Chapter 11: Didn't Think About it When You Let Me Down

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Cassie's POV

After I leave Luke's room, I head to Kenzie's room where she has her records laid out on the floor.

"Wow, that's a lot." I say as I carefully step around them.

"I haven't really had anyone to show them to. Michael hates all my music and Ash, Luke, and Calum don't really have time. Here, pick one and we can listen to it as we get ready for bed." I nod and look around before finding one that looks interesting. I'm not sure who any of these people are, but I'm excited to dive into something different.

When she puts the record on, we sit there and listen to it. It's not usually my type of music, but it's not that bad. As we sit there doing homework, a question keeps popping into my mind, so I take my chance and ask it.

"Do you know who Alisha is?" I ask. Kenzie stops what she's doing and looks at me.

"How do you know about Alisha?" She asks.

"I overheard Luke on the phone and then when I walked into his room, he looked like he'd been crying." She sets her books to the side and looks at me.

"She was his girlfriend back home. They had been dating since year seven and everyone thought they were meant to be, but then we all had to move here and they had to break up. I guess she called him again and it brought up some stuff for him." She explains.

"He never mentioned her." I say.

"Because he doesn't like talking about her. It's hard to talk about the life that we had back home especially since we aren't really allowed to talk about it either."

"Why not?" I ask.

"It's just better if no one knows why we moved here. Finish your homework." She tells me before picking up her books and resuming her homework. I start my homework too, but I finish it pretty quickly since I've always been good at school.

"I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be back." I tell her. I stand up and leave her room. As I'm walking to the bathroom, I see that Luke's light is still on. I feel like I should check on him, but I don't want to bother him. Before I can make my mind up, he walks out of his room.

"Oh, hey." He says with a small smile on his face.

"Hey." I say. "Sorry about leaving earlier. I guess I didn't know what to say." I tell him.

"We apologize a lot to each other." He says. I let out a small laugh. "Are you hungry?" He asks.

"A little. I was just doing homework with Kenzie, but I finished, so I'm mostly bored now." I tell him.

"There's probably some leftover pizza in the fridge if you want some. I was gonna go down there and grab some. I figured I could use it." I nod and we head downstairs.

When we walk into the kitchen, Micheal is down there eating pizza. "Save any for us?" Luke asks.

"If you hurry, there might be a few slices left." He says. Luke goes over there and grabs a plate and two slices of pizza. He puts them in the microwave and after a minute, he takes them out and comes over to me.

"Let's go to my room." He says. We go back up stairs and into his room. We sit down on his bed and start eating. I feel comfortable around him, almost like I can say or do anything around him and he wouldn't judge me for it. "Something on your mind?" He asks.

"Just school stuff. I have a test in history tomorrow." I tell him.

"You should go and study. You don't have to hang in here."

"No, it's okay. I've been preparing for it for like a week now. Plus, I like hanging around you." The words just fly out of my mouth.

"I like hanging around you too." He says. I feel my cheeks start to heat up, but I try my best to hide it. "Wanna watch a movie?" He asks.

"Sure, just nothing scary. I don't plan on staying up all night." He smiles before standing up and walking over to a shelf full of movies.

"Close your eyes. I want it to be a surprise." I roll my eyes, but comply. I hear him rustling around before the room goes dark and he's putting a movie in. "Okay, you can open them now." When I look at the TV screen, I see Mean Girls starting.

"You like this movie?" I ask him.

"Of course, who doesn't?" He asks as he sits down on his bed. "It's not scary, and it's funny." I smile as I start eating what's left of the slice of pizza he gave me. Eventually, I finish my food and put my back against the wall, trying to get comfortable. "Do you want a pillow?" He asks.

"That would help." He hands me one and I put it behind me. It helps a little, but it's still not very comfortable.

"Here, lay down. Maybe it'll feel better." He tells me. He gets up so I can get comfortable before laying down next to me. "Better?" He asks.

"Yeah actually." I say as my eyes stay glued on the TV. As the movie continues, I feel myself getting tired. I try my best to stay awake, but nothing works and I end up falling asleep.

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