Sweet as cotten candy

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Vaggie returned from a long day of work. She sat down on the red sofa, slumping against its back. Her back was sore because she had gotten into a fight with some asshole trying to steal Carmilla’s merch.

“Hi Vaggie!” Charlie waved, she ran over to her girlfriend and welcome her with a kiss on the cheek. Suddenly her phone started to ring. Circus music was playing. The blonde woman pulled out her phone and frowned. Seeing the photo of the duck wearing a white top hat.

“You ok?” Vaggie asked reaching her hand up.

“My dads calling.” The thin demon looked at the screen for a while. She let the tune play out for a few seconds before she swiped to answer the call. “Hey dad.”

“Charlie! How is my little duckling doing this evening?” Lucifer asked as he leaned on his desk. Pushing one of the many rubber ducks out of the way.

“I’m doing swell dad. Vaggie just came home, so we’re going out for dinner tonight.“ The blonde responded.

“Well that sounds like fun but you know what would be even more fun? Attending one of Beelzebub’s parties!” Lucifer fiddled with the edges of his white coat.

“I was really planning on going to her party tonight dad.” Charlie paced around the room with one hand in her pocket.

“Well the thing is, I was meant to have a business meeting with Bee next week. But uh….something came up. I would really love it if you went instead of me.” The thing that came up was a large pile of rubber ducks sitting on his shelves. The ones he didn’t sell were collecting dust.

“Daaaaad. Why can’t you just reschedule?” Charlie pinced the bride of her doll like nose.

“This is sort of the fifth time I’ve rescheduled with her. I’m a busy guy you know. Soooo maybe you could fit it in to your day?” Lucifer asked hopefully.

“Dad, what is the meeting even about?” Charlie asked her eyebrows furrowing in annoyance.

“Bee has this new, invention of hers. She neededs the Morningstar signature to sign off on it, and sell it. Its some halucinagenic drug that she calls cotton candy. She wants to start giving it to hellhounds as soon as we sign off on it. So what better time to do that then at a party?” Lucifer asked giving the thumbs up as if Charlie could see her.

“Dad that’s going to take like one minute. Why cant you just head over there?” Charlie took in a deep breath through her nose.

“I just cant fit it in. Plus you will have lots of fun! Maybe you can try it out? It works on all hellborns and sinners! Meant to be pretty strong stuff. That’s kinda why she needed my approval. Its got some magical qualities. The first version kind of cause a hell hound to um- well its fixed that’s the main thing. No ones been hurt with this version in the test run!” The big boss of hell himself explained the situation to his child.

“Dad, you know I don’t like that kind of stuff. What do you mean it doesn’t hurt people before? What happened the first time?” Charlie was starting to get frazzled.

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