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3rd person

Alyssa was 7, but she remembers the day her mother told her she was pregnant and that she couldn't say anything about it to anyone, not even Raven, Alyssa's best friend.

Alyssa never said anything. When she was 8, her mother went into labor, and her father was working in the mechanical part of the Ark in the lower levels, and even if he tried, he wouldn't be there in time.

So Alyssa helped her mother through it as her mother tried not to be so loud that the guards would come and see,  Alyssa ended up delivering the baby, it was a girl, and Alysaa begged her mother to let her name the baby.

Her mother let her, and Alyssa named the baby Rarra since she was a rare special baby girl. Unlike Alyssa, who was just a well-known average girl, Rarra was raised. They hid her the best they could, but it wasn't enough.

When Alyssa was 12, guards came in unexpectedly. They saw Rarra and took her away, and her mother and father couldn't decide who would get floated for Alyssa and Rarra's sake, but they ran out of time, and the guard chose for them.

So 12 year old Alyssa, watched as her mother got floated for the crime of having more than one child, as for Rarra she was supposed to get locked up until she was 18 then get floated but one week later Rarra tried escaping and got caught.

The guard shot on site, killing 4 year old Rarra Duke, as Alyssa and her father watched. After that, Alyssa wasn't the same. She became distant and more of a rebel, a troublemaker, but nothing to major.

6 years later, Alyssa met Bellamy Blake, she was 18, and he was 16. They both liked each other and eventually started dating. A few months later, Bellamy talked about Octavia to Alyssa. Bellamy instantly regretted saying that stuff until Alyssa talked about Rarra, saying she wouldn't tell.

A year later, Alyssa's father almost killed someone, so he got floated 2 days later, Alyssa never broke she just got more terrifying to other people she would act like her parents and younger sister's death never effected her, but it did it affected her more than you'd think.

2 years later, Bellamy is 18, and Alyssa is 20. Alyssa was at the dance when Octavia bumped into her on her way out of the dance, trying to get away from the guards. Bellamy was right behind Octavia.

Alyssa helped them get out, but right before they could get to the end of the room, the guard caught Octavia and took her away. The day Octavia got locked up was the day that Aurora Blake was floated, unlike Rarra, Octavia survived.

1 year later, Alyssa tried to help Octavia escape but got caught, and since Alyssa was over the age of 18, she was sentenced to death for trying to help a prisoner escape.

The day of her executive, she watched as Jaha almost pressed the button, but he let's go as Kane went to do it. Jaha stopped him. She survived, but her family didn't. She escaped the fate her parents faced, and she hated Jaha stopped.

She was messed up after that. She became meaner and colder, but she was never mean to Bellamy. He was the one exception, for now.

4 years later, the day they sent the 100 to the ground, Bellamy shot and "killed" Jaha to get on the dropship, while all Alyssa did was kill a random kid off the 100, and take his place. Bellamy didn't know, and neither did Octavia know that her brother and his gf were on the ship to watch over her.

OK, so guys, I did my best it's late, and I'm tired, but I need to publish this story sometime, so I might as well right now. I may not post tomorrow, but I'm gonna try to keep this story updated regularly, unlike like my other stories.

Hope you enjoy

Love Ya

Words: 684

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2024 ⏰

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