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Y/n decided to take a nap.She woke up and checked the time. It was 5:00 pm. She quickly freshed up and she forgot something. She forgot to asked Naim's phone number.

"Alamak terlupa lah. Malas lah nak cari dia tapi kena jugak" Y/n tried to find Naim but she accidently bumped into someone. She looked up at him. He had mullet hair (or curly hair idk) He yelled at her "Woi! Mata kau mana bodoh!" He looked at her and was shocked to see a girl infront of him.

"Sorry bang saya tak sengaja" she bowed to him a lot of times and Naim saw you and quickly came up to you. "Sorry Kahar dia tak sengaja"

Y/n Pov:

I tried to find to fidn Naim and accidently bump into someone and he had curly hair and was being rude to me. I didn't want to be rude and so i said sorry and bowed a few times.

And then i felt a hand on my shoulder it was Naim and he had a friend with him. Amirr. Naim said sorry to him too. His name was Kahar. I really didn't know why Naim is kinda scared with him.
I need to know more about this school.

End of Y/n Pov

"Ni kenapa ada perempuan sini? Hm?" He hummed asking Naim. "Aku tak tahu Kahar.." He bend down to you and said "Nama kau sapa?" He looked at you in the eyes. Making eye contact with him.
"Y/f/n" you said confidently. "Hmm..okay.." Kahar said and stand up normally "Dah jom" Kahar said to his friends walking of leaving Naim,Y/n and Amirr alone.

"Aku dah cakap dah kan bagi tahu aku kalau nak tahu apa²" Naim said. I nodded. "Aku terlupa nak tanya nombor telefon engkau tu lah aku keluar nak cari engkau." "Oh ye eh? Sorry². Dah jom kita explore untuk kau." I nodded. Naim and Amirr showed me where DM,The halls,the parking lot,Square and even showed me where my class are.

"Jom,kita makan nak? Lapar ni" i said waiting for their response "Boleh je jom Amirr" "Engkau pergi lah dengan dia aku nak pergi dorm nak habis homework aku" Naim nodded and walked with me to DM. When Y/n walked to the DM she saw all eyes were on her. (Of course lah kan their shocked ada perempuan dalam KUDRAT)

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