Chapter 9: Old acquaintances

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"Tazuna-san, can you please tell us more about the Land of Waves?" The voice of the pink haired girl popped up as their boat steadily moved across the water. One of the Copy-ninja's eyes opened lazily at the mention. Naruto had quietened down a little, and Sasuke was expressionless as usual. Sakura's voice ended the awkward silence that started ever since their encounter with the Demon Brothers.

Tazuna's face fell instantly.

"We are a small village that relies on fishing and trade. How about I tell you more about it when we arrive at my house-"

"Sir, it appears to me during the fight against the demon brothers, that their target was not us, but you. Could you tell us why, otherwise I'm afraid my team and I would have to discontinue with this mission." Kakashi's gaze was fixed on the bridge builder's, who took a shaky breath.

"I'm terribly sorry."

"Our nation was small to begin with, unlike Konohagakure. It was already hard for us to get resources from outside the villages. A wealthy businessman who's called Gato saw this as an opportunity, so he gained the control of this country I live in. He uses his connections to conduct illegal trades and a lot of other things. He's the main reason our country can't afford high ranked missions. He's probably also the one behind all those ninjas who after me, since I'm in charge of building the bridge which would provide as the main transportation platform to the outside, he sees me as someone who needs to be removed." Tazuna sighed dejectedly.

"You do know that you have put my genin team, into a mission that is most likely to be more dangerous than C-rank." Kakashi pushed on, "I will need to further discuss-"

"Don't worry old man, we are gonna protect you!" Naruto grinned while patting the man on the back. Sakura and Sasuke agreed with nods. Kakashi sighed.


The group had been walking for a while now from when they got off from the boat. Kakashi was talking to Tazuna about something, Naruto was having a one-sided argument with Sasuke. Sasuke's focus was mainly on the viridian-eyed girl. Sakura was scanning their surroundings with her large, almond eyes, she then turned away and looked deep in thought.

It's way too quiet, I remember Zabuza attacking us at around about this time. Her pink eyebrows scrunched up in confusion. She didn't notice the pair of onyx eyes that were glued on her back.

"Hey, Teme! I'm talking to you!"

"Shut up, Usuratonkachi."



Sakura didn't react at all to their mini fights, instead her eyes were fixed on the little rustle in the bush. She reached for her bag, took out a kunai and threw it. A terrified white rabbit hopped out and was scooped up by Naruto.

"Sakura-chan why did you do that? Look at how scared it is." His hand gently patted the soft, white fur of the rabbit.


They couldn't see her face, but they could tell she was staring intensely at the ground.

White rabbit. White rabbit. White rabbit. White rabbit they- they don't come out... That means-


Here he comes. Sakura thought.

A massive blade swung over their heads as they all squatted, the tip of the blade imbedded into a tree trunk. Next to its handle, stood a Kiri-nin whose face was wrapped in white bandages while leaving his top half without clothing, the scars visible on his bare skin. He grinned at the shocked faces of Tazuna, showing his sharp, shark-like teeth.

Kakashi's eye widened in recognition.

"Team, be careful. He is Momochi Zabuza, a missing nin from Kirigakure. His nickname is Demon of the Hidden Mist and that's not just in name. Stay back." He looked at the ninja with seriousness.

"I want to fight him, Kakashi-sensei!" The blonde protested but was only to be held back by Sakura.

"Naruto, he is way out of our league, just listen to Kakashi-sensei." The pinkette said solemnly.

"Sakura is right."

Kakashi's hand reached for the headband which covered his left eye and dragged it down, revealing a blood red eye with three spinning tomoes.

"I am honoured to be recognised by you, Kakashi of the Sharingan." A sadistic smile planted on Zabuza's face.

"What's a Sharingan?" Naruto, who was confused with the interaction between the two, asked.

Sakura turned a little to look at Sasuke, who held a grim expression while his lips are pressed in a thin line.

"The Sharingan is a Kekkei Genkai that is only from the Uchiha clan. It is a Dojutsu which enables the user to see Ninjutsu and predict the opponent's movements as well as seeing through Genjutsu."

Why does Kakashi have it? The raven-haired boy thought.

Zabuza just smirked. His hand making the seals.

"Suiton: Kirigakure no Jutsu." A thick veil of mist quickly gathered; the surroundings are now put under a blanket of white. Zabuza himself blended and vanished into the mist.

"Team 7, Formation 3, protect Tazuna!" Kakashi shouted, and the genins stood around Tazuna in a triangle shape. Sakura looked ahead, gathering chakra to her senses, trying to find Zabuza. From her peripheral vision, she saw Sasuke trembling from the killing intent that were mixed in with the mist. His eyes were staring intensely at the ground, while his hands shook and desperately trying to hold the kunai tightly.

Her eyes softened, she put her small hand over his. He flinched, instantly turning to face her. She smiled at him, her emerald eyes sparkling.

"Trust Kakashi-sensei, he is not going let any of us get hurt." She said while giving his hand a comforting squeeze. Sasuke's eyes widened, he took a deep breath to calm down his racing heart caused by his teammate. His hands relaxed more and stopped shaking. He gently tapped her hand away and quietly muttered.

"...Thank you, Sakura."

The silver haired nin turned around, smiling.

"Sakura's right, so don't worry, I won't let any of my team members die."

"How touching, but it's too late." Zabuza suddenly appeared right in the middle of the triangle formation.

Shit. Sakura and Kakashi cursed inwardly. Naruto gasped, he turned around to face Zabuza, but he just wasn't fast enough. The blade swung towards Tazuna. A kunai stopped the sword just in time, the pink kunoichi stood in front of Tazuna while staring right into Zabuza's eyes. Sakura's monster strength was holding against Zabuza as the girl pushes his blade back. Naruto and Tazuna stared in amazement.

Sakura gathered more and more chakra into her limbs. Kakashi looked at his student, deeply in thought.

"I guess you are more than just a brat." Zabuza sneered while putting on more pressure towards the blade. Sakura breathed heavily, nearly at her limit. Zabuza's sword slowly sawed through the side of the kunai. Sakura clenched her teeth as the kunai broke and Zabuza's sword was nearly upon her. She waited for the impact, but it didn't come. A hand grabbed firmly onto her wrist and yanked her back, causing her to land on her butt. Navy blue shirt came in the sight of the pink haired girl. Sasuke stood in his stance, protecting his female team mate.

Kakashi flash stepped behind Zabuza, stabbing his kunai into his back. The figure melted into water instead.

Water clone. Sakura stared at the puddle of water. Kubikiribōchō then swung out of nowhere and sliced Kakashi in half.

The clone dispersed as the real Kakashi appeared behind Zabuza, pointing his kunai towards his neck.

Yep. Reupload, 

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