Chapter 4: Reunion

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"Crap, I'm gonna be late again." The curses of a pink haired girl rang throughout the street, the adults shook their heads at her colourful language.

Today was the day for the new genins to be put into their teams. For Sakura, this is where her intertwining bond with her boys started. There was a huge uproar after her spar, she tried to look normal and not fidget under Iruka's questioning stare but eventually found it too intimidating. So, when her old sensei approached her in the afternoon, she gave an excuse and ran away. She was disappointed with herself since as an ANBU in her old life, she wasn't supposed to show emotions, let alone being affected by others'.  Other's spars were the same but except Naruto fought with Hinata and Ino fought with Ami. Naruto only won because Hinata fainted at their physical contacts, while Ino won..

The second part of the exam was just the clone making test, which Sakura passed with flying colours. Sasuke, being the Uchiha prodigy he is, did a magnificent job as always. Naruto on the other hand had the same result he did in the other time but learned his famous Shadow Clone jutsu after the encounter with Mizuki. Sakura let out a big breath that she was holding when she saw the ramen-loving boy waving at her on his seat, the headband of Konoha tied around his forehead. She looked around next to him, the Uchiha boy sat silently while looking out the window.

Sakura made her way towards them, hesitating when she walked pass Sasuke. He turned around, eyes meeting with hers, obsidian clashed with jade ones. They stared at each other for a good length of time,


Leave it for Naruto to ruin the moment.

Sakura inwardly groaned at his energetic voice; how can someone be so hyper this early in the morning? She spun around to look at him, and in the corner of her eyes she saw a hint of dismay in Sasuke's expression.

"Usuratonkachi, don't be so annoying and be quiet." If you look closely, there was a tiny irk mark on Sasuke's forehead.


"But you are, Dobe."


"Then don't call me a Teme, Dobe."

Naruto fumed in anger, he got in front of Sasuke and was squatting on his table while giving him a death stare. Sasuke just had a blank face. Sakura was amused at the exchange between them, her eyes widened at the position they were in, already aware what's going to happen.

"Oh, sorry." Said the boy who sat in the front and bumped Naruto.

The whole class became silent as two locked lips. The boys' eyes were wide like saucers, then instantly backed away from each other and gagged. Sakura was having trouble not trying to laugh, while the other girls except for Hinata were ready to kill Naruto.




Sasuke and Naruto looked green. Sakura finally could not hold it in.

"Pfffft-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" She laughed while wiping off some tears, the fangirls looked at her if she had a second head.

"T-that was t-the m-most hilarious t-thing I've e-ever seen!" She choked out between her giggles. Naruto and Sasuke just glared at her.

"Class! Get back into your own seats then I will announce your teams." Iruka was genuinely confused with the class atmosphere he walked into today but decided not to question it.

"Ne Sakura-chan we can be in the same team together!" Naruto said to his crush. Sakura flashed him a grin.

"I'm fine with anyone as long as I'm not with that Teme over there." Sakura had to hide her snicker again.

"Ok You will be in three-man squads with a Jounin teacher. When I call out your names please wait here for your teacher to come and get your team."

"Team 1 ...."

"Team 2...."

"Team 6..."

"Team 7, Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura-

Naruto cheered.

"and Uchiha Sasuke."

Naruto's mood darkened. He pointed at the Uchiha boy.

"Why is someone amazing as me has to be placed on the same team as HIM?!" Sasuke just shot him a glare.

"Naruto you scored last in this class, while Sasuke is at the top of the class and the rookie of the year. Your abilities would balance out the overall team strength, especially with Sakura's-ummm extraordinary abilities." The class laughed. A few fangirls were jealous of Sakura being in the same team as their precious Sasuke kun. Sakura just beamed at her male blonde friend.

"Team 8, Inuzuka Kiba, Hyuga Hinata and Aburame Shino." The shy Hyuga heiress smiled at the Inuzuka boy and the insect user.

"Team 9..."

"Team 10, Nara Shikamaru, Yamanaka Ino and Akimichi Choji." The brunette groaned and muttered.

"So troublesome."

"Why did I have to be placed in the same team as the lazy ass and the food lover." Ino sighed. Sakura just laughed to herself, it was the Ino-Shika-Cho formation once again.

"Why is our sensei late." Naruto whined loudly. The others had left already, Team 8 with Yuhi Kurenai and Team 10 with Sarutobi Asuma. Sakura already got used to Kakashi's lateness for everything. Sasuke just stayed silent. Naruto grinned ear to ear as an idea came up in his mind.

"Hehe let's prank him for being late." He went on the stool and placed an eraser between the door and the door frame.

"Oh please, he's a Jounin. There's no way he would fall for that." Sasuke turned his head around and commented.

"We would never know what's going to happen though." The pink haired kunoichi jumped from her seat and landed next to Naruto. Sasuke grunted in reply.

There were footsteps heading towards their classroom. The door creaked open and the eraser fell on the familiar blob of grey.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA YOU ACTUALLY FELL FOR THAT!" Naruto was now rolling on the ground, clutching his stomach. Sakura giggled and Sasuke had a hint of amusement in his eyes.

"My first impression of you are that you are all a bunch of idiots. See me on the roof." With that Hatake Kakashi teleported away with a poof.

Hehehe Team 7 once again!

OwO I'm gonna try and have more SasuSaku moments from now on.

Peace out ;)

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