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A/N: Before anything I would like to say that the vote between the ship Kailor or Lava is already closed and have been decided. The decision is I will be doing both (since it was a tie when it was CLOSED). The poll between the two was only up for a few days and after those days, the decision is done so if any of you say that 'Kailor has the most vote', this is because after some time, more people voted when the decision was done. I hope you all won't be dissapointed, I will be doing mostly Kailor in this book but on the second, I'll be doing Lava. Thank you and sorry for the long wait :)


"Soo...we're done with moving and stuff, let's drive back to your dorm and set things up!"
Cole excitedly said.
"Yeah okay buddy, you're tagging along?"
I asked.
"Of course! I would love to-"
Suddenly, Cole's phone rung. He sighed as if he knew who was calling him.
He groaned, picking up his phone and place it next to his ear.
"Yes dad?"
He said. Oh yes, of course it would be his dad, probably telling him about some dance club that he want Cole to join...
"Huh? Oh okay, I'll be there.."
Cole said his goodbyes and hung up the phone.
"What's up?"
I asked in concern, seeing as Cole was pretty bummed out after the phone call.
"Sorry bro, my dad is telling me to go to some celebration meeting or something like that. I don't know why I have to go man...like yeah I'm his son but whyyy??"
Cole groaned in frustration, clearly not wanting to go to that meeting he said.
"Hey hey, it's fine, I don't have that much stuff anyways!"
I said, patting my friend's back. Cole nodded and sighed once more. The two friends hugged and waved goodbye.
"I'll call tonight! Actually, you should come to my place tonight! I'll invite Kai too!"
Cole excitedly said, especially at the 'Kai' part. I nodded as I watch Cole walking over to his motorcycle. He waved again and drove off.
"Dearie, will you stay for a bit? I made some pie!"
Ma said, I immediately agreed, following her inside. Poor Cole, he left before he could have any of Ma's famous delicous apple pie!


After eating and talking for a while, Ma gave me some leftover pie to maybe give it to Cole or my roommate, Nya...Pa also showed me some of his new inventions which is always of course interesting. Finally it was time for me to leave and get back to the dorms to unpack. I hugged Ma and Pa then left. I got into the car, with my familiar driver and got back to college. I wonder how's Nya, she also said she's moving with the help of her brother. What if her brother is still there?? What if he meets her brother?? It's fine...nothing would happen, probably..hopefully!
I walked inside the dormitory and found my boxes infront of the dorm with a man.
"Jay Gordon?"
He asked.
"Yes, please call me by Jay Walker."
He nodded and handed me a pen and a piece of paper. I signed it and gave those back to him. He smiled and nodded.
"I'll be moving these boxes inside, would you like help, Mr. Walker?"
I shook my head.
"Can you just uhm..move the box inside and I'll unpack myself, thank you."
I unlock the dorm room, nervously looking inside. There was Nya, sitting on the couch. She noticed the door opening and looked up from her phone.
"Oh hey Jay!"
She said, a hint of surprise in her voice.      I gave her a small wave and signal the guy to bring in the boxes.
"Sorry if I'm bothering you, I'm just moving some boxes and then unpack, I'll be quiet don't worry I-"
I rambles, before being interupted by Nya chuckling.
"It's totally fine, I finished packing earlier, it was pretty quick thanks to my brothers. Can I help?"
She asked, sitting up, placing her phone down on the table.
"Uh- well..I wouldn't want you to work."
"I insist, plus I'm pretty bored. My friends are also packing, they just came by for a bit and left."
I hesitanted for a minute before nodding.
"I'll be on my way, Mr. Walker."
The man said, setting down the last box. I thanked him before he left. I turned back to Nya.
"Are you sure, I don't want to bother you, Nya.."
She nodded, standing up and looking over to my boxes.
"Yeah! What did you bring? These boxes are pretty small?"
I chuckled nervously.
"Just some stuffs..."
I said, stratching the back of my head. I turn to open a box, some of my books and random items that I had.
"You into astronomy?"
Nya asked, picking up a book from the box.
"Ah yes! Well a litte bit, I like to stargaze sometimes.."
  I mumbled. Which Nya giggled in respond.
  "That's cool, I'm sure that's fun."
  "You can join me if you'd like!"
  I blurted out out of excitement by accident.
  "Sorry! I just thought you would like to go stargazing with me sometime!"
  I quickly apologized, Nya just nodded.
  "It's fine, and I would love to go stargaze with you sometime! Thanks."
  Nya said, helping me place some books on the shelf in my room. After we were done with some boxes, I handled some of my clothes and personal stuff while Nya focused on placing the books. She hums quietly while she looks through each one of the books. We talked about somethings while unpacking, family...future...dreams. She was absolutely amazing, she also wanted to work at Borg Tower..like me! She wants to settle in a small apartment after college and focus on her career.
  "Huh? Uh..Jay, you like inventing?"
  Nya asked, holding up a small robot that I was working on from a box. Inside the box were some other inventions and blue prints.
  "Yeah...I like to get creative in my free time, it got me into Engineering actually."
   I nervously scratches the back of my neck. Nya took her time to looking at the robot, turning it around and seems like she was examining the invention.
  "It's really nice, but unfinished?"
  I nodded.
  "Yup! I was working on it, hopefully I can get it to move."
   "Does it have a purpose? Or just a fun and smal robot to play around?"
   Nya smiled, seems amused by the small robot.
  "Just to play around, maybe I'll make it like a helper robot."
   I said, as an idea popped up in my head.
   "I invent too! I'm actually working on building a motorcycle. Well, not really, it's my dad's old one that broke down. I just fixed and redesgined it. But I can't get it to work!"
   Nya told her story, slowly putting down the robot and looked through some blue prints.
  "Oh...my dad, well to be exact my caretaker...he has experience on vehicles. He can help? Where I live...we have some equipments that can help?"
   I offered, trying to avoid telling Nya that I lived in a junkyard. It's not something to be ashamed of but I just felt like I shouldn't say...especially to Nya.
  "Really!? If you don't mind, maybe I can meet your...uh caretaker?"
  I happily agreed, letting her look through some of my imventions and blue prints while I unpack the rest of the boxes. She told me about some of her other inventions, mostly ideas of hers.
   "I think I bought some blueprints, hopefully one day I can make those into real models."
   Nya said.
  "If you need a...friend, I'm here!"
   I smiled, finally finished packing.
   Nya returned the small, neatly put all of my stuffs back into the box.
   "I never felt this comfortable talking to someone."
   Nya admitted, a bit embarassed after saying so.
  "Me too, we have a lot in common!"
   Nya nodded, standing up from the bed.
   "Since we're finished...I'll see you later? Maybe tomorrow for class. I'm gonna sleep over with some friends."
   Nya said.
  "I won't be lonely either, I'm doing the same thing!"
   Nya chuckled, waving goodbye as she walks out.
   Woah. We really do have a lot in common...Jeez..she's the best. I can't believe how we just talked as if we were friends for years.. maybe Cole's right? Maybe we're meant to be? Ugh..that's cheesy...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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