The first day

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The previous day was very exciting. Ten objects arrived on the island of Big Brother, starting a competition for freedom. After the rules were discussed by SCP-079, the objects decided to settle in the mansion. SCP-035 and SCP-106 went to the pool, which didn't end well for either of them, especially for the Mask. SCP-1678-A closely observed the actions of the two objects.

"Are you really not going to take advantage of this pleasure?" Larry asked.

"I don't intend to enter a mix of water, your slime, and 035's sludge." the policeman answered.

The Old Man shrugged and began to search for his bathing companion. How surprised he was to see the host's body at the bottom. Larry dived in to retrieve the body, while SCP-1678-A watched the drifting Mask.

"I've a problem." SCP-035 said. "I don't have a host now."

"Then you shouldn't jump into the pool." the policeman replied.

Then SCP-106 emerged from the pool with the former host of the Mask, but upon seeing the drifting object, he dropped the body, which again sank to the bottom. Larry took SCP-035 and exited the pool. Then the voice of Big Brother echoed:

"SCP-035 and SCP-106. You are strictly prohibited from bathing in the pool."

"It's a joke!" SCP-106 shouted and threw the Mask, which landed in the bushes.

Meanwhile, SCP-049 and SCP-1471-A were trying to solve the invisibility problem of SCP-966. Although Big Brother had night-vision cameras that easily caught the Sleep Killer, the other objects were unable to see it.

"Perhaps we should splash you with something?" the furry creature suggested.

"Never in my life!" 966 replied. "Besides, I can wash it off myself."

"I suggest some clothing or even an accessory," the doctor said, as he looked into his bag. "Voilà!"

SCP-049 pulled out a black hat, which he simply didn't use. He handed it to SCP-966, who put it on.

"How do I look?" 966 asked.

"You look like a levitating hat." SCP-1471-A commented.

"You need a scarf and maybe some glasses. Let's check the rooms. Maybe we'll find something interesting there". -  049 said and led the objects to the bedrooms.

SCP-073 and SCP-076-2 were exploring the house, inspecting it. Cain, of course, remembered every corner of the new place. They had already toured the first floor, which featured double bedrooms with their own bathrooms, a computer room, and a mini laboratory. On the ground floor was a huge living room, a bathroom, a huge kitchen connected to a dining room, a confession room, and something resembling an art studio. Outside, of course, there was a pool tainted with the slime of 106 and 035. Only the basement remained. When Cain opened the door, Abel shouted:

"What a gym! It's bigger than the living room!"

"I confirm." 073 said. :Are you planning to try out the equipment?"

"Sure! Although I've never seen most of it before. What's this, for example?"

"That's a treadmill. You set the pace and run in place."

The next few hours were spent by SCP-073 explaining some exercise equipment to SCP-076-2. Meanwhile, elsewhere in the house, the Sculpture tried to improve the Shy Guy's mood.

"I won't be able to do it! What if I get a difficult task that I can't handle?" the humanod cried.

"You surely won't." 173 replied. "And even if you do, I'm sure you'll manage! You're very strong!"

"I want to go back to the facility!!! I want my guard!!!"

"There, there... Shh... I'm herenwith you, calm down. Nobody's rejecting you here, and we all support you!"

SCP-096 started crying even more, with SCP-173 still by its side. Just then, the door to the room opened, and in stepped the doctor, the furry, and the invisible one.

"Do you mind if we search the cabinets?" SCP-1471-A asked.

"No." SCP-173 replied, feeling the gaze of at least two objects upon it.

SCP-049 and SCP-1471-A quickly searched the room, while SCP-966 watched them. Suddenly, SCP-1678-A appeared at the door with SCP-035 in hand.

"I'd like to address a few matters." 1678-A began.

"Does anyone want to put me on?" the Mask spoke up.

"I'm referring to the rooms. I'm sure you've noticed they're all double occupancy. Cain and Abel have already agreed to room together."

"I think I can take that one with the Shy Guy," the Sculpture said.

Everyone looked at SCP-096, who had already soaked the entire pillow with tears. His louder crying was seen as confirmation of SCP-173's words.

"I will probably take a room with the Mask or Larry" the police officer continued.

"Hey!" SCP-035 shouted. "I don't want to be with you, and Larry doesn't either! We want to be together!"

"No. SCP-049, SCP-1471-A, SCP-966, with whom would you prefer to share the room?"

"Whatever, just not the Mask!" the doctor shouted, pointing at the object. "He's unpredictable!"

"I haven't done anything to you!"

The Sculpture took advantage of the fact that no one was looking and approached closer.

"Yet!" that was the key word.

"You know, if I had a host, I would have left this room a long time ago."

Even without a host, SCP-035 managed to break free from SCP-1678-A's grasp and flew halfway across the room, landing at SCP-173's feet.

"Agh!" SCP-035 screamed. "I've seen many grotesque sights, but this one is the worst! Where did you come from?! Take your foul stench away from my sight!"

"You know..." the Sculpture started. "You're looking at me... You just need to blink, and then I'll step back."

"Then we have a problem. I don't blink!"

"Returning to the topic of rooms." the policeman said , ignoring the Mask. "I'll take the room with 035. 049, can you be with 106?"

"I see no objections." the doctor replied.

"So we'll be together." the furry said, and 966 nodded.

Suddenly, everyone heard the voice of Big Brother:

"SCP-035, you will receive a weekly supply of hosts."

"At least one good news." the Mask spoke, still looking at the butt of the Sculpture.

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