The bodygaurd

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"This place isn't bad actually." Vaggie looked around the purple walls of the café they sat in.

"Its so pretty right?" Charlie agreed with her. "Oh wait till you try their rainbow cookies!"

"Eh I'm not much of a sweet tooth." Vaggie looked down at her hands.

"Can I take your order princess?" An imp man asked as he held a note book.

"Yes please! I'll take a mocha and a rainbow cookie." Charlie perked up. She nodded towards Vaggie indicating he take her order now.

"I'll take a black coffee thanks." Vaggie spoke in a monotone voice.

The ex exorcist stayed quiet for a while.

"You know Charie, I really apricate how much you've been taking care of me this last month. I just...feel kind of guilty. Like I'm taking advantage of your hospitality." Vaggie admitted.

"Vaggie your not take advantage at all! I love helping you." Charlie spoke with her hand on her heart.
"I know and I think that's really sweet of you, but I don't want to just really on you. I want to get a job." Vaggie brushed a stray strand of her short hair behind her ear

"Oh that sounds fun. What did you do when you were alive?" Charlie scrunching her nose out of curiosity.

"When I was uh.....up there I was in the military." Vaggie lied.
"What country did you serve in?" Charlie asked.
Vaggie blanked. Shit.
"Salvador." Vaggie mumbled. Her parents were earth born winners who lived in Salvador when they were alive.
"Did you enjoy your time there?" The princess gave a nod of thanks to the imp as she accepted her coffee and cookie.
Vaggie stared at the black coffee in front of her. Her hands gripping the side of the cup.
"I did for a while. I did some really terrible things I'm not proud of. " Vaggie admitted with a guilty conscience. Wincing at the fact that she sat in a room with the same people she would have happily slaughtered two months ago.

Charlie gave her a sympathetic frown. "What did you do?"

Vaggie didn't want to meet her eyes. "I hurt a lot of people. Trust me, this is where I belong."

Charlie placed her hand on top of Vaggie's. "Well that's in your past. What's important is you regret in now. You don't have to do anything like that now, but you could use your skills for good. You could be a body guard." She suggested.

Vaggie lifted an eyebrow. "Who in hell needs a body guard?"

"Carmilla Carmin has two daughters. Odette and Clara. She sends them out on deliveries, they used to have a hellhound but he um....retried." Charlie smiled nervously.

"Carmila Carmin is holding interviews for a replacement. I could get you one!" The blonde woman cheered.

Vaggie thought for a moment. "Sure, that sounds good. I just don't know if she'd want to hire someone like me."

"She has hired sinners before. I saw she had a sinner body guard for her girls back in the 60s but, she passed away during the cleanse." The princess explained sadly.

That wasn't exactly what she meant.

"I guess it cant hurt to try. I do want to get back to work." Vaggie mused.

"Perfect! I'll make a call right away.

Vaggie was brushing out her bob hair cut. Combing it until it was perfectly straight. She needed to look presentable.

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