How Could You?

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Liam sneaks through the front door of his house, trying to stay quiet, suspecting his parents are sleeping. As he heads to his room, he hears his mom call out to him and has a worried look on his face.

Ava: Liam, est-ce que tu (is that you)?

Liam stops in his tracks, unsure of what to say, and begins to speak nervously.

Liam: Uh, oui (yes), maman (mom). Just me

Ava enters the doorway from the kitchen with a worried and angry face.

Ava: où étais-tu (where were you)?! It's past midnight!

Liam speaks hesitantly, trying to think of a lie on the spot. He knows he shouldn't be out this late.

Liam: I...uh I was just out for a walk.

Liam's dad emerges from the hallway, angry with his arms folded across his chest, visibly disappointed, and begins to speak with a stern tone.

William: We know you weren't out for a walk, Liam. Don't lie to your mother. We know you don't take walks anyway.

The atmosphere in the room begins to tense up, and Liam starts to feel uncomfortable. He responds defensively, trying to protect himself.

Liam: I...I just watched a street race for the first time. I wanna be a racer, so I have to learn and experience what comes with that. I didn't do anything wrong, don't worry.

Ava shakes her head disdainfully.

Ava: Liam, I know you have dreams of becoming a racer, but you can't do wrong things for it. If this dream of yours starts making you a bad kid, then I won't allow it to happen.

Liam starts to get visibly frustrated and speaks.

Liam: But it's what I want to do in the future! It's my career that I'll work for! I want to be a racer! You always rub it off as a phase and unrealistic! It's not! I'm sick of it!

His dad sees Liam's anger and responds angrily himself.

William: Enough Liam! This dream of yours is not realistic in any way, shape, or form! I will not have you disrespecting us for a broken dream! Be realistic, Liam! Be real! Racing isn't a career it's dangerous, and I can't put my own flesh and blood at risk! Look at yourself! It's throwing you down a bad path! I don't want that! And neither does your mother!

The words of Liams father hit him hard, causing him to get even more angry. How can his own parents not believe in him? Isn't that their job? Isn't that what their supposed to be doing? Liam starts to tear angrily as his emotions start to show themselves.

Liam: You don't understand! How can my own parents not understand! Racing is my dream! It's what I've always wanted to do! Yet here you are shooting them down without a thought! I thought you were my parents! Not haters and dreamcrushers!

Liams mom sees Liam getting angry and speaks softly, trying to calm him down.

Ava: calme-toi (calm down)! Liam! We understand your passionate Liam, but you're not seeing how risky and dangerous racing can be. I can't put you in danger at such a young age. We love you, Liam, that's why we're saying what we're saying. We just can't risk your safety and you getting into trouble.

Williams' expression softens as well as he speaks, but he still keeps a firm tone.

William: Look. Liam. We just want what's best for you. That's our job. This racing thing is not what's best for you right now. I know you hate the sound of it, but it's true. Maybe later in your life, but right now it's a no-go. You have to focus on your studies and make sure you don't get in trouble. Understand?

Liam feels heartbroken that his parents view his dreams as wrong and not possible. The people who he looks up to the most shooting him down is bound to destroy him, and it has. Liam starts to tear up as he speaks brokenly.

Liam: Wow. My own parents don't believe in me. I can't believe that. Maybe you just never have. You clearly can't understand anyway.

Liam storms off angrily to his room

Ava: Liam? Liam! N'ose pas t'éloigner de nous (don't you dare walk away from us)! Liam!

Ava's commands are in vain as Liam slides his room door shut with a bit of force, making a loud noise.

Ava: bon sang (damn it)!

Ava walks past William and gets back in the kitchen. William has a shocked look on his face. He never knew Liam was so passionate about this dream so much so he'd walk away from his own parents, he's never done that before. Ava angrily sighs in the kitchen and goes back to cleaning it.

William: What do we do?

Ava looks sad and a bit angry.

Ava: Just let him cool off. He'll understand eventually.

William looks at the hallway where Liams room is and looks at Liams door, thinking and contemplating on what he should do.

William: Were we really that harsh? He's never acted like that before... I'm worried, honey.

Ava smiles at William

Ava: Don't worry bébé (baby). I'm sure he'll be fine. It is scary seeing him like that though, I will agree on that.

William: God, I hope he doesn't hate us now.

Ava giggles

Ava: Non (no). He doesn't. I promise you it'll go away, okay?

Ava walks over to William and kisses him

Ava: Now go get some rest you need it okay.

William smiles but looks back one more time in Liams room before shaking his head and going to his room.

* * * * *
Liam sits in his room. Angrily leaning on the wall. He quickly turns around, and hammer fists his bed in anger. He sits down on it forcefully as he contemplates about the street race and mumbles to himself as he lays in bed, waiting to go to sleep.

Liam: bon dieu (goddamnit)! They don't understand they don't. Jésus (jesus)! Aghhh. Whatever, whatever. They'll see. They will, I swear it.

Liam gets comfortable in his bed and falls asleep with an angry smile waiting for the next day to arrive.

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