Chapter 15

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Ares is in the parking lot of the diner and it took every ounce of my personal strength to not shoot a Celestial Bronze arrow right between his eyes. I bite the inside of my cheek, leveling a murderous gaze at the god as Percy walks up to him, also looking angry.

"Well, well. Good job not getting yourselves killed," Ares says picking at his nails.

"You knew it was a trap!" I shout.

"Damn right I did," Ares laughs. "Bet that crippled blacksmith was shocked he netted a couple of stupid kids. You looked good on the TV though," He says.

"You're a jerk," Percy says.

Annie and Grover inhale sharply, staring in horror at Percy. Ares snatched the sheild from Percy before tossing it into the air. I watched as the shield changed form, when it landed in his hands it's a bulletproof vest that he slings across his back. He swings his leg over the bike revving the massive engine.

"Hold up. We had an agreement. Where's our ride," I say.

"You need to control that temper," Ares growls, glaring over his sunglasses.

"You need to honor you end of the agreement," I shoot back.

"See that truck over there?" He asks, the fire in his eyes surges brighter.

I look over my shoulder where he's pointing. Ther is an eighteen-wheeler parked in a lot across the street.

"That's you ride. It'll take you straight to L.A., it does stop once in Vegas," He says.

The sign on the back of the trailer was barley legible from this distance, the only saving grace was that it was reverse-printed white on black, making it easy on my dyslexia: KINDNESS INTERNATIONAL: HUMANE ZOO TRANSPORT. WARNING: LIVE WILD ANIMALS.

I look back at Ares disbelief written across my face, Percy seems to be thinking the same thing I am.

"You're kidding," He says.

I'll admit, this kids got guts. I may have mouthed off at Ares but I would never in a million years say anything to a God about a gift.

"It's a free ride west, punk. Quit the complaining. Oh, and here's a little something for helping me out,"

Ares slings a blue nylon backpack off the handlebars of the motorcycle and tosses it to Percy, who looks inside and looks back up at the God.

"I don't want you-" I clap a hand over his mouth, really not liking the bright red flickering aura coming off of Ares'. I would actually like to live to see past today.

"Thank you, Lord Ares," Grover says, giving me a thankful look. "Thanks a lot," He presses.

Percy looks at Grover and I drop my hand. With a reluctant look he slings the bag over his shoulders.

I look through the windows of the diner, watching as a group of teenagers, they look to be about my age, they sit down at a booth all laughing with eachother. I bite back the self pity that rises in my throat and move my gaze away from the life I will never have.

My eye catches those of the waitress that helped us earlier. Her eyes were full of concern and it was then that I finally think about what this is looking like through the mist. She disappears briefly, when she reappears she is dragging the fry cook, he holds up a little disposable camera taking a picture of the five us.

"You owe me one more thing," My attention snaps back to Percy. "You promised me information about my mother,"

"You sure you really want to hear?" Ares says revving the engine again. "She's not dead,"

Daughter of the Myths: The Lightning ThiefWhere stories live. Discover now