina swoon seeing their mate in their child days making Bellatrix noticed it before looking at them with a smirk and said playfully "Take a picture it will last longer"

Kate and Irina was brought back to their own world hearing their mates words making them look at her, seeing her looking at them in provocation making them flustered a little.

Emmet seeing their cousin looking flustered began teasing them "The great succubus is being flustered, I think I see it all"

Kate and Irina snap their head towards Emmet, glaring at him to shut up making Rosalie slap him in the head.

The Black-Potter sister heard it and raise an eye brow and looking at the two with interest.

Bellatrix ask curiosity "Succubus?"

Edward saw the opportunity and answer "Yes, Kate, Irina and Tanya are known as a Succubus"

The Denali sisters snap their head to Edward and begin glaring and growling at him for opening his mouth.

The Black-Potter sister especially Elizabeth and Bellatrix are confused with a faint discomfort hearing what he said.

Elizabeth decided to ask "Known?"

Edward thought that they are hooked to his words and said "Yes, for entertaining and pleasuring Vampire and Human alike in a millennium when they are turn."


"Not cool man"


The rest of the Cullen's are displeased at his comment specially if it was their cousin in front of their mate while the Denali sister are more worried at the reaction of their mate.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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