Chapter 8: Guidance

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"AHHHHHH!!!! GET OFF ME!" Naruto ran around frantically trying to get the cat off his face. The cat named Tora was the target for their latest mission from the Hokage. Sakura winced.

"Naruto maybe if you yelled less the cat would probably let go by itself."

"I WANT A HARDER MISSION!" The knucklehead ninja whined loudly as they walked into the Hokage's office.

"Be quiet, you are in the Hokage's office now." Kakashi scolded him.

But Naruto being Naruto, still complained about the missions. The Third Hokage explained the ranks of ninja and their assigned jobs' ranks to Naruto. And after a tedious argument between the Sandaime and Naruto, Sarutobi finally gave in.

"Fine, I will assign Team 7 a C-rank mission, you are to escort Tazuna, a master bridge builder to the Land of Waves."

On que, a drunk old man appeared at the entrance of the office. His eyes scanned the three Genins.

"Am I really going to be escorted by these brats, especially that short one with the idiot look on his face?"

"Pfffft HAHAHA, Sasuke he called you an idiot!" Naruto laughed at his teammate, then came to a realisation when his two teammates stood next to him, one on each side. He launched at Tazuna.


Sakura, with her quick reflexes, held Naruto back by his collar.

"Naruto. We are supposed to escort him, not KILL him." She hissed. Naruto hmphed. Sasuke gave a tiny smirk and Sakura resisted the urge to roll her eyes at the blonde.

"Ok, then that's settled, we will meet at the village gate at 7.00 am sharp." Kakashi said.

They all went off in their own directions.

That night, Sakura sat on her bed. She thought about the mission to the Land of Waves in her previous timeline. Zabuza, Haku, Sasuke getting pierced by senbons, Naruto went into the Nine-tails mode for the first time.

'Haku is innocent, he just wants to protect those he loves. Zabuza was hired by Gato to kill Tazuna... How are we going to get rid of Gato, I don't want to let Haku and Zabuza die. But I can't let Sasuke, Naruto and Kakashi sensei get hurt by them. What should I do, what should I do...' The scene of Sasuke impaled by the needles played itself over and over again in her mind.

Her fists clenched and relaxed open, she stared at her hands. Crystal droplets fell on her hand, now she realised the tears that were pouring from her eyes.

She felt so alone.

She couldn't tell anyone yet, so this is all on her. Now she finally realised the burden of a mission on her, changing the course of future by intentionally interfering. This wasn't just changing people's perspective on her because she showed her skills. This time the decision of one's life is in her hands.

She couldn't talk to anyone, she felt so helpless.

'Tsunade-sama would should I do?' She hugged her knees, curling herself into a ball. Her puffy eyes stared out looking at the full moon.

A smiling image of Tsunade flashed in front of her. Her eyes held adoration towards her student while her lips were parted.

'I believe in you, Sakura.'

"As long as this time I protect Sasuke and Naruto. Nothing else matters." She smiled to herself and fell into a deep sleep.

The next day, Team 7 set off with Tazuna to the Land of Waves. As they were walking, Naruto was speaking loudly, Kakashi was talking with Tazuna and Sasuke just walked next to them silently with his hands in his pockets. Sakura on the hand, was looking out for attackers that might be hiding in the bushes next to them. Then she realised the puddle that were on the side of the road. She looked Kakashi and their eyes met, he nodded.

Two Kiri-nins came out of the puddles, they wrapped Kakashi in their chains and tore him apart. Naruto was shocked while Sasuke remained composed. The two nins threw their chains towards the trio and they the dodged by stepping back. But Naruto still received a cut on his hand. Sakura took this chance and ran towards the two Kiri-nins.

"Protect Tazuna, Naruto!" Naruto snapped out of his daze and jumped in front of Tazuna, holding a kunai. Sasuke followed Sakura's lead and ran in front of her, using his shurikens to pin the ninjas' chain to the tree and kicked them in the face. Sakura ducked low, used her chakra infused fist and dug it into one of the ninja's stomach. The person flew back, his back hitting a tree trunk. The other was finished by Sasuke kicking him in the chin.

"Well done, Sakura and Sasuke." Kakashi dusted his pants and came out from behind a tree.

"Kakashi sensei you are alive!!"

"Naruto let me treat your wound, the chain was poisoned." Sakura walked towards the Uzumaki.

Naruto gritted his teeth; he didn't do anything to help in the attack from the Kiri-nins before. He took out a kunai and stabbed into the wound. Tazuna's jaw dropped and Sakura inwardly face palmed.

"I want to continue on this mission, Kakashi sensei. I will NEVER run away or back down from any mission, threat or enemy and I will not lose to Sasuke! I will prove myself-dattebayo!" He made his oath.

Sakura felt happy and proud, Naruto will always be the same. Kakashi sighed.

"Fine. And Naruto if you don't patch up that wound, you will bleed to death."


"Give your hand to me." Sakura instructed, and Naruto put his hand in hers. A minty green glowed softly as Sakura hovered her healing chakra covered hand over the gash.

'Wow, so this is the regenerative power of the Kyuubi, his wound healed so fast!' Sakura awed.

When Naruto was all patched up, they walked towards the Tazuna's place. Kakashi gave the bridge builder a subtle glance.


"The brothers I sent were defeated, those useless trash! It seems that they have some promising Genins escorting Tazuna."

"Genins or not, they are still brats, baby birds that have not seen the world beyond their nest."

"They also have Copy Ninja, Kakashi of the Sharingan with them."

"Well I'm the Demon of the Hidden Mist." A sinister smirk planted on his face as he walked out.

Oof, two chapters updated in one day ;)

I will update as soon as I can after a while so please wait.

Thank you so much again for all the views and support!

Peace out;)

From Author-chan

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