Chapter 22: fire escape

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Terror was waking up grouchy and groggily.

"Wwhhaaaattttuh?" Terror growled.

Big Terror whined and started licking him frantically.  Terror hissed and tried to squirm away. But Other Terror held him tightly. 

Terror sat up when the door opened.
Fatal looked at them with a grin. Big Terror hissed
and lashed his tail. Dust stopped pacing and stood infront of Red proactively. Terror grabbed onto Big Terror tightly. Another monster came into view. He was shorter and his bones were a dark red. Big Terror wrapped himself protectively around Terror. As soon as Fatal stepped into the car, Big Terror lunged at him. Terror looked up n saw big Terror get stabbed by the dark monsters blade.

He saw as Big Terror fell to the ground. He watched as
blood pooled around him.

"They're a feisty bunch." Fatal growled, standing up.

The dark monster
was holding a long bloody blade. Big Terror whimpered.
"I thought you were only bringing me the wings." The dark monster growled.

"It's a package deal." Fatal told him.
Terror finally unfroze and ran over to Big Terror and was shaking him. Other Terror whined and wrapped his tail around Terror. Terror was trying his best to heal him. Terror felt Big Terrors tail unwrap from him and he started to tear up unsure of what to do. He
was panicking.

"Fine." The dark monster sighed.

"Great." Fatal sneered.

The car door closed and Big Terror breathed his last few breaths. Now was a terrible time for him to fall asleep.
Terror was trembling and just not wanting Big Terror to die right now. Big Terror was bleeding a lot and wasn't moving, and
Terror was shaking like a leaf in the wind. Finally, UselessDust walked over to them and took of his hoodie. He
pressed it against Big Terror's wound to try to slow the bleeding. He looked over at Terror.

"He'll be okay." Dust told him,
partially trying to convince himself.

He knows he's bleeding to death right?

Terror nods but tears up.

Terror takes his tears that dry into strings and uses a little healing magic, turning them into green strings. He keeps pulling until it hurts and yanks them down while jerking his head up, braking them off from his eyesockets. Terror offers Dust the little string pile to heal Terror. Dust picked up a piece of string. He placed the string on Other Terror's wound. Dust got up and walked to pissbitch. Terror teared up as he watched Big Terror breathe shallowly. He started to cry again. Terror heard pisswings ugly cry. The van hit a rough bump and Terror leapt up, then hit his butt on the luma textured floor. Suddenly Pissass was here n his chin was on Terror.

"Stop being dying." Wiz bitch whispered.

Dust then grabbed Terror and didn't let him look at Big Terror n tinkletoes.
Dust held Terror close, being an ass. Terror squirmed and growled at Dust. Finally, Dust let go of Terror, and
he ran straight over to the healed Big Terror. Other Terror wrapped his tail around the young glitch and started
licking  him. Suddenly Big Terror looked towards the front of the van, his jaw open slightly.

"What is it  T?" Dust asked.

Big Terror pawed at the ground and whined, Dust nodded as if he understood exactly
what Terror was trying to convey. Big Terror's eyelight darted back and forth. Red scanned the room,
but couldn't figure out what Terror was looking at. Terror was confused.

Dust stood up. "Anyone have gasoline?"

"Sure, we totally have space in our pockets for gasoline." Terror rolled his eyelights.

Dust shook his head, ignoring the child's comment. Big Terror swished
his tail, his eye eagerly focused on Dust, waiting for whatever he had in mind. Terror yawned boredly.

"Does anyone have a blade if glass or something I can borrow?" Red asked up, giving an obvious look in Terror's direction. Dust felt around in his pockets.

"Why do you need it?" Terror asked.

Red paused and gave Dust a look.  Red stared into Terror's eyes before answering.

"I need your glass so I can do something very helpful." Red told him.

Terror reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of glass. He cautiously handed it to Red.

"Thank you."

Red gave Terror a slight bow. Red's eyes turned bright gold as he activated his magic. Within
seconds the shard of glass turned into a good sized canister of gasoline. Dust grinned as Red
handed him the canister. He slowly undid the cap, smelling the inside like a weirdo.

"Y'all ready to fuck some fuckers up?" Dust asked.

Red and Other Terror nodded eagerly. Dust grinned even wider. He
slowly started drizzling a trail of gasoline around the edges of the van, then he started to move
towards the center.

"We need some way to start a fire." Dust told them, still pouring gasoline. Red
looked over at Terror.

"Have any more of that glass?" He asked.

Terror opened his mouth and a shard of bloody glass fell out, along with his five large tongues. Red gave him a
concerned look before grabbing the glass. Terror shrugged and shoved his tongues back
in his mouth. Red wiped off the glass on his hoodie before shoving it in his pocket.

"Good. Now we need some kind of hole, preferably on the ceiling." Dust looked over at Big Terror.

Other Terror gave a sharp nod and stood up on his hind legs. Big Terror reached up towards the ceiling, his sharp talons digging into the luma roof. Sunlight shown through the small hole just enough for Dust's plan to
work. Big Terror sat back down, giving his talon a satisfactory lick.


Dust held out his hand and Red set the piece of glass in his palm. Dust walked over the the beam of light and took in a deep breath. Dust held the glass into the beam of light. Soon he could smell smoke. Terror was hugging
and cuddling Big Terror. Fire makes Terror uncomfortable. His Dust used it only for cooking and protecting Him. Dust stepped back near the door, the only space he didn't put the gasoline.
The others were already huddled over there. Terror clung to Other Terror as the fire was big and bright.
Terror hated it.
Suddenly the van swerved. Big Terror managed to keep them from sliding into the fire. There were a
few bumps before there was a large impact. The dark black smoke from the fire became too thick
to see through. They started coughing, unable to keep themselves from inhaling smoke.
Big Terror clawed at the van doors, attempting to escape. Suddenly the doors flung open. Other Terror, Red,
and Terror leaped out.

Terror coughed and choked on the thick smoke. His soul throbbed and shook.

Terror looked to the van and saw dust wasn't with them.

A Tale of Two Terrors: The glitch kidWhere stories live. Discover now