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   I yawn, stretching as I sit up. The first night at the dorm was a success! I had a good night sleep, slept like a baby! That sounds weird- I stood up, walking to the bathroom to get ready. As  I brush my teeth, I thought of last night. Did Nya eat the food? Or she's creeped out and wants to move out?! I'm thinking too much... I never really talk to a lot of girls so I don't want to look like a creep.

    All done, I walked out and checked the time. Today's the moving day, I will have all my stuffs, my clothes, my inventions and my plushie! I looked through the notification. Nothing special...except 2 missed calls from Ma! How did I not hear the ringing?? Luckily, she called a few minutes ago. I called her again so she doesn't get worried.

    "Jay?" Ma answered.

   "Sorry Ma! I was getting ready.." I quickly explained to her.

   She just smiled.

   "I thought you were still asleep! You don't usually wake up at this time." She chuckled.

   "Yeahh..but today's moving day, I don't want to do nothing and let you two handle everything!" I said.

    Pa joined in, in his hand were a spatula and he was wearing an apron. Guess they're having breakfast.

    "Oh son, it's fine! Plus your dad had some moving company to do most of the work anyways." Pa quickly said before disappearing.

     Usually I would be annoyed but this would help a lot. I only have a few boxes but I don't think I can move all of it in Pa and Ma's old truck. Not saying that the truck suck, just saying it's old and can easily break down.

    "I'll get there at like...8! I need to grab some food." I waved at my parents.

    "Remember to stay safe dearie!" Ma waved back, in the corner Pa was waving his spatula.

    I hung up and changed. It is 7 so I'll have plenty of time getting ready and eating breakfast.

    Walking out of the room, I saw a note on the counter. I would guess it was mine since I wrote a note for Nya last night, but no, she wrote her name on it. I unfold the paper and read:

     'Hey! Thanks for those pizzas, you're really a lifesaver. I had a lot of fun with my friends and no, you don't sound creepy at all so don't stress. You seems nice, anyways since we're going to be roommates, here's my number! 0xx xxx
     - Nya'

    On the paper, she doodles some smiley face. I fold the paper back and shove it in my pocket. I got her number! No Jay, just because we're roommate, nothing serious. I sighed, picking up my keys and left. I wonder if Nya's awake yet? Stop thinking about Nya..I should think about what I'm going to eat for breakfast. I stroll through the city, there's a lot of stores here. I live outside of the city so this was kind of entertaining to me. I mean like clothing stores, conveniece store and a coffee shop! Now I found my breakfast.

     I opened the door 'Ding!' ooh, a bell! Like those movies that I watched. I could already smell the coffee. I personally don't like coffee and you might wonder why I chose a coffee shop? Well I'm sure they sell something else. I looked through the menu.

     "Hello..what can I get you?" The server asked me, in a rather depressed tone.


     I haven't even look through the menu! The server raised her eyebrows and let out a sigh. Which makes me even more nervous.

     "Yes?" She said.

"I miss you.." | Ninjago Jaya AU [Roommate AU]Where stories live. Discover now