Thoughts and ideas

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Anything can start with a simple thought.
The thought then becomes inspiration, and from inspiration, an idea.

Ideas are often used for other creative things, such as building, any action, a procedure...

I myself use it to create worlds as many authors do.

A thought is a powerful thing.

With my thoughts, worlds were born, details, elements, properties...

I said you need to have motivation and an idea to be able to write something.

I also said in the previous chapter that you could have ideas but no motivation, disabling you from writing at all.

But what if you have motivation, but no ideas?
Yes, it is possible.

You have this urge to write, do something, anything.
But you can't. You have no idea what to write exactly.

Like having a fueled up car – engine running, everything is prepared –
But you don't know where to go. What is your destination?

So you drive wherever, hoping you find something and keep it rolling.

Most of the time, you find yourself in a place you don't really feel right in – meaning when you start doing something with that motivation of yours, but it doesn't feel right.

For the past few months, I have been alternating between having no motivation but bursting with ideas and having motivation but lacking ideas.

This is why I was unproductive with writing.
Nothing came out, I couldn't feel like letting out ideas that were around, or I couldn't let any ideas out at all because there were none.

But there was something important that I realized–
Ideas come from thought.

Any idea can come from thought, so think.
Motivation comes from action, so just act.

I've somewhat discovered how I can combat my own lack of motivation or ideas.
Write whatever thought comes to mind, and with the action of writing, motivation develops.

Keep doing, keep moving, keep thinking.

You can make something great if you do these.

Thoughts of a creator.Where stories live. Discover now