Chapter 24: On his own

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Terror curled up on the floor and cried to himself.

When he finally stopped, he got up and started to walk away from the van and Red and the weird skeleton and just everything.

God he wanted to be with dust right now. He could care less about which dust. He just. Wanted. Dust.

He kept walking and m&m woke up finally.

Wwwhheerre aarree wee?

Side of the road


Cuz there's ice cream


No dumbass. Cuz im trying to find Terror.




Whhyy iiss ouurr eeccttoo booddyy ouutt?


Terror just shrugs and kicks a rock onto the road.

Teerroorr. Wwhyy. Is ouur eccttobodyy ouutt.

Yknow piss wings?


There was another skeleton that kinda came out of him? Like how u do but his body was separate from the piss pants. His eyes were gold and he was grey and glitchy. They wanted to see what my powers were and i guess he's never seen an ectobody before.

Ohh..ssso, wwhaat aabouut rreed?

Left him.

Yeaa..fiigguuredd..aannd diidd thhee uhh- goolld eyyess..ddoo annytthinngg?

..nah. Looked, n got grossed out then just took energy.

Ssoo thhattss whhyy youu feell weaakk.


Yoouu shhouulldd sleepp soonn. Youu haaveenn'tt sinncee..

Since the crash? Yea. I will in a bit.

They kept walking and eventually the ectobody desummoned and Terror was exhausted and it was warming up which made him even more tired so he stopped walking alongside the road and went into the forest. He found a big tree with a den under its roots and so he climbed inside and fell asleep just before the mid day heat.




Terror was shoved on the ground in front the van which oddly had bars so the doors were open but red, Terror, and Dust couldn't help. Gold dripped out of red's eyes and he grinned at Terror. Big Terror was gnawing at the bars and dust was trying to break through the wall that separated them from the drivers seat.

Terror felt the ground mushy it was like mossy cement if that made sense. He felt hands on his back and he tried to get up but couldn't. He heard Other Terror growling at what was keeping him down.

Til he heard it.

(Tw: suggestive, alcohol mentions)

"No one's around to help~ but thats just fine~"
Fatal creepily whispered as his hands slid down Terrors back. Caressing his legs.

Terror squirms but the ground was like glue and wouldn't let him move. He looked to the left and saw his dust leaving him not daring to look back.

And he was holding a broken bottle.

Terror tried to scream he wanted to break free and be with dust. He then heard the van turn on and he looked just in time to see it driving away with no dust, a now passed out red, and a worried Big Terror.

Fatal slide terrors scarf down and bit into his neck. He winced and m&m tried to take over but fatal grabbed with soul and ripped it in half.

Terror woke up with a gasp and he was in shock of the nightmare. He sat up and groaned. His legs and head hurt.


Dust. That was dust's voice. He's here! He's going to take him home!
Terror quickly got up and ran to the road looking around for dust. All he saw was Other Terror laying on the road with piss wings on his back. Big Terror quickly treaded over to Terror and head-butted him gently Terror saw tears dripped down BT's face. Terror looked around, then looked up at Other Terror.

"Where's Dust?" Terror asked. Big Terror looked down and growled sadly. "D ed." Terror muttered.
"No not your Dust, my Dust." Other Terror tilted his head in confusion.

"Have you really not figured out that I'm from another multiverse?" Terror sighed.
"N uf fer mu ult iv?" Big Terror's head tilted even more. Big Terror sat down.
Terror looked down and kicked some dirt.

Big Terror growled a 'no and shook his head. "W was m me wh ho ca all ld y ou." Big Terror told him.


The child looked down and tears pricked his eyes, only to be blinked away soon after.
Big Terror stood up and walked back over to Red, laying down next to him. Terror just watched him. He was still really tired. His skull and legs ached as he stood there. He swayed under the heat of the sun all Terror wanted was a cool room and a comfy bed.

Suddenly Other Terror leaped up, about to head towards Terror, but just then there was a loud honk of a semi. Other Terror's eye widened and he grabbed Red with his tail, flinging him onto the grass. The semi came to a
screeching halt right before it reached Big Terror. Some weird goopy monst-.. i-it couldn't be him- that was impossible-
Marrow couldn't be here-
He can't travel multiverses himself-

As Terror stood there in fear and his skull spiraling, One of Marrow's goop arms grabbed Big Terror. He tried to stab him with his tail but Marrow just laughed at BT and slammed him on the ground. Marrow grabbed red and then Terror. His goop was cold and he would've enjoyed it if he wasn't scared shitless.

It felt good to throw something Big again.

Marrow enjoyed the negativity that stemmed from Terrors fear. He was honestly, pleasantly surprised Terror was here. Since he heard that he went missing Marrow couldn't resist to try and find him. He had an unfortunate run in with a "king multiverse" sans and now he had to work for him. But thankfully he found his favorite plaything.
(For context he only uses terror for fear not anything else and marrow's actively against all things lust)

"What in the? Who are you?" The monster that was behind Terror hissed. He looked familiar to the Kings description. "Yyyoou muuussst bbee NNNeeegattivvve."
"Yeah? What's it to ya?" Negative replied.
"KKKinng'ss ooorrddderrrss, thhhaat'sss whhhat."Marrow lifted the strange beast(other terror) off the ground once again. Of course it weakly squirmed. "King? Surely he wouldn't hire someone like you." Negative spat.
"Weellll sssoomeonnne haad to rrraaiisseee ttthhee sssttaannddaarrddss."

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