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Author's POV

Staring outside the window at the dark clouds surrounding the sun Boboiboy doodled something in his notebook not paying the tiniest bit of attention to his class.

Not in a minute the teacher called out his name and asked him to repeat what she just said but Boboiboy just shrugged his shoulders saying a small 'sorry' for not paying attention.

The teacher sighed at his behaviour. Boboiboy was never like this his behaviour changed and everyone around him noticed. Every time someone would ask him about it he would just simply shrug his shoulders saying he doesn't know.

But the truth is, he was in love.
Madly in love.

He would try to get over it but the more he tried the more he fell. He couldn't find a way out of it.

He could've told his friends about it but he just couldn't bring himself to do so all because of Yaya. He knew about Yaya's feelings for him. And he didn't want to hurt the feelings of his close friend.

He knew if Yaya ever proposed to him he would probably accept in order to not hurt her feelings.

But recently, things have been more different for him. He does things.. really bad things.
Boboiboy knew no one would suspect the superhero anyway.

His eyes went to his notebook and stared at the quick sketch he did of what he calls his love of my life.

There you were, also doodling something in your notebook. It was clear you had no interest in the class either.

You got called out by the teacher but you answered the question correctly making the teacher sigh.
The teacher knew it was a waste to ask you questions since you were smart enough to score well without even studying.

In a blink of an eye the class ended making everyone pack their bags. Boboiboy looked outside the window and saw tiny droplets of rain.

He took out his umbrella and was about to leave the school ground but saw his love standing waiting for the rain to end.

He took out another umbrella which he always kept for emergencies. He mentally debated with himself whether he should give it or not but then he put the other umbrella inside his bag again.

He slowly started to approach you and fake coughed to get your attention.
"Hey Y/N, you don't have an umbrella?" He asked trying to be like your saviour.
"Nope, didn't think it would rain" you simply replied.
"Do you perhaps wanna share the umbrella..? I can drop you home you know?" He asked mentally praying that he would hear a Yes from your side.
"Sure" Boboiboy tried not to faint in which he was successful but he was unsuccessful at hiding the huge grin formed on his face.

He stood closer to you and both left the school ground.

Boboiboy tried to make some short conversations but he failed miserably at it.
He knew you were never the type to speak all the time unlike Ying.

Some people would even make a joke about you mewing all the time.

"Do you wanna go to kokotiam?" Boboiboy asked.
"It's raining" your reply made Boboiboy mentally slap himself.

"Yea sorry.. I forgot I just love rain too much like ever since I was a kid" Boboiboy kept blabbering something out of embarrassment and you couldn't help but sigh. Seeing you sigh Boboiboy realised that he was talking nonsense.

"Oh no no... Actually" Boboiboy tried to say something in order to cover that embarrassment but he couldn't make up anything.

His cheeks turned red and he pulled his cap to hide his face in embarrassment.

"Isn't it weird people say they love rain but then they would use an umbrella?" You questioned which made Boboiboy look at you in confusion.

"We humans can't love anything. We are hopeless creatures afterall" You said to which Boboiboy refused.

"That's not true humans have all type of emotions but everything depends on something. Like I love rain but I don't want to get sick. Some things are just not meant to be" Boboiboy tried his best to explain hoping you would understand what he said.

"What feelings do you have?" You asked which made him look at you.
"For you?" He asked and you nodded.

"I can say that I do have feelings for you" He confessed waiting for your reply but he didn't get it.
"And you? What do you feel for me?" He asked with hopeful eyes.

"Me? What do I feel..?.. you see we are walking alone in this alley I feel like doing something" You replied which made Boboiboy confuse a bit.

"Something like what?" Boboiboy tried not to think something dirty but he couldn't help it.

"Something... which you won't like" You replied making Boboiboy smirk he now understood or probably misunderstood what you meant.

"Why do you think I won't like it? You never know, I might like what you do" Boboiboy said trying to push you forward to make a move right there.

You halted at your spot and looked at him. He got confused and asked you what happened.

"Would you really like it?" You asked staring deeply into his eyes. He could feel himself getting tempted by your eyes. How he wished to just drown in your eyes and never survive.

"I would like whatever you do, Y/N" he said looking at you with determination.

With a sly smirk you tiptoed and slightly brushed your lips against his.
Boboiboy pulled back with pure shock but literally 1 second later the shock was replaced with regret.

'Fuck Boboiboy, you had the perfect chance to kiss her! Why did you pull back!! Stupidass' Boboiboy thought to himself.

You chuckled but soon the chuckle turned into a laughter. Boboiboy wonderd what was so funny to laugh about.

"This is my house,thanks for dropping me home" You said and leaned in to kiss his cheek.

"Umm.. Y/N, are you free this weekend? I was wondering that maybe" before he could complete his sentence you slammed the door on his face.

A/N- Getting nasty are we now? You all gotta wait for Kaizo ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

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