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"Papa kenapa akak kena masuk sekolah lelaki?"She asked her father. He was silent for a moment and answered. "Sebab sekolah lain tak terima kakak. Itulah jangan main gaduh² tak faham lah ngan perempuan ni" She kept quiet listening to her father's words. "Tapi akak tak buat pun kawan akak yang buat!" "Dah lah kakak suka ke tak masuk jugak!" He yelled.

Y/n kept quiet and nodded at him. "Okay papa.." "Kakak janji dengan papa awak tak akan lawan dalam sekolah ini?" He pulls out his pinky waiting for her to put her pinky. "Janji" He nodded and smiled at her. "Dah jom nanti lambat pulak" "Okay" she nodded and went upstairs and getting her bags.

She went to the car with her bags.
"Semua benda dah ada ke?" He asked helping her with her bags. "Dah papa" she nodded and puts her bags in the trunk and closed it. She's finally ready for her new life at KUDRAT.

After a 6 hour drive they finally made it. "Kakak..papa ada suprise untuk kakak." She looked for something at the back and finally found it. "Nah" He said in a smile. It was a bag with something inside of it. "Papa, apa benda ni?" "Bukak lah tengok" She was excited and opened it. It was a nokia phone. Her face was happy for a second and now it was a frown. "Papa macam mana papa boleh beli ni? Ayah dapat mana duit untuk ni?" "Kenapa tak suka?" He asked

"Serious lah papa? Of course lah suka! Thank you papa!" She hugged him tight and letting go. "Ingat ni message papa and call papa hari²" She nodded. "Baiklah papa" Y/n is form 4 and she had to make a registration at the hall and she was greeted by a prefect. "Hi encik nama saya Naim dan saya akan tunjuk anak awak punya dorm" Papa checked the time. He had a meeting at 2:30 pm.

It was already 2:00 pm "Eh alamak. Sorry Naim saya ada meeting ni. Kakak pergi dengan abang Naim. Okay?" She nodded. Waving her goodbye to her father. "Bye papa! Bawak kereta elok²" she smiled and looked at Naim "So nak saya cakap saya awak ke kau aku?" She asked him tilting her head at him. "Uhm mana² pun boleh" She nodded "Mana dorm saya?" "Oh yeah. Jom" he was jogging and he was fast.

"Wait" she tried catching up to him. He was 184cm tall. He was hard to catch up but luckily Y/n was an athlete at her old school and manage to keep up with him. "Laju jugak engkau ek" Naim said "Yelah sekolah dulu aku athlete" Finally at Y/n dorm "Haa ni dorm awak. Awak sorang perempuan awak akan tidur sorang²." "Okay..Haih tolong ngan beg aku. Berat lah" "Oh sorry²"He apoligise and help her with her bags. "Thank you Naim" she smiled at him.

"Your welcome. Awak boleh rehat dulu nanti kalau nak tolong apa² panggil saya. Okay?" She noddes and waved goodbye at Naim. Y/n laid on her bed and took a quick nap.

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