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The heavy mechanical doors opened with a faint buzz sound.

A man walked past, his steps bold, unhurried, unlike those of the two scientists that went ahead of him. He could sense the urgency in their pace, their hushed argument and of course, the glances he received from the two guards that joined them.

What do they want now?

Looking around nonchalantly, the facility proved to be far superior and well equipped, it couldn't be compared to the simple weapons armory that used to be here.

The previous owners struck gold selling to Gamora, at least on the surface they did.

He'd look into it later.

Everything seemed to be state-of-the-art material, sharing striking resemblance with the layouts he'd received for ongoing renovations back home.

So this was what Kim Sung-Chul wanted to do with their lab.

Well it didn't look half bad. It was a good idea to let him lead the project after all.

Flanked by two guards and standing in front of another pair of double doors, the man who'd contacted Trinity greeted him with an amiable smile.

"It's good to see you again Mr Baek Woo-jin, thank you for coming on such short notice."

The brown haired man said, reaching out for a handshake. Firmly grasping his hand in return, Baek Woo-jin responded.

"You can thank Yura for that when you next see her."

He'd been fervently against this whole shenanigan with the Gamora guild right from the start.

They seemed alright on the outside, but were half rotten within, their hands had stuck deep into the underworld long before he ever thought to join a guild himself.

The only reason he did come, was to do an I.O.U he owed.

His aide, Han Yura had to pull at his hair multiple times to get him to follow through in the end.

"I like what you've done with the place, it's than the last time I saw it."

"You flatter us Mr Woo-Jin, please follow me."

He led the way, flashing an ID over a card reader, Baek Woo-jin followed. His strides calm and his expression unconcerned.

This had better be worth all the secrecy.

A wave of unpleasantness washed over him as they turned a large corridor. It was a familiar feeling, a repulsive one that he recognized almost immediately.

That person was here as well, he'd know his energy anywhere. And it ticked him off like a time bomb.

The indifferent mask he wore gave way, the confidence in his eyes morphed into one of displeasure. He knew Gamora was up to something, but this was the most irritating move they could have pulled.

Baek Woo-jin released twice as much energy as he'd sensed, sending it like a surge, a wrecking ball through the facility.

Everyone around him was gripped by the piercing pressure he emitted. The guards got it hard, they were hit by instant waves of nausea, each felt like falling to their knees despite all four of them being nothing below B-class.

One who managed to take a step forward, was immediately pummeled down by the sheer pressure that came off the guest. His ears blared and a stream of blood rushed from his nostrils. The massive force pressed his throbbing head against the ground, he grunted and struggled, yet only one thought surfaced in his mind.

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