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C ❤️
Today 2:34 pm

What you doing tonight?

Visiting my girls in LA for the weekend.
going to a small kickback tonight tho, you?

Oh word? I got plans to go out in the city too

"Y/n! Are you even listening?" Her friend, Sierra yells to get her attention making her look up and set her phone down.

"Huh? I'm sorry, yes I am."

Sierra sighs coming from the arm of the patio couch to next to her "I said what are you wearing tonight but your phone got you occupied than a motherfucker."

"It's whoever she's texting thinking she you already found a nigga here in LA?" Jasmine, her other friend asked sitting in a single chair smiling.

Y/n grows nervous of the hidden guy she started to talk to that she kept hidden from her friends for a reason. One, she doesn't like jinxing herself and two, there was really nothing to show..other than the fact that he had an instagram she wasn't planing to show.

Her phone chimes before she could answer and Sierra and Jasmine takes her phone, seeing the notification and gasping "Who the fuck is Chris bitch??"

The other girls scream in excitement for their friend and she was finally the girl to get action unlike the other girls.

Y/n takes her phone and unlocks it to see the message and she smiled.

C ❤️
Today 2:38 pm

glad you touched down cus I wanna see your pretty face lol, when you wanna chill?
I'll make time baby.

"Aww oh my goodness, You should invite him to the kickback tonight, and tell him to bring homeboys too." Jasmine comes over and says sitting on the opposite side of Y/n, she laughs with rolling her eyes.

"This would be our first time hanging out. We met on instagram and I'm scared how he'll react meeting in person."

"Bitch you're scared that he'll see how gorgeous you look in person than online? Please be for real with all them followers you need to stop." Sierra scolded at her friend. It was true, she didn't have 1.1 million followers on instagram for no reason.

Starting to just randomly take photos of herself in high school and it soon got her modeling deals where she began to travel and be in commercials and so much more, she just never got to see or settle to look for a lover. That was until she met Chris at a mutual friend event a month ago when he fell in love on the spot.

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