6 1 1

"As I'm sure, you once called her... sister."

Baek Woo-jins' eyes widened.

Disbelief, shock, terror. You could see different emotions flash across his face at once, then finally, anger.

Kang Dong Woo dug his feet into the ground for balance, immediately locking his arms together in a defensive pose,
his skill triggered just as Woo-jin's attack connected with his forearm.

A single strike, without any buff or killing intent. Yet powerful enough to send the guild leader spiraling backwards in an instant.

Kang Dong Woo's back narrowly missed the ceiling, he regained composure, doing a somersault midair that cushioned his fall.

Despite it, tremors shot through the length of his arms, reverberating across his entire body.

He was expecting such a reaction, but to think the bastard really attacked him.

If it'd been his lower ranked subordinates, things would've gotten messy real fast.

"Say that again, and you won't be getting up."

Baek Woo-jin seethed. Glaring daggers at the guild leader who was now a good distance away from him.

He hadn't been this angry in a while, yet these Gamora bastards just had to tick him off.

"You fuckers,"

The pressure that came off him was suffocating. It poured out of him needlessly, shrouding the large area like a fog.

Kang Dong Woo held his breath, this idiot wasn't planning to hear anything he had to say. If he retaliated, they'd bring the facility down in minutes.


He knew the plan was flawed from the start, despite how much the higher ups pressed for the items removal, this was bound to happen. Now he only needed to calm the young fool down somehow, before things completely got out of hand.


This was his karma for taking lead on the deal.

"Hear me out Mr Woo-jin. This isn't whatever you're thinking- khugh!"

Another lash of energy tore at him at breakneck speed, forceful and vicious.

The guild leader dodged to the side in an instant, the strike slicing past him and searing the side of the area in half.

Heavy cables shot out of the slashed wall, scattering electrical sparks over the ground. The door at the other end that took the brunt of the blow was sliced in half, one part of it blown off completely.

Kang Dong Woo allowed himself a moment to imagine what would have happened if the attack had struck him.

Despite being an upper A-class hunter, his abilities paled in comparison to this monster.

Woo-jin raised his hand, a violent stream of reddish energy burning in his palm, they'd crossed a line with this joke and he was going to teach Gamora a lesson.

This time the blow would connect.

"That's enough,"

The bystander who'd been peering at the person behind the glass frame finally intervened.

He held Baek Woo-jins' hand from behind, his grip tightening painfully.

"Get back to your senses, before you bring this place down."

"Get off me!"

Woo-jin shrugged his hand off, turning to give the guy a death glare.

The guy could care less, his impassive eyes ignored the ones that resembled them so much and he casually said.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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