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Author's note:
In this chapter there is mentioning of selective mutism. I'm not a professional so this is not entirely accurate portrayed. But I tried my best to make it as realistic as possible.
Hope you enjoy.



There, in the dimly lit hallway, stood Sand, his features partially obscured by the shadows. Yet, even in the subdued light, Ray would recognize that face anywhere; it was etched into his memory with an indelible permanence. Sand appeared unchanged, a haunting echo of the last time Ray had laid eyes on him.

In that moment, time seemed to halt, leaving Ray ensnared in the captivating presence of the person he thought he would never see again; the person he thought he had lost forever. Amidst the haze of uncertainty and longing, Sand's face remained a beacon of beauty, a sight that Ray cherished with every fiber of his being.

Though the passage of time had left its mark, Sand retained an undeniable allure that stirred something deep within Ray's soul. Despite appearing more worn and weary, he radiated a quiet strength that spoke volumes of the trials he had endured. His once vibrant eyes, now dimmed, peered out from beneath strands of dark hair that had grown longer, framing his face in a somber veil. And still, the absence of the eyes usual spark only served to accentuate the depth of emotion that lay hidden within them.

Dressed in his signature band T-shirt and beloved brown jacket, Sand exuded a sense of familiarity and comfort that tugged at Ray's heartstrings. Each detail, from the tousled hair to the well-worn attire, served as a poignant reminder of the memories they had shared and the bond they had forged.

But as the initial shock of seeing Sand subsided, a tidal wave of emotions crashed over Ray with devastating force. Panic gripped him like a vice, constricting his chest and robbing him of breath. The air grew thick and suffocating, each beat of his heart echoing like thunder in his ears.

Ray had to leave, to flee from the overwhelming intensity of the moment. With a racing heart, he stumbled backward, his mind screaming for him to get out.

And then he ran.

Ray ran as if his life depended on it, fleeing from the suffocating confines of the hallway and the overwhelming emotions that threatened to consume him. With each pounding step, Ray's heartache propelled him further away from the bar, leaving behind the shattered remnants of his composure.

Guilt gnawed at Ray for abandoning Sand in the heat of the moment, despite having mentally prepared himself for months for the moment they would finally see each other again. But the weight of finally seeing Sand after so many years all became too unbearable, driving Ray to seek refuge from the chaos of his emotions.

Finally breaking free into the cool embrace of the evening air, Ray continued to run, though now at a slower pace. He halted at the next corner, his back pressed against the comforting solidity of the brick wall. With trembling hands, he buried his head in his knees, trying to seek solace in the darkness that surrounded him.

Time seemed to lose all meaning as Ray crouched there, grappling with the storm raging within his mind. His breaths came in ragged gasps, each one a painful reminder of his dark past.

Suddenly, amidst the chaos of his thoughts, Ray felt a familiar presence enveloping him. A warm hand gently settled on his back, tracing comforting circles as if to soothe the turmoil within. Instinctively, Ray leaned into the touch, craving the reassurance it offered.

With the comforting presence beside him, Ray gradually felt the tumult within him begin to subside. Slowly, tentatively, he lifted his head, daring to meet the gaze of his silent companion.

I'm sorry...for everything Where stories live. Discover now